43 - Pentesting WHOIS

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Osnovne informacije

Protokol WHOIS služi kao standardna metoda za istraživanje o registrovanima ili vlasnicima različitih Internet resursa putem specifičnih baza podataka. Ovi resursi obuhvataju imena domena, blokove IP adresa i autonomne sisteme, između ostalog. Pored ovoga, protokol se koristi za pristup širem spektru informacija.

Podrazumevani port: 43

43/tcp open   whois?


Dobijte sve informacije koje whois servis ima o domenu:

whois -h <HOST> -p <PORT> "domain.tld"
echo "domain.ltd" | nc -vn <HOST> <PORT>

Notice than sometimes when requesting for some information to a WHOIS service the database being used appears in the response:

Takođe, WHOIS servis uvek mora koristiti bazu podataka za skladištenje i ekstrakciju informacija. Dakle, moguća SQLInjection može biti prisutna kada se upit vrši na bazi podataka na osnovu informacija koje je korisnik pružio. Na primer, koristeći: whois -h -p 43 "a') or 1=1#" mogli biste izvući sve informacije sačuvane u bazi podataka.


  • port:43 whois

HackTricks Automatic Commands

Protocol_Name: WHOIS    #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one.
Port_Number:  43     #Comma separated if there is more than one.
Protocol_Description: WHOIS         #Protocol Abbreviation Spelled out

Name: Notes
Description: Notes for WHOIS
Note: |
The WHOIS protocol serves as a standard method for inquiring about the registrants or holders of various Internet resources through specific databases. These resources encompass domain names, blocks of IP addresses, and autonomous systems, among others. Beyond these, the protocol finds application in accessing a broader spectrum of information.


Name: Banner Grab
Description: Grab WHOIS Banner
Command: whois -h {IP} -p 43 {Domain_Name} && echo {Domain_Name} | nc -vn {IP} 43

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