Wifi Pcap Analysis

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Proverite BSSID-ove

Kada primite snimak čiji je glavni saobraćaj Wifi koristeći WireShark, možete početi da istražujete sve SSID-ove snimka sa Wireless --> WLAN Traffic:

Brute Force

Jedna od kolona na toj ekranu pokazuje da li je bilo kakva autentifikacija pronađena unutar pcap-a. Ako je to slučaj, možete pokušati da je Brute force-ujete koristeći aircrack-ng:

aircrack-ng -w pwds-file.txt -b <BSSID> file.pcap

For example it will retrieve the WPA passphrase protecting a PSK (pre shared-key), that will be required to decrypt the trafic later.

Data in Beacons / Side Channel

If you suspect that podaci se curi unutar beacons Wifi mreže you can check the beacons of the network using a filter like the following one: wlan contains <NAMEofNETWORK>, or wlan.ssid == "NAMEofNETWORK" search inside the filtered packets for suspicious strings.

Find Unknown MAC Addresses in A Wifi Network

The following link will be useful to find the mašine koje šalju podatke unutar Wifi mreže:

  • ((wlan.ta == e8:de:27:16:70:c9) && !(wlan.fc == 0x8000)) && !(wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x0005) && !(wlan.fc.type_subtype ==0x0004) && !(wlan.addr==ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) && wlan.fc.type==2

If you already know MAC adrese možete ih ukloniti iz izlaza adding checks like this one: && !(wlan.addr==5c:51:88:31:a0:3b)

Once you have detected nepoznate MAC adrese communicating inside the network you can use filters like the following one: wlan.addr==<MAC address> && (ftp || http || ssh || telnet) to filter its traffic. Note that ftp/http/ssh/telnet filters are useful if you have decrypted the traffic.

Decrypt Traffic

Edit --> Preferences --> Protocols --> IEEE 802.11--> Edit

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