#Connection with random nicknameUSERran213eqdw1230*ran213eqdw123NICKran213eqdw123#If a PING :<random> is responded you need to send#PONG :<received random>VERSIONHELPINFOLINKSHELPOPUSERCMDSHELPOPOPERCMDSOPERATORCAPAADMIN#Admin infoUSERS#Current number of usersTIME#Server's timeSTATSa#Only operators should be able to run thisNAMES #List channel names and usernames inside of each channel -> Nombre del canal y nombre de las personas que estan dentro
LIST#List channel names along with channel bannerWHOIS<USERNAME>#WHOIS a usernameUSERHOST<USERNAME>#If available, get hostname of a userUSERIP<USERNAME>#If available, get ip of a userJOIN<CHANNEL_NAME>#Connect to a channel#Operator creds Brute-ForceOPER<USERNAME><PASSWORD>