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  • Check meta

curl https://www.drupal.org/ | grep 'content="Drupal'
  • Node: Drupal indexes its content using nodes. A node can hold anything such as a blog post, poll, article, etc. The page URIs are usually of the form /node/<nodeid>.

curl drupal-site.com/node/1


Drupal supports three types of users by default:

  1. Administrator: This user has complete control over the Drupal website.

  2. Authenticated User: These users can log in to the website and perform operations such as adding and editing articles based on their permissions.

  3. Anonymous: All website visitors are designated as anonymous. By default, these users are only allowed to read posts.


  • Check /CHANGELOG.txt

curl -s http://drupal-site.local/CHANGELOG.txt | grep -m2 ""

Drupal 7.57, 2018-02-21

Newer installs of Drupal by default block access to the CHANGELOG.txt and README.txt files.

Username enumeration


In /user/register just try to create a username and if the name is already taken it will be notified:

Request new password

If you request a new password for an existing username:

If you request a new password for a non-existent username:

Get number of users

Accessing /user/<number> you can see the number of existing users, in this case is 2 as /users/3 returns a not found error:

Hidden pages

Fuzz /node/$ where $ is a number (from 1 to 500 for example). You could find hidden pages (test, dev) which are not referenced by the search engines.

Installed modules info

#From https://twitter.com/intigriti/status/1439192489093644292/photo/1
#Get info on installed modules
curl https://example.com/config/sync/core.extension.yml
curl https://example.com/core/core.services.yml

# Download content from files exposed in the previous step
curl https://example.com/config/sync/swiftmailer.transport.yml


droopescan scan drupal -u http://drupal-site.local


If you have access to the Drupal web console check these options to get RCE:

Drupal RCE

From XSS to RCE

  • Drupalwned: Drupal Exploitation Script that elevate XSS to RCE or Others Critical Vulnerabilities. For more info check this post. It provides support for Drupal Versions 7.X.X, 8.X.X, 9.X.X and 10.X.X, and allows to:

    • Privilege Escalation: Creates an administrative user in Drupal.

    • (RCE) Upload Template: Upload custom templates backdoored to Drupal.

Post Exploitation

Read settings.php

find / -name settings.php -exec grep "drupal_hash_salt\|'database'\|'username'\|'password'\|'host'\|'port'\|'driver'\|'prefix'" {} \; 2>/dev/null

Dump users from DB

mysql -u drupaluser --password='2r9u8hu23t532erew' -e 'use drupal; select * from users'


Support HackTricks

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