AppendData/AddSubdirectory permission over service registry

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Two registry keys were found to be writable by the current user:

  • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache

  • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RpcEptMapper

It was suggested to check the permissions of the RpcEptMapper service using the regedit GUI, specifically the Advanced Security Settings window's Effective Permissions tab. This approach enables the assessment of granted permissions to specific users or groups without the need to examine each Access Control Entry (ACE) individually.

A screenshot showed the permissions assigned to a low-privileged user, among which the Create Subkey permission was notable. This permission, also referred to as AppendData/AddSubdirectory, corresponds with the script's findings.

The inability to modify certain values directly, yet the capability to create new subkeys, was noted. An example highlighted was an attempt to alter the ImagePath value, which resulted in an access denied message.

Despite these limitations, a potential for privilege escalation was identified through the possibility of leveraging the Performance subkey within the RpcEptMapper service's registry structure, a subkey not present by default. This could enable DLL registration and performance monitoring.

Documentation on the Performance subkey and its utilization for performance monitoring was consulted, leading to the development of a proof-of-concept DLL. This DLL, demonstrating the implementation of OpenPerfData, CollectPerfData, and ClosePerfData functions, was tested via rundll32, confirming its operational success.

The goal was to coerce the RPC Endpoint Mapper service into loading the crafted Performance DLL. Observations revealed that executing WMI class queries related to Performance Data via PowerShell resulted in the creation of a log file, enabling the execution of arbitrary code under the LOCAL SYSTEM context, thus granting elevated privileges.

The persistence and potential implications of this vulnerability were underscored, highlighting its relevance for post-exploitation strategies, lateral movement, and evasion of antivirus/EDR systems.

Although the vulnerability was initially disclosed unintentionally through the script, it was emphasized that its exploitation is constrained to outdated Windows versions (e.g., Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2) and requires local access.

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