Hatua za kufunga Frida kwenye kifaa kilichovunjwa:
Fungua programu ya Cydia/Sileo.
Nenda kwenye Manage -> Sources -> Edit -> Add.
Ingiza "https://build.frida.re" kama URL.
Nenda kwenye chanzo kipya cha Frida kilichoongezwa.
Sakinisha pakiti ya Frida.
Ikiwa unatumia Corellium utahitaji kupakua toleo la Frida kutoka https://github.com/frida/frida/releases (frida-gadget-[yourversion]-ios-universal.dylib.gz) na ufungue na nakili kwenye eneo la dylib ambalo Frida inahitaji, mfano: /Users/[youruser]/.cache/frida/gadget-ios.dylib
Baada ya kusakinishwa, unaweza kutumia kwenye PC yako amri frida-ls-devices na kuangalia kwamba kifaa kinaonekana (PC yako inahitaji kuwa na uwezo wa kukifikia).
Tekeleza pia frida-ps -Uia kuangalia michakato inayofanya kazi kwenye simu.
Frida bila kifaa kilichovunjwa & bila kubadilisha programu
Na seva ya Frida imewekwa na kifaa kinaendesha na kuunganishwa, angalia ikiwa mteja unafanya kazi:
frida-ls-devices# List devicesfrida-ps-Uia# Get running processes
Frida Trace
# Functions## Trace all functions with the word "log" in their namefrida-trace-U<program>-i"*log*"frida-trace-U<program>-i"*log*"|swiftdemangle# Demangle names# Objective-C## Trace all methods of all classesfrida-trace-U<program>-m"*[* *]"## Trace all methods with the word "authentication" from classes that start with "NE"frida-trace-U<program>-m"*[NE* *authentication*]"# Plug-In## To hook a plugin that is momentarely executed prepare Frida indicating the ID of the Plugin binaryfrida-trace-U-W<if-plugin-bin>-m'*[* *]'
Pata madarasa na mbinu zote
Kukamilisha kiotomatiki: Tekeleza tu frida -U <program>
Pata madarasayote yanayopatikana (chujio kwa nyenzo)
// frida -U <program> -l /tmp/script.jsvar specificClass ="YourClassName";var filterMethod ="filtermethod";if (ObjC.available) {if (ObjC.classes.hasOwnProperty(specificClass)) {var methods =ObjC.classes[specificClass].$ownMethods;for (var i =0; i <methods.length; i++) {if (!filterMethod || methods[i].includes(filterClass)) {console.log(specificClass +': '+ methods[i]);}}} else {console.log("Class not found.");}} else {console.log("Objective-C runtime is not available.");}
Piga kazi
// Find the address of the function to callconstfunc_addr=Module.findExportByName("<Prog Name>","<Func Name>");// Declare the function to callconstfunc=newNativeFunction(func_addr,"void", ["pointer","pointer","pointer"], {});var arg0 =null;// In this case to call this function we need to intercept a call to it to copy arg0Interceptor.attach(wg_log_addr, {onEnter:function(args) {arg0 =newNativePointer(args[0]);}});// Wait untill a call to the func occurswhile (! arg0) {Thread.sleep(1);console.log("waiting for ptr");}var arg1 =Memory.allocUtf8String('arg1');var txt =Memory.allocUtf8String('Some text for arg2');wg_log(arg0, arg1, txt);console.log("loaded");
Frida Fuzzing
Frida Stalker
From the docs: Stalker ni injini ya kufuatilia ya Frida. Inaruhusu nyuzi kufuatwa, ikikamata kila kazi, kila block, hata kila amri inayotekelezwa.
Huu ni mfano mwingine wa kuunganisha Frida Stalker kila wakati kazi inaitwa:
console.log("loading");constwg_log_addr=Module.findExportByName("<Program>","<function_name>");constwg_log=newNativeFunction(wg_log_addr,"void", ["pointer","pointer","pointer"], {});Interceptor.attach(wg_log_addr, {onEnter:function(args) {console.log(`logging the following message: ${args[2].readCString()}`);Stalker.follow({events: {// only collect coverage for newly encountered blockscompile:true,},onReceive:function (events) {constbbs=Stalker.parse(events, {stringify:false,annotate:false});console.log("Stalker trace of write_msg_to_log: \n"+bbs.flat().map(DebugSymbol.fromAddress).join('\n'));}});},onLeave:function(retval) {Stalker.unfollow();Stalker.flush(); // this is important to get all events}});
Hii ni ya kuvutia kutoka kwa madhumuni ya debugging lakini kwa fuzzing, kuwa na .follow() na .unfollow() kila wakati ni isiyofaa sana.
fpicker ni Frida-based fuzzing suite inayotoa aina mbalimbali za fuzzing modes kwa fuzzing ya ndani, kama vile hali ya AFL++ au hali ya kufuatilia isiyo ya moja kwa moja. Inapaswa kufanya kazi kwenye majukwaa yote yanayoungwa mkono na Frida.
# Get fpickergitclonehttps://github.com/ttdennis/fpickercdfpicker# Get Frida core devkit and prepare fpickerwget https://github.com/frida/frida/releases/download/16.1.4/frida-core-devkit-16.1.4-[yourOS]-[yourarchitecture].tar.xz
# e.g. https://github.com/frida/frida/releases/download/16.1.4/frida-core-devkit-16.1.4-macos-arm64.tar.xztar-xf./*tar.xzcplibfrida-core.alibfrida-core-[yourOS].a#libfrida-core-macos.a# Install fpickermakefpicker-[yourOS]# fpicker-macos# This generates ./fpicker# Install radamsa (fuzzer generator)brewinstallradamsa
Andaa FS:
# From inside fpicker clonemkdir-pexamples/wg-log# Where the fuzzing script will bemkdir-pexamples/wg-log/out# For code coverage and crashesmkdir-pexamples/wg-log/in# For starting inputs# Create at least 1 input for the fuzzerechoHelloWorld>examples/wg-log/in/0
Fuzzer script (examples/wg-log/myfuzzer.js):
// Import the fuzzer base classimport { Fuzzer } from"../../harness/fuzzer.js";classWGLogFuzzerextendsFuzzer {constructor() {console.log("WGLogFuzzer constructor called")// Get and declare the function we are going to fuzzvar wg_log_addr =Module.findExportByName("<Program name>","<func name to fuzz>");var wg_log_func =newNativeFunction(wg_log_addr,"void", ["pointer","pointer","pointer"], {});// Initialize the objectsuper("<Program nane>", wg_log_addr, wg_log_func);this.wg_log_addr = wg_log_addr; // We cannot use "this" before calling "super"console.log("WGLogFuzzer in the middle");// Prepare the second argument to pass to the fuzz functionthis.tag =Memory.allocUtf8String("arg2");// Get the first argument we need to pass from a call to the functino we want to fuzzvar wg_log_global_ptr =null;console.log(this.wg_log_addr);Interceptor.attach(this.wg_log_addr, {onEnter:function(args) {console.log("Entering in the function to get the first argument");wg_log_global_ptr =newNativePointer(args[0]);}});while (! wg_log_global_ptr) {Thread.sleep(1)}this.wg_log_global_ptr = wg_log_global_ptr;console.log("WGLogFuzzer prepare ended")}// This function is called by the fuzzer with the first argument being a pointer into memory// where the payload is stored and the second the length of the input.fuzz(payload, len) {// Get a pointer to payload being a valid C string (with a null byte at the end)var payload_cstring =payload.readCString(len);this.payload =Memory.allocUtf8String(payload_cstring);// Debug and fuzzthis.debug_log(this.payload, len);// Pass the 2 first arguments we know the function needs and finally the payload to fuzzthis.target_function(this.wg_log_global_ptr,this.tag,this.payload);}}constf=newWGLogFuzzer();rpc.exports.fuzzer = f;
Kusanya fuzzer:
# From inside fpicker clone## Compile from "myfuzzer.js" to "harness.js"frida-compileexamples/wg-log/myfuzzer.js-oharness.js
Piga fuzzer fpicker ukitumia radamsa:
# Indicate fpicker to fuzz a program with the harness.js script and which folders to usefpicker -v --fuzzer-mode active -e attach -p <Program to fuzz> -D usb -o examples/wg-log/out/ -i examples/wg-log/in/ -f harness.js --standalone-mutator cmd --mutator-command "radamsa"
# You can find code coverage and crashes in examples/wg-log/out/
Katika kesi hii haturejeshi programu au kurejesha hali baada ya kila payload. Hivyo, ikiwa Frida itapata crash ingawa ingizo la pili baada ya payload hiyo linaweza pia kusababisha programu kuanguka (kwa sababu programu iko katika hali isiyo thabiti) hata kama ingizo halipaswi kuangusha programu.
Zaidi ya hayo, Frida itashughulikia ishara za makosa za iOS, hivyo wakati Frida itakapopata crash, labda ripoti za makosa za iOS hazitazalishwa.
Ili kuzuia hili, kwa mfano, tunaweza kurestart programu baada ya kila crash ya Frida.
Logs & Crashes
Unaweza kuangalia macOS console au log cli kuangalia log za macOS.
Unaweza pia kuangalia log kutoka iOS kwa kutumia idevicesyslog.
Baadhi ya log zitakosa taarifa kwa kuongeza <private>. Ili kuonyesha taarifa zote unahitaji kufunga profaili kutoka https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/ ili kuwezesha hiyo taarifa ya kibinafsi.