Frida Tutorial

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Bug bounty tip: prijavite se za Intigriti, premium bug bounty platformu koju su kreirali hakeri, za hakere! Pridružite nam se na danas, i počnite da zarađujete nagrade do $100,000!


Install frida tools:

pip install frida-tools
pip install frida

Preuzmite i instalirajte u android frida server (Preuzmite najnovije izdanje). Jedna linija za restartovanje adb u root modu, povezivanje na njega, upload frida-server, davanje exec dozvola i pokretanje u pozadini:

adb root; adb connect localhost:6000; sleep 1; adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp/; adb shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/frida-server"; adb shell "/data/local/tmp/frida-server &"

Proverite da li radi:

frida-ps -U #List packages and processes
frida-ps -U | grep -i <part_of_the_package_name> #Get all the package name


From: APK: Source Code:

Follow the link to read it.

From: (Delovi 2, 3 & 4) APKs and Source code:

Follow the link to read it.

From: APK:

Follow the link to read it.

You can find more Awesome Frida scripts here:

Quick Examples

Calling Frida from command line

frida-ps -U

#Basic frida hooking
frida -l disableRoot.js -f owasp.mstg.uncrackable1

#Hooking before starting the app
frida -U --no-pause -l disableRoot.js -f owasp.mstg.uncrackable1
#The --no-pause and -f options allow the app to be spawned automatically,
#frozen so that the instrumentation can occur, and the automatically
#continue execution with our modified code.

Osnovni Python Skript

import frida, sys

jscode = open(sys.argv[0]).read()
process = frida.get_usb_device().attach('infosecadventures.fridademo')
script = process.create_script(jscode)
print('[ * ] Running Frida Demo application')

Hooking functions without parameters

Hookujte funkciju a() klase sg.vantagepoint.a.c

Java.perform(function () {
;  rootcheck1.a.overload().implementation = function() {
rootcheck1.a.overload().implementation = function() {
send("sg.vantagepoint.a.c.a()Z   Root check 1 HIT!  su.exists()");
return false;

Hook java exit()

var sysexit = Java.use("java.lang.System");
sysexit.exit.overload("int").implementation = function(var_0) {
send("java.lang.System.exit(I)V  // We avoid exiting the application  :)");

Hook MainActivity .onStart() & .onCreate()

var mainactivity = Java.use("sg.vantagepoint.uncrackable1.MainActivity");
mainactivity.onStart.overload().implementation = function() {
send("MainActivity.onStart() HIT!!!");
var ret = this.onStart.overload().call(this);
mainactivity.onCreate.overload("android.os.Bundle").implementation = function(var_0) {
send("MainActivity.onCreate() HIT!!!");
var ret = this.onCreate.overload("android.os.Bundle").call(this,var_0);

Hook android .onCreate()

var activity = Java.use("");
activity.onCreate.overload("android.os.Bundle").implementation = function(var_0) {
send("Activity HIT!!!");
var ret = this.onCreate.overload("android.os.Bundle").call(this,var_0);

Hooking functions with parameters and retrieving the value

Hooking funkcije za dekripciju. Ispisati ulaz, pozvati originalnu funkciju za dekripciju ulaza i konačno, ispisati obične podatke:

function getString(data){
var ret = "";
for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++){
ret += data[i].toString();
return ret
var aes_decrypt = Java.use("sg.vantagepoint.a.a");
aes_decrypt.a.overload("[B","[B").implementation = function(var_0,var_1) {
send("sg.vantagepoint.a.a.a([B[B)[B   doFinal(enc)  // AES/ECB/PKCS7Padding");
send("Key       : " + getString(var_0));
send("Encrypted : " + getString(var_1));
var ret = this.a.overload("[B","[B").call(this,var_0,var_1);
send("Decrypted : " + ret);

var flag = "";
for (var i=0; i < ret.length; i++){
flag += String.fromCharCode(ret[i]);
send("Decrypted flag: " + flag);
return ret; //[B

Hooking functions and calling them with our input

Hook-ujte funkciju koja prima string i pozovite je sa drugim stringom (iz ovde)

var string_class = Java.use("java.lang.String"); // get a JS wrapper for java's String class"java.lang.String").implementation = function(x){ //hooking the new function
var my_string = string_class.$new("My TeSt String#####"); //creating a new String by using `new` operator
console.log("Original arg: " +x );
var ret =; // calling the original function with the new String, and putting its return value in ret variable
console.log("Return value: "+ret);
return ret;

Dobijanje već kreiranog objekta klase

Ako želite da izvučete neki atribut kreiranog objekta, možete koristiti ovo.

U ovom primeru ćete videti kako da dobijete objekat klase my_activity i kako da pozovete funkciju .secret() koja će odštampati privatni atribut objekta:

Java.choose("com.example.a11x256.frida_test.my_activity" , {
onMatch : function(instance){ //This function will be called for every instance found by frida
console.log("Found instance: "+instance);
console.log("Result of secret func: " + instance.secret());

Ostali Frida tutorijali

Savjet za bug bounty: prijavite se za Intigriti, premium bug bounty platformu koju su kreirali hakeri, za hakere! Pridružite nam se na danas, i počnite zarađivati nagrade do $100,000!

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