Steal postmessage modifying iframe location

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Changing child iframes locations

According to this writeup, if you can iframe a webpage without X-Frame-Header that contains another iframe, you can change the location of that child iframe.

For example, if have as iframe and didn't have X-Frame header, I could change the to cross origin using, frames.location.

This is specially useful in postMessages because if a page is sending sensitive data using a wildcard like windowRef.postmessage("","*") it's possible to change the location of the related iframe (child or parent) to an attackers controlled location and steal that data.

    <iframe src="" />
       //pseudo code
        setTimeout(function(){ exp(); }, 6000);

        function exp(){
          //needs to modify this every 0.1s as it's not clear when the iframe of the iframe affected is created 
          }, 100);
Learn AWS hacking from zero to hero with htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!

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