macOS Serial Number

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Basic Information

Apple devices post-2010 have serial numbers consisting of 12 alphanumeric characters, each segment conveying specific information:

  • First 3 Characters: Indicate the manufacturing location.

  • Characters 4 & 5: Denote the year and week of manufacture.

  • Characters 6 to 8: Serve as a unique identifier for each device.

  • Last 4 Characters: Specify the model number.

For instance, the serial number C02L13ECF8J2 follows this structure.

Manufacturing Locations (First 3 Characters)

Certain codes represent specific factories:

  • FC, F, XA/XB/QP/G8: Various locations in the USA.

  • RN: Mexico.

  • CK: Cork, Ireland.

  • VM: Foxconn, Czech Republic.

  • SG/E: Singapore.

  • MB: Malaysia.

  • PT/CY: Korea.

  • EE/QT/UV: Taiwan.

  • FK/F1/F2, W8, DL/DM, DN, YM/7J, 1C/4H/WQ/F7: Different locations in China.

  • C0, C3, C7: Specific cities in China.

  • RM: Refurbished devices.

Year of Manufacturing (4th Character)

This character varies from 'C' (representing the first half of 2010) to 'Z' (second half of 2019), with different letters indicating different half-year periods.

Week of Manufacturing (5th Character)

Digits 1-9 correspond to weeks 1-9. Letters C-Y (excluding vowels and 'S') represent weeks 10-27. For the second half of the year, 26 is added to this number.

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