49 - Pentesting TACACS+

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Basic Information

Mfumo wa Kudhibiti Upatikanaji wa Kituo (TACACS) unatumika kuthibitisha watumiaji kwa kati wanaojaribu kufikia route au Seva za Upatikanaji wa Mtandao (NAS). Toleo lake lililoboreshwa, TACACS+, linatenganisha huduma katika uthibitishaji, idhini, na uhasibu (AAA).

49/tcp open   tacacs

Default port: 49

Intercept Authentication Key

Ikiwa mawasiliano kati ya mteja na seva ya TACACS yanakatizwa na mshambuliaji, funguo ya uthibitishaji iliyosimbwa inaweza kukamatwa. Mshambuliaji anaweza kisha kujaribu shambulio la nguvu za ndani dhidi ya funguo bila kugundulika katika kumbukumbu. Ikiwa atafanikiwa katika kujaribu nguvu funguo, mshambuliaji anapata ufikiaji wa vifaa vya mtandao na anaweza kufungua trafiki kwa kutumia zana kama Wireshark.

Performing a MitM Attack

Shambulio la ARP spoofing linaweza kutumika kufanya shambulio la Man-in-the-Middle (MitM).

Brute-forcing the Key

Loki inaweza kutumika kujaribu nguvu funguo:

sudo loki_gtk.py

If the key is successfully bruteforced (usually in MD5 encrypted format), we can access the equipment and decrypt the TACACS-encrypted traffic.

Decrypting Traffic

Once the key is successfully cracked, the next step is to decrypt the TACACS-encrypted traffic. Wireshark can handle encrypted TACACS traffic if the key is provided. By analyzing the decrypted traffic, information such as the banner used and the username of the admin user can be obtained.

By gaining access to the control panel of network equipment using the obtained credentials, the attacker can exert control over the network. It's important to note that these actions are strictly for educational purposes and should not be used without proper authorization.


Try Hard Security Group

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Last updated