10000 - Pentesting Network Data Management Protocol (ndmp)

htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)를 통해 AWS 해킹을 처음부터 전문가까지 배워보세요!

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프로토콜 정보

Wikipedia에서 가져온 내용:

NDMP 또는 Network Data Management Protocol은 네트워크에 연결된 저장소 장치(NAS)와 백업 장치 간에 데이터를 전송하기 위한 프로토콜입니다. 이를 통해 데이터를 백업 서버 자체를 통해 전송할 필요가 없어져 속도가 향상되고 백업 서버의 부하가 줄어듭니다.

기본 포트: 10000

10000/tcp open  ndmp    syn-ack Symantec/Veritas Backup Exec ndmp


Enumeration is the process of gathering information about a target network or system. It involves identifying and collecting data such as open ports, running services, and user accounts. Enumeration is an essential step in the hacking process as it provides valuable information that can be used to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access.

There are various techniques and tools that can be used for enumeration, including port scanning, service identification, and user enumeration. Each technique focuses on a specific aspect of the target network or system and helps in building a comprehensive picture of its infrastructure.

During enumeration, it is important to be thorough and systematic. This involves scanning all possible ports, identifying all running services, and enumerating all user accounts. The collected information should be carefully analyzed to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses that can be exploited.

Enumeration can be performed manually or using automated tools. Manual enumeration requires a deep understanding of network protocols and services, while automated tools can simplify the process by scanning and collecting data automatically.

Overall, enumeration is a critical phase in the hacking process as it provides the necessary information to plan and execute successful attacks. By understanding the target network or system, hackers can identify and exploit vulnerabilities, ultimately gaining unauthorized access.

nmap -n -sV --script "ndmp-fs-info or ndmp-version" -p 10000 <IP> #Both are default scripts



htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)를 통해 AWS 해킹을 처음부터 전문가까지 배워보세요!

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