Google CTF 2018 - Shall We Play a Game?

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看起来你需要赢得 1000000 次才能获得 flag。

按照 Android 渗透测试 中的步骤,您可以反编译应用程序以获取 smali 代码,并使用 jadx 读取 Java 代码。

阅读 Java 代码:

看起来打印 flag 的函数是 m().

Smali 更改

第一次调用 m()

让应用程序在变量 this.o != 1000000 时调用 m(),为此,只需更改条件:

if-ne v0, v9, :cond_2

Google CTF 2018: Shall we play a game?

Flag 1

The first flag is stored in the SharedPreferences of the application. You can easily retrieve it using adb.

Flag 2

The second flag is stored in the app's internal database. You can access it by pulling the database file from the device using adb.

Flag 3

The third flag is stored in a file located at /data/data/ on the device. You can pull this file using adb.

Flag 4

The fourth flag is stored in the app's cache directory. You can retrieve it by pulling the cache directory from the device using adb.

Flag 5

The fifth flag is stored in the app's private directory. You can access it by pulling the app's private directory from the device using adb.

Flag 6

The sixth flag is stored in the app's external storage directory. You can retrieve it by pulling the external storage directory from the device using adb.

if-eq v0, v9, :cond_2





第四种方法是添加一条指令,将v9(1000000)的值移动到v0 (this.o)



